Why modern games are worse and worse with passing years?

I wouldn't say modern games are "worse". Modern business practices certainly are but bad games aren't released anymore. The age of good vs bad in AAA gaming has long since passed. There is no modern equivelant to superman 64 or Bubsy 3D, or even Batman: Dark Tomorrow. We have reached a point where the vast majority of games are neither good or bad but just... meh. Most games feel overly similar to other games in its genre. There is overall a lack of any genre apart from fps or action rpg in AAA gaming. And most things must be open world. This gives me a simultaneous feeling of oversaturstion and severe deprivation depending on the genre in question.

We don't see a lot of survival horror anymore but when we do it tried to emulate either resident evil 4 (the evil withon or dead space) or games like amnesia or outlast. (Resident evil 7 and alien isolation here's to you)

We don't get weird mashups anymore like a survival horror beat em up (evil dead fistful of boomstick) or platforming shooter (jak and daxter or ratchet and clank) bleh.
We don't get action games with real puzzles like God of war. Hell the next god of war seems to be emulating the last of us of all things...
Polygon employs hack writers who are more content with talking about their feelings/entitlements than actually providing a decent article. I'm pretty sure this has been known.

Perfect example right here.
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Polygon defended the censorship of Fire Emblem fates then spent a lot of time trying to undermine Persona 5. Same with Kotaku. At this point I only check Rock paper shotgun and siliconera just to get news and facts about new releases. I know I won't get sandbagged articles about bullshit.
Polygon employs hack writers who are more content with talking about their feelings/entitlements than actually providing a decent article. I'm pretty sure this has been known.

Perfect example right here.


What bugs me is how 'youtube bait' VR is.

The games are janky wastes of time and money, yet people go "OOOH! AHHHH!"

Just pick up a fucking real gun and shoot it, its literally cheaper.

What bugs me is how 'youtube bait' VR is.

The games are janky wastes of time and money, yet people go "OOOH! AHHHH!"

Just pick up a fucking real gun and shoot it, its literally cheaper.
Shooting a real gun seems much more difficult (haven't done VR) than playing in VR. A lot of things need to be considered when taking that shot. I remember going to an M16 qualification course and the first 10-15 minutes were spent properly aligning the sights for me. Stance, cheek placement, alignment, and visualization are very important when making accurate shots.

I agree with VR being basically YT bait, but only in its current state. VR is in its early stages of practicality. A lot of our technology isn't at the point where its applications can be utilized to full potential. We might be on the cusp of breaking through, we might not. Whenever that happens, I will be in line waiting to get it.
Shooting a real gun seems much more difficult (haven't done VR) than playing in VR. A lot of things need to be considered when taking that shot. I remember going to an M16 qualification course and the first 10-15 minutes were spent properly aligning the sights for me. Stance, cheek placement, alignment, and visualization are very important when making accurate shots.

True, but that's worth it!

Afraid I've only ever fired .22lr and airguns, but damn it's fun!

You don't get the feedback in VR.

I agree with VR being basically YT bait, but only in its current state. VR is in its early stages of practicality. A lot of our technology isn't at the point where its applications can be utilized to full potential. We might be on the cusp of breaking through, we might not. Whenever that happens, I will be in line waiting to get it.

Oh make no mistake, it has potential, but the current controller setup is laughable.

Every VR game is basically 'shuffle around slowly' or 'you cannot move'.
or just shoot blowback airsoft..
.22lr seem the only common gun caliber you could shoot in here too
Here's your problem:

"that it’s an impossible feat to try and stay on top of them all. Even rolling back to older saves hasn’t been enough for me to undo some of my more disastrous accidents."

Modern gaming has pulled players away from bad choices. Players feel if they don't solve everything perfectly, that they've either played bad or have a bad game. The thought of having bad endings, alternate quest paths that lock out other factions and so on and so on is the problem. Nonlinear gameplay (to some extent, we all reach some ending unless it's an infinite sandbox) and multiple endings have fallen to the wayside. CoDBoPsII at least had that....

I can't pin this all on skyrim and casual gaming; it's a business practice. Making players feel good easily with some paper-tiger 'difficulty' or 'choices' is easier than actually giving them difficulty and choices. Making players omnipotent beings who solve everything is as old as gaming itself: even Ultima did it. Fallout did it, let's not kid ourselves, other than 1 we've never been at real risk for failure with effects seen in game. So on and so on.

But when the market is saturated with superhero-like protagonists a more natural character feels weak and underwhelming...choices that might cut off entire parts of the game or quests that make irrevocable outcomes are also shocking. (Though if a game continues after a 'disastrous accident' then the game is still playable, ain't it?!) Thus to the masses of players, it's something to avoid.
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He corrected himself to why is modern gaming journalism bad in the OP.
Oh gaming journalism is trash because they refuse to paint anything in a bad light or actually criticise anything. Still it's better than it used to be. Games used to be needlessly cryptic on purpose so nintendo power had a reason to exist.
Here's your problem:

"that it’s an impossible feat to try and stay on top of them all. Even rolling back to older saves hasn’t been enough for me to undo some of my more disastrous accidents."

Modern gaming has pulled players away from bad choices. Players feel if they don't solve everything perfectly, that they've either played bad or have a bad game. The thought of having bad endings, alternate quest paths that lock out other factions and so on and so on is the problem. Nonlinear gameplay (to some extent, we all reach some ending unless it's an infinite sandbox) and multiple endings have fallen to the wayside. CoDBoPsII at least had that....

I can't pin this all on skyrim and casual gaming; it's a business practice. Making players feel good easily with some paper-tiger 'difficulty' or 'choices' is easier than actually giving them difficulty and choices. Making players omnipotent beings who solve everything is as old as gaming itself: even Ultima did it. Fallout did it, let's not kid ourselves, other than 1 we've never been at real risk for failure with effects seen in game. So on and so on.

But when the market is saturated with superhero-like protagonists a more natural character feels weak and underwhelming...choices that might cut off entire parts of the game or quests that make irrevocable outcomes are also shocking. (Though if a game continues after a 'disastrous accident' then the game is still playable, ain't it?!) Thus to the masses of players, it's something to avoid.
That's why I'm patiently waiting for No Truce with the Furies. I want to see how a game that marketed itself as a game about failures would do in an industry choke full of power fantasies.

Also, on topic of game critics
Here's your problem:

"that it’s an impossible feat to try and stay on top of them all. Even rolling back to older saves hasn’t been enough for me to undo some of my more disastrous accidents."

Going to be honest, playing Fallout 1-2, I don't do perfect runs, whereas in HR I did.

I feel as though modern games are sufficiently boring that getting anything but 'everything' feels lacking.
That's why I'm patiently waiting for No Truce with the Furies. I want to see how a game that marketed itself as a game about failures would do in an industry choke full of power fantasies.

Also, on topic of game critics

I hadn't heard of this, looks neat.
Gaming journalism. Take this retard and his Div:OS2 review for recent example.

TL;DR of this trash article - game provides too much freedom and I DON'T LIKE IT. WHY DO THEY GIVE PLAYERS SO MUCH FREEDOM? I WANT TO EXPLORE THE MAP AND RIDE THE STORY RAILS. I'm an imbecile who writes articles for "polygon".
tl;dr of this trash post: game reviewer likes but isn't 150% in love with a game I deem perfect and I DON'T LIKE IT. WHY ARE PEOPLE ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS ON THINGS? I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO AGREE WITH ME. I'm an imbecile who didn't even notice the author isn't a "he".
Games are shit these day and you know why ? Its people's fucking fault. Now hear me out. The conclusion I fourm is that the more people that like something or 'buy' something the more shit it becomes. Like fidgit spiners there kinda cool I guess till every fucker owned one ? Fallout was cool intill everyone become a falloout critic after playing fallout 4. Cod used to be cool intill everyone started to love it. I mean TV was even cool in till fucking people started getting 2 in there house. Even the iphone was good intill every 6 year old kid has one.

I think that really it is the popular something is the more shit it becomes. Its the pretty much the same with everything. I can't really think about one thing that has got 'better' after it got more popular. Well I mean of course some thing are defiantly good.For example fallout NV but that is no where near as popular as fallout 4 and 3. This happens with TV shows and movies too. I might just bw me but I think last seasson of game of thrones got shitter too compeared to early seassons.

But hey who am I to say people ruin everything
Well, @lolpop109 , in a way you are right. The publishers nowadays aim for the highest profit with the least amount of effort (look at F2P games, lootboxes, yearly releases, etc). So, what's the point of creating a unique fun experience, where you can rehash the same stuff over and over again, while the dumb masses will buy it.

Games that rely on hype, on trademark, etc. Overall, the publishers and such nickel and dime us at every point, because we let them. First was horse armour dlc, now we have got microtransactions, Play to win Games, season passes, preorders, etc.

If creation club succedds, you can bet future bugthesda games will do the same and other companies will follow suit, since they will see the profit. Heck look at Warner Bros, profiting from the death of their Coworker. To sum up, industry is shit towards clients and gamers in general. The number of games, that I buy nowadays is low, because I don't want to be ripped of by the companies.

The few that I like and respect: Witcher 3 (not best game, but two good expansions that add a ton of content), Dying Light (no bullshit dlc policy, one good expansion that adds more story and mechanics), New Vegas to an extent (I mean it's dlc are great, but when they were released they cost like 15$, which is a bit overpriced).

Then there is Stellaris, with already like three dlcs, which add too little for too much money or the bullshit season pass of shitout 4, with two actual dlcs, one mini dlcs and some workshop items, that were done by the mods in a better way.

Basically, there are few companies nowadays that do not try this type of bullshit, but they are far and between.

Then again, games like COD still sell, no matter how copy pasted are they, so I guess, this trend will continue.
Going on a tangent here, since people keep mentioning CoD.

TBH CoD has been the same, shitty experience ever since CoD2 was released barring a few exceptions (MW2 and BO2). It's popularity only sparked for the series because CoD4 was released at the right time to make it a financial and critical success. Every CoD after it has been riding the momentum caused by CoD4. Many of the players who started with CoD4 are still buying every CoD title in hopes that it will be just as "amazing" as CoD4 was. Now that CoD4 has been remade for current gen gaming, people are starting to take off their rose-tinted glasses and see the fundamental flaws of CoD's design as well as the overt monetization of every aspect of their games.
Well, @lolpop109 , in a way you are right. The publishers nowadays aim for the highest profit with the least amount of effort (look at F2P games, lootboxes, yearly releases, etc). So, what's the point of creating a unique fun experience, where you can rehash the same stuff over and over again, while the dumb masses will buy it.

Games that rely on hype, on trademark, etc. Overall, the publishers and such nickel and dime us at every point, because we let them. First was horse armour dlc, now we have got microtransactions, Play to win Games, season passes, preorders, etc.

If creation club succedds, you can bet future bugthesda games will do the same and other companies will follow suit, since they will see the profit. Heck look at Warner Bros, profiting from the death of their Coworker. To sum up, industry is shit towards clients and gamers in general. The number of games, that I buy nowadays is low, because I don't want to be ripped of by the companies.

The few that I like and respect: Witcher 3 (not best game, but two good expansions that add a ton of content), Dying Light (no bullshit dlc policy, one good expansion that adds more story and mechanics), New Vegas to an extent (I mean it's dlc are great, but when they were released they cost like 15$, which is a bit overpriced).

Then there is Stellaris, with already like three dlcs, which add too little for too much money or the bullshit season pass of Fallout 4, with two actual dlcs, one mini dlcs and some workshop items, that were done by the mods in a better way.

Basically, there are few companies nowadays that do not try this type of bullshit, but they are far and between.

Then again, games like COD still sell, no matter how copy pasted are they, so I guess, this trend will continue.

On the flip so though the games they don't have that brand power that arn't brought buy the masses will have to try extra hard to make there game. Therefore the way forward in vidoe games is defo indie. I mean they are the best game surely because there not popular meaning two things. There not overpriced and they also have to try harder otherwise they will fail. Indie games are the best games.

Not even going to go in all the DLC bullshit because I can't be bothered too spend half an hour typing :|
Going on a tangent here, since people keep mentioning CoD.

TBH CoD has been the same, shitty experience ever since CoD2 was released barring a few exceptions (MW2 and BO2). It's popularity only sparked for the series because CoD4 was released at the right time to make it a financial and critical success. Every CoD after it has been riding the momentum caused by CoD4. Many of the players who started with CoD4 are still buying every CoD title in hopes that it will be just as "amazing" as CoD4 was. Now that CoD4 has been remade for current gen gaming, people are starting to take off their rose-tinted glasses and see the fundamental flaws of CoD's design as well as the overt monetization of every aspect of their games.

Yeah but I think that people had some valid arguments for liking COD. And I mean all cods before and including Black ops 2.

I mean they had good gun models and animations (Probably the best around). Good graphics. Voice acting was actually okay. Good length campaign. And then from Morden warefare they had good multiplayer too (Thats been ruined now because of micro translation.

Now cod ww2 has shitty grahpics compered to BF1 it has bad reload animation also. Can't comment for voice acting. Muitplayer dumb down with new classes no perks anymore. And its full of mirco transatcions. Games like BF1 are far better than that to be honest.

Online shooters are good but there simple and you have to get the simple things right COD has pretty much done that everything and I see why people like it. But now there other games that are completely out performing them. E.g BF1 in visual and gameplay. Cod in its day was still a trailblazer and a bar setter for online muitplayers for sure. But now there the same ever year.

Also talk about making a 'generic' game. Cod ww2. Sounds about the most generic game like ever ? This title sounds like one of the frist games ever on the genis or something. Talkig about trying to appeal to a big market.