Worst Youtube Let's Play/Reviewer

Worst Let's Player/Reviewer on Youtube

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Far Cry Primal is painfully average. It has you doing similar things over and over. The graphics could be better, and there's no much to interact with in the world. Combat is OK, but stealth is atrocious due to terrible AI. The characters are bland and their motivations make no sense. (paraphrased, points he made in FC4 review)

:clap::rofl: Holy shit Matty, sure you're not talking about Fallout 4?
Exactly the same in No Man's Sky. And he will do it more times, don't you worry
For female Youtubers I recommend GirlGamerGab. I only watched the Metal Gear plays, but at least those I liked.
And apparently all dutch girls living in Japan know each other, so she's friends with Stefanie Joosten:

This reminds me that Stefanie Joosten actually streamed some MGS 5 a while back and even found a new method to beat herself in that game:
I don't normally hate any youtuber, just move on and never give them views. Though I do have ones I dislike so very much; Angry Joe, PauseUnpause, PaladinV0ci, and I swear there were others that I can't remember.

Angry Joe I dislike for his shitty hispanic thing he tries to do and just obnoxious behavior.
PauseUnpause because he is an annoying twat.
PaladinV0ci because he is a little bitch who tried to ride AlChestBreach's (I quite like Al actually especially his billtcm channel) coat tail and had/has the most grating voice I have ever heard.

The other youtube stars I have seen mentioned in this tread don't bother me because I never watch or watched their shit so I am good in that department.
For female Youtubers I recommend GirlGamerGab. I only watched the Metal Gear plays, but at least those I liked.
And apparently all dutch girls living in Japan know each other, so she's friends with Stefanie Joosten:

Hey, she just started a Bloodborne series! :D
Why the dislike for Jim Sterling? I find him a much needed voice of reason in the industry. I don't always agree with him, but that's not something you can expect. His crusade against pre-order bullshit, shady developers and early access gold diggers is something I can definitely get behind anyway.

If I recall, Jim Sterling was talking shit towards people about fallout 4 and why they believe the review he gave it was absolute bullshit. Instead of double-checking his work, he attacked the main audience and called them shitface children or some other crap, which apparently, insulting your audience because they're skeptical of your critique makes them really pissed off and will leave, killing off nearly half of your ad revenue, WHO THE FUCK KNEW?!
I say mrmattplays on a boosting website. I don't know why hes the most watched bethesda game studio guy I watch his videos of fallout 4 and they feel like a bunch on shit. He liikes well i really hate this and hatw this and thisisn't that good but hey actually fallout 4 is good. WTF !?
I find that for as much shit Jim Sterling plays, he does indeed have a very important voice for the community. I disagree with a lot of what he says, and even if he is a knob at times, he does put focus on the shitty ideas the industry throws at us.

I liken his later stuff to an early Angry Joe, before he took himself too seriously and was just this guy on YouTube who saw bullshit where he could smell it.

Also on the topic of Pewdiepie earlier, I don't watch his stuff, but he seems like a decent enough guy.
His Twitter is at times a beautiful masterpiece.
I highly recommend his Twitter over his YouTube if you want to see some A-Grade comedy.

I also still want to remind people that I think Razorfist is the worst YouTube reviewer.
Also, while he isn't a reviewer as such and I wouldn't call him the worst, when Alphaomegasin has a bad video, it's really awful. He just goes bat shit insane over nothing. I hate to use the term man child, but he does act like one at times.
Like I said, I don't dislike him and he does have some good content.
Razorfist is a bit of a mixed bag for me. He has a terrible taste in music most of the time and is an annoying cunt all the time, and his video game opinions are even worse than his music taste, but sometimes he is mildly amusing.
Ok, not much of a mixed bag. He's just not terrible 100%, only like 90%.
If I recall, Jim Sterling was talking shit towards people about fallout 4 and why they believe the review he gave it was absolute bullshit. Instead of double-checking his work, he attacked the main audience and called them shitface children or some other crap, which apparently, insulting your audience because they're skeptical of your critique makes them really pissed off and will leave, killing off nearly half of your ad revenue, WHO THE FUCK KNEW?!

Any idea where I can find some more detailed info on this? I'm curious.
Any idea where I can find some more detailed info on this? I'm curious.
In class right now, but http://www.thejimquisition.com/fallout-4-review-s-p-e-c-i-a-l/ here's the review for now, it's pretty sad, since he's given it a ridiculous score.

I'll add more after class, but another word: He also thinks that Fallout 4 is 'brilliant' because you can have multiple relationships at once, an obvious fucking bug that was left bare.

This entire moment has created some inner disagreement with the viewers, so it's pretty amusing that despite all this, he still refuses see Fallout 4's flaws.
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Of course, that's your opinion and i'm not arguing :ok:
I don't hate Alchestbreach. I just don't like the direction he has taken the last year. I wound say he is bad, If he camwhored for NV first then went to F4 I probably wouldn't care, but it feels like he is selling himself out because his camwhoring is limited to a game he has led his audience to think he does not like. I still think he's talented, just wish he would do what he wants to do, instead of doing things for views.