10 Shots 20
3 Corners 5
10 Fouls 15
9 Cautions 7
2 Expulsions 2
This changed the figures. Remember that from the three barbaric tackles on Ronaldo only one had a yellow card shown. And yet we did only 10 fouls and the dutch 15. 11 cards for 9 fouls, not bad. The dutch started a war,
using the same tactics the Brazilian used against them in the 1974 World Cup, tried to
kick a player out of the game (or carreer, Van Basten at least thought of that i'm sure), Petit gets pushed and steped on the ground and no red card, Van der Sar steps Sabrosa and nothing happens, Figo puts his forehead on Van Bommels, he looks at Figo for a few seconds than dives in the ground, Shakespeare style, Van Basten screams at Eitinga to not give a ball back to the portuguese wich was the lowest display of fair play possible, and yet the british press starts a campaign against the evil portuguese. And then we had more three games than Holland, so we would always have more cards than them, and without that game there wasn't anything special, it screws the averages completely.
The reason was that they were scared. In club matches the english clubs had two Champions finals wining one, while Portugal had one with one win, and two UEFA Cup finals where they lost one and won one, against two from Portugal with one win, wich is balanced but in nacional team matches they only have quarter finals, and Portugal now has two semi finals ans a final.
Roy Hodson from the FIFA technical board had started the pressure on referees against Portugal prior to the championship, and continued throught the tournament doing it. You see we have two powers that see themselves as established trying to fight a raising one.
And when the hard power from Holland failed, the soft power became a necessity. Although all the latin teams and many players in the premiership do the dives, suddently only the portuguese were doing it. Not the italians, that won the match against the australians like that, but the rising poers that was threatening the cool britania.
Terry Badoo on CNN and the indian guy from BBC join hands with the tabloids in putting pressure on the referee and the portuguese players, and things get ridiculous.
When the anglo saxon cultural hegemony uses it's tools at full extent in the globalized world things get nasty. Forget about the fact that
Rooney steped Ricardo Carvalho like this, and that it wasn't the first moment
he lost it during the tournament.
Forget about the fact they lost because they suck at penalties and Ricardo is a specialist, and because Rooney lost it again, or because England had never played a single good match until then, and had still not played against a good team, and when they did they saw they weren't that good...
The anglo saxon cultural aparatus for the globalization went to the point of not reporting what Sven Ericksson said when asked about what mean things the portuguese were going to make.
He said "I know Portugal, I worked there for five years and they have a great love for footbal, with great and passionate players, they aren't diferent from any other team". And my favorite sentence "of course Portugal is a team with fair play".
You know how many televised newscasts talked about those sentences in England and Holland Welsh? One. How many newspapers? Zero.
So they intoxicated an audience ready to hold on to something, instead of dealing with the frustrations they had. An escape goat, and what better in England than a foreigner? Hey they had done everything to attack Sven, and he is swedish, so why not a latin? This was the WC of latin countries, with three on the semis and a SA latin country and an EU latin country playing some of the best football of the cup (Argentina and Spain). So yeah, the old xenophobia from the english and the interests ties from the americans helped in the media fallout. they just needed to say what the frustrated fans wanted to hear, that's the same everywhere, only they have the power to make opinions gobal in a more efective way.
Raising powers, established powers, the media and the lack of critical aproaches and care with facts, doesn't this remind you of something Welsh?
Like the world in the 21st century...
Others are having the oposite reaction to this campaign, and like in the real world things will get ugly with that reaction. But that's another story, for another time.
At the end no matter what our younger friends say, i'm with my scotish, argentinian and irish friends, saying
Ps.: In the end of the match with Portugal Domenech was saying loudly, in french "Ahah i fucked you good this time". You know at least he is honest, unlike van Basten. Oh well, that's life, we'll get him good too sometime