Why is every new video game shit?

Oh yea Barotrauma is pretty cool, Regalis has a ton of creativity and has been showing it since a decade with his projects like SCP:CB

Some other modern indies I recommend:

-Into the breach, fantastic game everyone should play, especially if you are a strategy games fan.

-SCP: Secret Laboratory, its a pretty fun casual online shooter, were there are different factions that all have distinct objectives to win the round (ex: MTF have to kill all the other teams + save 2 scientists or handcuffed criminals), and the map is made of layouts that get changed every round, so you never play the same map variation 2 times in a row

-Blackwake is a casual online pirate combat simulation type game, were you gotta collaborate with your team to get more kills than the enemy before times runs out. You can create your own servers to play with friends, and only need 2 people per match cause the rest can be filled with bots.
It is cool. I played it with 3 other dudes and it was truly and unique experience. Too bad I suck.
Those who begun playing a bit before you, have the same feeling about games in 2004 :)
It's not the games, it's us the become older and our fascination with games is different.
Those who begun playing a bit before you, have the same feeling about games in 2004 :)
It's not the games, it's us the become older and our fascination with games is different.

I started in the 90s and my first video game was Alex Kidd in the Master System. Most of video game history was one where games would consistently get better, more innovative, complex and interesting year after year. Things only really started getting wastelandy around the later half of the 2010s. Nowadays there is very little innovation and everything is derivative, unambitious and generally dull.
Other than pointing to bad trends in the industry, there is less innovation because so much of what can be done in the medium has been done. We're not likely to get moments like Mario 64 or any other breakout innovation- either in tech or game mechanics (unless vr/ar manage it). Innovations or inspired moments will be fewer and be less of a high water mark moment than they used to be. The steps get smaller as things progress further. It's just harder to pull new stuff off these days.

Then keep in mind we are also getting older during this shift and our interest in games becomes less and less due to having played so much. Even great stuff will not have the impact it would have when you were a kid. This is true for more than just games. Childlike wonder doesn't last.
Is the modern AAA company just an embezzlement operation? Hundreds of employees and multi-millions in budget = 1 game every 5-6 years that is often released in a state that leads one to wonder how it passed through quality assurance and cookie-cutter gameplay but my gosh do those horse testicles look really porous and detailed!

Also, I'm taking a look at the Dead Space remake and it looks 'pretty' but the atmosphere and attention to detail are not there. nu-Issac looks like a fucking mark that you would mug in an alley (I don't care that they scanned the voice actor's face).

I think it's kinda insane to try to be all "Old game elitist" then state you think Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the "few good games that are worth it" lmao.

It's like if I made a thread about how good movies aren't being made anymore and then said the only good movie coming out is Black Adam lmao
In some respects, I do enjoy newer games as opposed to older ones. When I'm just down to have some fun at the end of the day I play some CS:GO with friends (10 year old game already but I suppose you could consider it new with the updates. :V)

However like I said, I find them great for a bit of dumb fun, nothing more than that.
I still like old school games with a modern take. Trans Tycoon is in dev. Make your fortune swapping body parts for wrong-body people and transvestites in disguise. Make moral/immoral judgements or use the scientific method without pre judgement and fill your back pockets.

Oh what fun.
I think it's kinda insane to try to be all "Old game elitist" then state you think Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the "few good games that are worth it" lmao.

It's like if I made a thread about how good movies aren't being made anymore and then said the only good movie coming out is Black Adam lmao

Walpknut's definition of a bad game:

Walpknut's definition of a good game:

Sorry, but I'm not going to value your opinion until you put on the glasses and stop eating from the trash can.
When you are a very young man you think out of your penisaurus. Shag, shag , shag, fuck fuck fuck.

When you are older you think " Hmmm I will finish this level then shag (x)* keep (x) happy.

* Where X is a consenting adult over the legal age.
Walpknut's definition of a bad game:

Walpknut's definition of a good game:

Sorry, but I'm not going to value your opinion until you put on the glasses and stop eating from the trash can.
A bit of a cherrypicked example. Also, a lot of the criticism of Cyberpunk has been it's deception and performance issues. Things were promised and shown off only to still not be included as well as being bugger than New Veags was at launch after all this time.I found there there was also a greater variety of choices and consequences in Outer Worlds despite actually liking 2077 better.
I like how his snappy comeback still shows Cyberpunk sucks lmao

Sorry, but I'm not going to value your opinion until you put on the glasses and stop eating from the trash can.

Bro you are literally praising the game that got taken out of the play store for sucking so much lmao You are literally ordering seconds from the transcan. I simply think Outerworlds is fun, 7/10, I have liked other games, you on the other hand think the spoiled donkey meat is gourmet.
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I think he was just saying that game you like is also shit which it is.
It isn't shit tho, and I simply gave it a 7/10 lmao
I think he is too invested in games he dislikes that he thinks shitting on a game who I just think is ok is gonna sting as much as me pointing out he is considering Cyberpunk "on of the good ones" lol

I mean if he wanted it to sting he might need to actually play games instead of simply dwelling in insular feedback loops.
It isn't shit tho, and I simply gave it a 7/10 lmao
I think he is too invested in games he dislikes that he thinks shitting on a game who I just think is ok is gonna sting as much as me pointing out he is considering Cyberpunk "on of the good ones" lol

I mean if he wanted it to sting he might need to actually play games instead of simply dwelling in insular feedback loops.
Nah it is shit. It is shit because it is a FPS RPG instead of a real one.
To be perfectly frank (very obscure reference), I am thinking in my own head, lots of old games were shite.

The newer exploitative games which entice peebles to buy their way to success are indeed the height of capitalist pig-doggery.
A new rating system should state " This game is targeted at 8 year old spoilt brat kids and older gullible people that are too dim to play ancient 1990' 2000's games "

Turd polishing simulator will be released late 2023.