Vault Fossil

The EMP premise, while not perfect, is certainly the most plausible and interesting out of the lot. Zombies are overplayed as all hell, financial breakdowns dosn't cause apocalypses (not without foreign invasion at any rate, and as far as I am concerned any Red Dawn-ish scenarios are immediately dismissed) and asteroids are way too Armageddon-ish.
That said, saying an EMP hitting all of the US (the improbable logistics of which being ignored) would turn off all electricity is... well not wrong, but incomplete. There are several devices (especially used by the government or large private corporations) that are shielded against EMP. Not everyday light switches, obviously, but crucial stuff like key communications, servers, ect. Hence, the government would retain some capacity of communication and intervention, so complete societal collapse is unlikely (not to mention foreign aid is a variable, unless the whole damn world either completely hates the US or has been EMP'ed too). Then again, it's fiction, and it happens in a rural area, so I guess we can bypass all that.
Haiti is, shall we say, a special case, a far cry from rural US. And I never heard about people being chopped to death with machetes in New Orleans; thefts and some murders, sure, but nothing outstanding. I think (especially in rural areas where people are farther apart) shit will not hit the fan that quickly. Once people start running out of food and other essential supplies, however... Basically, cities are fucked up, and my best guess is that small rural communities will spring up to survive (much easier in Alabama, this region will likely suffer much less than big cities like New York), until the government get it's shit together and starts rebuilding the network. Guess you could add the conflicts THAT would cause in later chapters/sequels.
That said, saying an EMP hitting all of the US (the improbable logistics of which being ignored) would turn off all electricity is... well not wrong, but incomplete. There are several devices (especially used by the government or large private corporations) that are shielded against EMP. Not everyday light switches, obviously, but crucial stuff like key communications, servers, ect. Hence, the government would retain some capacity of communication and intervention, so complete societal collapse is unlikely (not to mention foreign aid is a variable, unless the whole damn world either completely hates the US or has been EMP'ed too). Then again, it's fiction, and it happens in a rural area, so I guess we can bypass all that.
If you look at natural catastrophies, society breaks down in three days or less. In Haiti, they were chopping fellow victims up with machetes within three days of the quake and fighting for water. Same thing in New Orleans.
Haiti is, shall we say, a special case, a far cry from rural US. And I never heard about people being chopped to death with machetes in New Orleans; thefts and some murders, sure, but nothing outstanding. I think (especially in rural areas where people are farther apart) shit will not hit the fan that quickly. Once people start running out of food and other essential supplies, however... Basically, cities are fucked up, and my best guess is that small rural communities will spring up to survive (much easier in Alabama, this region will likely suffer much less than big cities like New York), until the government get it's shit together and starts rebuilding the network. Guess you could add the conflicts THAT would cause in later chapters/sequels.