Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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I quite liked the Persuasion minigame - it helped stop it just being point-click dialog all the time but was still dependent on RP elements.

Oblivion was dumbed down from MW though. I wouldn't say Fallout 3 is worse than Oblivion for it though - they are about on par really - but it's happening to all games now as everything shifts to consoles.
The persuasion minigame sucked only if you were after believability and actual roleplaying (most people who seriously play rpgs are). Think about it, you are basically threatening, joking, and complimenting a person in what I hope is an attempt at a conversation. If you actually imagine joking with an imperial guard, then complimenting them, and then intimidating them right after is realistic at all, then I really don't want to know what some of your conversations are like. Also, how can you tell a "little" joke or compliment. The bigger the pie slice, the more your action affected the NPCs reaction towards you (which was displayed as a number - handholding).

Also, every single NPC would take a bribe. I don't know if this is believable in the TES world, but it certainly made me think.
jamesmcm said:
I quite liked the Persuasion minigame - it helped stop it just being point-click dialog all the time but was still dependent on RP elements.

Oblivion was dumbed down from MW though. I wouldn't say Fallout 3 is worse than Oblivion for it though - they are about on par really - but it's happening to all games now as everything shifts to consoles.

Then what's the point of the "Speech craft" skill, if all you need to do is work the mini game?

Same goes for lock picking. I can have a skill of 1, and as long as I"m good at the lockpick game, I can unlock any lock in the game. This type of choice = BROKEN.

Not every game is being dumbed down. Paradox makes spectacular, complex games, and chooses to ensure that it's fans are happy with each new release, rather than pander and make generic "Rome: Total War" games to sell millions.

Beth should take note.
Well the skill makes the mini game easier. Even still, I would like to reiterate that in rpgs, player skill should be eliminated in place of character skill, since you are taking on a role.

Edited out some huh?
I played Fallout 3 for a while. Though I've never finished Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 I got far enough to where even today I sit there and say 'hey i wanna play that game again'
Fallout 3, though admittedly the graphics are awesome and the new battle system is okay, and the story line is... well it's a storyline I suppose... I didn't get into it as much as I got into Fallout 1 and 2.
I can say, to me Fallout 3 really let me down. I was hoping it would be so fricken awesome and it would be one of those games that made me want to come back to it... just thinking about playing that game right now kind of upsets me on how much they changed EVERYTHING.
I know, I know, they said 'we're changing fallout 3' blah blah blah... But still, couldn't they have made it more like Fallout 1 or Fallout 2? I suppose not... hehehehe....
Hell, I tried my friend's copy of the game and I know I'd rather not buy the game myself.
To answer this question we have to look at the game industry, what happen to it in 10 years? When Fallout one was released, this wasn't so big buissnes, the games in that times was mostly been make "by gamers for gamers" with low budget. Today it's even more cash-making stuff than the hollywood. There is no time to make a deep game, there is need to make shiny but yet empty games and most of the money goest to the promotional stuff. In our times the graphic was 20% of the whole game production time, but today with all that amazing technology it takes to much time to release a game with only great graphic... so thing's like story, logic of the world, npc, are thing that take to much time to develop, and slowly art of making this things is on his way to lost completly. today only action and superb graphic is important to the young players, so why waste time on these things?

My anwser is yes and no. Yes becouse we will talk about this game more than any fanboy base, and in this community the game will be remembered;]

And no, becouse "target" of this game will be playing in GTA4 and GOW2 very soon;] Todays players dont care about games like we care about good old games of our youth, becouse there is no passion in todays releases, there is only super graphic and amazing AAx16Q! And they play in the games , like we eat pizza;)

I want say hello to all of You guys and sorry for my english, eat me:(
It will be remembered for longer than the crappy Van Buren tech demo that's for sure :lol: Van Buren and FO1 & 2 always felt clunky to me.

"shaping up to be a great game" my arse :roll:

That said, I feel that FO3 was good and will be remembered if only by the modding community, but could have been better though... Shame Its up to the modders to make it better...
Nuchaleft said:
That said, I feel that FO3 was good and will be remembered if only by the modding community, but could have been better though... Its up to the modders to make it better...

And you will still be prising Bethesda for Fo3 that needed to be modded to be good? While Bethesda will be pissing all over modders.

Good, good luck with that way of thinking.
I guess the future for complex and intelligent gaming is the PC platform. Not because of the games for it, but because of the mod-ability.

You take a bland, simple game like Rome:Total War. You would be always trapped to the same game if all the scripting, attributes , model distributing and skills weren't in simple .txt files. Most of skins are in TGA and all models are in .cas, openable by 3dsmax, so even newbie modders can really upgrade the game. It spawned many mods, predictably a lord of the rings mod, a Rome Total Realism mod and the most complex of all, Europa Barbarorum. The EB team took the RTW engine to its limits, and the result was simply grand(http://www.europabarbarorum.com/). i would still play if my cd hadn't scratched :( . Intelligent gaming is in the hands of the pc modders and players, and more complex games will mean more and more work. Fortunately companies like Paradox still care about intelligence and other companies are making their games more moddable. Future depends on the Internet.
Fallout 3 will be remembered because it sold well, easily outselling the previous two games combined without breaking a sweat. It's now known by a larger player base than it was before meaning that more money will come in down the line since it's now a more recognizable brand.

The fact that one can 'easily' mod it (don't have to wait a decade for a worthwhile mod to come out aside from one that changes my car color) will add its length of livelyhood.

And all the people that are making it seem that gamers of old were PhD candidates and the gamers today are retarded junkies - try to make yourselves feel better any way you want, but goddamn.
Marx said:
Fallout 3 will be remembered because it sold well, easily outselling the previous two games combined without breaking a sweat. It's now known by a larger player base than it was before meaning that more money will come in down the line since it's now a more recognizable brand.
Note that you are comparing gaming 11 YEARS ago, to todays gaming. A lot less people played games, when compared to now.
The figures cannot be DIRECTLY compared.

Marx said:
The fact that one can 'easily' mod it (don't have to wait a decade for a worthwhile mod to come out aside from one that changes my car color) will add its length of livelyhood.
Many games are moddable, but will they really be remebered that long ? Maybe for few years, but not 11 years. The game lacks the QUALITY to accomplish that.

Marx said:
And all the people that are making it seem that gamers of old were PhD candidates and the gamers today are retarded junkies - try to make yourselves feel better any way you want, but goddamn.
Well, objectively, fallout 3 is simple, in the aspects of RPG games, when compared to games like the previous Fallouts or Planescape:Torment. And it is easy. So easy i had to play on VERY HARD to DIE even few times. As long as i used stims, and vats, i was nearly immortal.
Patton89 said:
Note that you are comparing gaming 11 YEARS ago, to todays gaming. A lot less people played games, when compared to now.
The figures cannot be DIRECTLY compared.

They can be directly compared, it's just you don't like the results

Patton89 said:
Many games are moddable, but will they really be remebered that long ? Maybe for few years, but not 11 years. The game lacks the QUALITY to accomplish that.

You're here in a fan community, of course it's remembered here. And it wasn't the gameplay of the original fallout that kept people coming here, it was the release of other semi-fallouts, the potential release of the original fallout 3, and finally the release of the Bethesda brand Fallout 3.

We were teased with information and plagued with letdown to the point of erection-bursting, it's really no wonder that there's so much vitriol here.

But vitriol doesn't change anything.

Patton89 said:
Well, objectively, fallout 3 is simple, in the aspects of RPG games, when compared to games like the previous Fallouts or Planescape:Torment. And it is easy. So easy i had to play on VERY HARD to DIE even few times. As long as i used stims, and vats, i was nearly immortal.

Lets not pretend that Fallout 1/2 were shining beacons of balance and unbroken game mechanics in CRPGs

At least we have the means to fix things as we see fit.
1. Simply ignoring to read my post doesnt work as a argument, i said you cant directly compare, because the amount of players playing today, on those 3 platforms is huge when compared to the amount of people playing with PC back then. You have to first calculate how many more people play now ,(preferrably on the PC) and then use those figures to determine how much more, RELATIVELY, fallout 3 sold. Otherwise those figures are useless. Compare it to other multi platform games that have been released lately.

2. I have not played Fallout games for 11 years, however i did play them few years before i played fallout 3. I joined NMA just a short time ago. And i am objective, fallout 3 is just a mediocre game with some good parts. Not amazing RPG, not amazing FPS. It is not awful game. Just a awful sequel.

3. Well, did i say Fallouts were greatest cRPGs made ? They are great, but not the best. That title is preserved to Planescape. And at least Fallout wasnt AS exploitable as fallout 3 with its use as many stims as you want during combat, and 10% VATS damage. Stats are useless in fallout 3, as are most non-combat skills, and even combat skills to a certain point.
(cheers for Patton89) Love your statement Patton ^-^ because yeah, by the 3 points you are pointing out you have good points there. :-)
Patton89 said:
1. Simply ignoring to read my post doesnt work as a argument, i said you cant directly compare, because the amount of players playing today, on those 3 platforms is huge when compared to the amount of people playing with PC back then. You have to first calculate how many more people play now ,(preferrably on the PC) and then use those figures to determine how much more, RELATIVELY, fallout 3 sold. Otherwise those figures are useless. Compare it to other multi platform games that have been released lately.
That point doesn't have any bearing on this issue. You aren't suggesting that it won't be remembered more than the first two games, you are telling us WHY it WILL be remembered more than the first two games. That's the whole point. It's more accessible and it's reaching a much bigger audience. Of course it will be remembered more.
Dionysus said:
That point doesn't have any bearing on this issue. You aren't suggesting that it won't be remembered more than the first two games, you are telling us WHY it WILL be remembered more than the first two games. That's the whole point. It's more accessible and it's reaching a much bigger audience. Of course it will be remembered more.

He was using it as a part of his argument, to show that it sold well. HE WAS comparing fallout 3 sales to sales of Fallout 11 years ago.
The impact of Fallouts wasnt as small as it seems now, because you arent comparing it to other similar titles of the era. The audience effected by fallout 3 might not be that much more larger, if you take into account the amount of gamers back then AnD the amount the game sold back then.

You need to look at CURRENT games that are multiplatform to get a sense how well fallout 3 sold, not previous games made 10+ years ago.

And fallout 3 is mainstream title, made to appease less critical gamers. Fallout never was that mainstream.

And honestly, do people remember Unreal ? Or Quake 2 ?
Those are games that sold well.
Games need to leave a impact on the gamer, so they will be able to remember them. You need more than numbers sold to do that, you need personality. THAT fallout 3 lacks.
Patton89 said:
He was using it as a part of his argument, to show that it sold well. HE WAS comparing fallout 3 sales to sales of Fallout 11 years ago.
Of course he was. I think you are missing his point, because you seem to actually agree. All he said is that FO3 would be remembered more than FO1&2 because it is more popular. More people will remember it if only because more people will play it. That's almost indisputable. You certainly don't seem disagree.

Patton89 said:
The impact of Fallouts wasnt as small as it seems now, because you arent comparing it to other similar titles of the era. The audience effected by fallout 3 might not be that much more larger, if you take into account the amount of gamers back then AnD the amount the game sold back then.
OK, although this isn't really related to the original point, let's compare FO1 to other RPGs from the late 90s. How well remembered is FO1 relative to Final Fantasy VII? How about Diablo? Be honest. And what exactly will outshine FO3? Fable 2? That's really the only competition, and FO3 is already getting more critical success, even if it fails to match Fable 2's sales in the long term.
Are you even reading my posts ?
Stop putting words in to my mouth. I do not agree with him. fallout 3 is not relatively THAT succesfull, that it will become THE title of the series.
fallout 3, 3 platforms. More mainstream. More mainstream audience, who tend to forget the games they played after the next big thing.
Fallout is a computer game. non-mainstream. 11 years, or even more, and people still tend to remember.

And will fallout 3 be remembered ? NO. It didnt sell that well, now did it, when compared to other games that came out in the saem time span ? and it isnt amazing game, or a game that has anything remarkable. Mediocre.
And marx has claimed that fallouts were a financial failure. And that they werent.

FFVII is a JRPG. In the consoles.
Diablo is a hack'n slash game, a-rpg. And yes, it sold more.
If units sold means its better game, and that it will be remembered, why dont people remember Quake 2 that sold 1 million ?
Because it was mainstream game.
They will rarely be remembered for a long time.
And even then they will have to have a great quality and something unique about them. Fallout 3 has none of these.