Because I just recently played STALKER today, and after a few hours I'm already hooked! It was also inevitable to compare it to Fallout 3, and I've realized that this game did the FPS/RPG mixing way better. No more levelling-up that required an arbitrary set of skill points just to get your gun to do more damage, better AI, and a damage system where enemies were just as tough as you, so you had to really aim for their heads to take them down, or you're toast!
Compared to Fallout 3, I never really felt that sense of getting ****** up too badly. You could already get a crapload of stimpacks right out of the vault, it was easy to abuse the difficulty system, there were too many ways to get your HP back easily, and unlike the anomalies in STALKER, radiation hotspots were never that big a threat! Searching through Fallout3nexus, it seems like there are already mods to make the game more like STALKER, so hopefully I'll get a better experience out of it.
Compared to Fallout 3, I never really felt that sense of getting ****** up too badly. You could already get a crapload of stimpacks right out of the vault, it was easy to abuse the difficulty system, there were too many ways to get your HP back easily, and unlike the anomalies in STALKER, radiation hotspots were never that big a threat! Searching through Fallout3nexus, it seems like there are already mods to make the game more like STALKER, so hopefully I'll get a better experience out of it.