First time out of the vault

First off, hello everyone, since this is my first posting here (and hopefully not my last) i would like to greet you all.
Alltough i am kind off scared that you might, lets say, smash me, firstly fpr my rather poor english skills, and secondly for my lack off knowledge on Fallout (I just stumbled over it about half a year ago, so i am in no way part off the "community" like most off you seem to be), I would like to ask something at this point:
Why do you stick so much to the 50ties theme? I only playes FO2 till now (seems to be a mistake by all I read here), but I didnt really see this theme. I mean there are mondern weapons all over the game, and even some futuristic ones, not to talk about the PowerArmors. The war seems to have happend some time in the future (I remember some holodisks about the war found in Sierra Army Depot, an alltough I dont quite remember the correct dates, I am pretty sure that it was something like year 2xxx), so why shouldnt there be some other more advanced products of technology left? And there was this space-shuttle the Hubos had, and it looked kinda like a modern one...I mean, i realise there was this all out war and years off decay, but as I mentioned before, there also are a whole lot of advanced weapons and technology...
So did I miss something in the game itself, or is all this 50ties thing comeing from sources I havent just read, for instance some developers interviews or something?
Oh, and sorry for the off-topic, but since this thread seemed allready out off hands and I think this is a direct question to some arguments here I thought it would fit...
Alltough i am kind off scared that you might, lets say, smash me, firstly fpr my rather poor english skills, and secondly for my lack off knowledge on Fallout (I just stumbled over it about half a year ago, so i am in no way part off the "community" like most off you seem to be), I would like to ask something at this point:
Why do you stick so much to the 50ties theme? I only playes FO2 till now (seems to be a mistake by all I read here), but I didnt really see this theme. I mean there are mondern weapons all over the game, and even some futuristic ones, not to talk about the PowerArmors. The war seems to have happend some time in the future (I remember some holodisks about the war found in Sierra Army Depot, an alltough I dont quite remember the correct dates, I am pretty sure that it was something like year 2xxx), so why shouldnt there be some other more advanced products of technology left? And there was this space-shuttle the Hubos had, and it looked kinda like a modern one...I mean, i realise there was this all out war and years off decay, but as I mentioned before, there also are a whole lot of advanced weapons and technology...
So did I miss something in the game itself, or is all this 50ties thing comeing from sources I havent just read, for instance some developers interviews or something?
Oh, and sorry for the off-topic, but since this thread seemed allready out off hands and I think this is a direct question to some arguments here I thought it would fit...