Working on a concept for an Apocalyptic novel...

DammitBoy said:
I hold to the "three day" truism.

Look at what was happening three days into the haiti earthquake disaster. Young men with machetes taking food, clothing, and drugs from survivors, som raped, some killed.

Katrina three days in was a hellhole, with police shooting unarmed civilians.

They say we are three days from starvation if there was a fuel shortage. Because all of our foods are trucked into the towns and cities. Not much is grown locally.

I like the mormon method of storing enough food to survive a long term disaster. But how much food can you realistically pack away? Wouldn't you at some point need to produce your own food?

Not always. Why do people have such low expectations in people?
Sabirah said:
DammitBoy said:
I hold to the "three day" truism.

Look at what was happening three days into the haiti earthquake disaster. Young men with machetes taking food, clothing, and drugs from survivors, som raped, some killed.

Katrina three days in was a hellhole, with police shooting unarmed civilians.

They say we are three days from starvation if there was a fuel shortage. Because all of our foods are trucked into the towns and cities. Not much is grown locally.

I like the mormon method of storing enough food to survive a long term disaster. But how much food can you realistically pack away? Wouldn't you at some point need to produce your own food?

Not always. Why do people have such low expectations in people?

Walpknut said:
Sabirah said:
DammitBoy said:
I hold to the "three day" truism.

Look at what was happening three days into the haiti earthquake disaster. Young men with machetes taking food, clothing, and drugs from survivors, som raped, some killed.

Katrina three days in was a hellhole, with police shooting unarmed civilians.

They say we are three days from starvation if there was a fuel shortage. Because all of our foods are trucked into the towns and cities. Not much is grown locally.

I like the mormon method of storing enough food to survive a long term disaster. But how much food can you realistically pack away? Wouldn't you at some point need to produce your own food?

Not always. Why do people have such low expectations in people?


Which contains just as many if not more examples of human kindness.
Sabirah said:
Walpknut said:
Sabirah said:
DammitBoy said:
I hold to the "three day" truism.

Look at what was happening three days into the haiti earthquake disaster. Young men with machetes taking food, clothing, and drugs from survivors, som raped, some killed.

Katrina three days in was a hellhole, with police shooting unarmed civilians.

They say we are three days from starvation if there was a fuel shortage. Because all of our foods are trucked into the towns and cities. Not much is grown locally.

I like the mormon method of storing enough food to survive a long term disaster. But how much food can you realistically pack away? Wouldn't you at some point need to produce your own food?

Not always. Why do people have such low expectations in people?


Which contains just as many if not more examples of human kindness.
Source? Humans are nto known for beign rational and kin individuals in extreme situations, some manage to do it, but is more frequent for everythign to go to hell..... and also what would be the point of a story where there is no conflict because peopel were nice after the apocalypse?
Walpknut said:
Source? Humans are nto known for beign rational and kin individuals in extreme situations, some manage to do it, but is more frequent for everythign to go to hell..... and also what would be the point of a story where there is no conflict because peopel were nice after the apocalypse?

Praise Allah spelling dude.

there's tons of examples. Shivaji and his treatment of us Muslims, Mother Theresa, Pretty much the entire history of Modern and premodern medicine, Jesus, Mohammed, and the creation on democracy. There can be a ton of conflict just surviving the elements of the post-whatever world dammitboy is making.
The creation of democracy wasn't an act of divine kidness tat happened because good people decided to do so...... and the other examples are little moments that seem more like the esception rather than the rule....and two of them are only dependant on wheher you beleive the stories of the texts they came from Sabirah.
mobucks said:
DammitBoy said:
IWouldn't you at some point need to produce your own food?

Oops, i see now you say at some point. Well in that case, it depends what the situation is. Many factors to consider. Is soil still useable for a harvest? Are animals/bugs an option?

Or are they contaminated? If so, you'd be pretty screwed. If it was nuclear winter, I personally would attempt to peel back a 6'' layer of soul and start crop rotation like shady sands.

There is no fallout or nuclear winter. High altitude detonations have very little fallout.
there's tons of examples. Shivaji and his treatment of us Muslims, Mother Theresa, Pretty much the entire history of Modern and premodern medicine, Jesus, Mohammed, and the creation on democracy. There can be a ton of conflict just surviving the elements of the post-whatever world dammitboy is making.

Most people can be altruistic, very few will be when they discover the real meaning of the word 'hunger'.

Hope this helps.
Well said.

To continue the discussion of the OP, So I would imagine, a more rural area would be less affected than the "city folk". Cities would crumble into disorder under the weight of the people unable to sustain themselves. The first "raiders" could be the people ill equipped in experience to live life without electricty.
Yoshi525 said:
Most people can be altruistic, very few will be when they discover the real meaning of the word 'hunger'.

Hope this helps.

But even in times of hardship back in the day, people rarely turned to violence.

I'm not saying there wouldn't be a lot of problems. But it wouldn't be Soft Apocalypse/The Road bad. Just bad overall.