First time out of the vault
I ended up going to the cathedral and talked to the cathedral leader (forgot the name) and tried to kill him. the game automatically engaged me in conversation and so I couldn't save, or kill him. It didn't give me the option to attack him, or stop talking, it only gave me one option, and that was to make him bring me to the master. I was transported there, and now I am stuck in his room, I saved in combat mode, and tried to kill him so many times, then, I tried to get a character editor, I found out I could not use it on a save that was in combat mode, I wanna find out how to get out of combat mode, so I can use this character editor I got and kill him, then change back to the original settings, but it's pretty damn hard to kill him, any suggestions or ways to disengage in combat mode? thx ahead of time :razz::razz::razz::razz:
The only way that I know of to skip out of combat ~~~And I do not know if it's possible in the Master's lair...probably not~~~ is to try to get several hex away from anything hostile, activate SNEAK; then manually cancel combat.
I tried that multiple time and ended up dying because of the supermutants that keep spawning in that hallway
Also, I have DECENT equipment, I do have the turbo plasma rifle but I still need the hardened power armor, If I get out I can make the power armor then upgrade it, but for now I have brotherhood of steel armor.
Yellow Letters on the description of the subforum
[h=1][/h] "NO talk related directly to Fallout is allowed!"
Did you save before entering the Cathedral? Only using one save slot is one of the reasons people ragequit Fallout since it has no auto save. If not, too bad, I don't know how to enter ''normal mode'' while engaging The Master since everything in his room and outside of it is trying to kill you. You could try going to another floor but I think it's impossible to get to the elevator alive and even if you do, I think the entire map is after you. Without an earlier save your only choice is going to go back to square zero.
Did you save before entering the Cathedral? Only using one save slot is one of the reasons people ragequit Fallout since it has no auto save. If not, too bad, I don't know how to enter ''normal mode'' while engaging The Master since everything in his room and outside of it is trying to kill you. You could try going to another floor but I think it's impossible to get to the elevator alive and even if you do, I think the entire map is after you. Without an earlier save your only choice is going to go back to square zero.
thats what I was afraid of, but I have one from a long time ago (when I just discovered the hub) and while I was waiting I started scripting that and got it "near" where I was before, ima complete the game, then play it again!
If you aren't a good fighter, you could still try to flee the map.
The first step could be hard, but once you reached the elevator, it will slightly easier to outrun your opponements.
You can easily abuse the system.
Start escaping the Cathedral and master room, just by using A button. So move, after fights ends, press A intsantly, again do 10 steps, and repeat. By using such tactic enemy don't have a possibility to use it AP.
And if you saved in the combat, before talking with the Master himself, entire fight probably didn't started so you can do it.
Lesson learned - save often, use plenty of slots :D

My saves tend to look like:
Save 1
Save 2
Riskyness 1
Riskyness 2
Risky-risky-risky-risky and so on :D

Precisely for situations like you describe, when you get deeper and deeper in shit, you need several "checkpoints" to load from, in case things go sideways.
Have you tried standing right next to the Master? In my last playthrough I discovered he rarely hits you if you do so.

You could also try to get the Master to accidentally hit (one of) the hoverbots in his lair. They will only join in the battle when hit. If you get the Master to hit them, they'll attack the Master but he won't attack them back. You can then just hide behind one of the pillars and take care of the supermutants that will be spawned while the Hoverbot(s) take care of The Master.

Also: why do people not use the save game feature the way it's supposed to be used (save often and save in several different slots).
Merged the thread here with the one in General Discussion and moved them both to the proper forum. Sorry for the mess, but the individual posts sort themselves chronologically when merged and there aren't really any ways to get around it.

@ELIT3RPG : Not gonna get after you for it since you're brand new here, but please try to make sure you're posting in the proper forum in the future. Our content guys worked pretty hard to try and label them all clearly, and we don't want to hurt their feelings :wink:

As to the issue at hand, I don't think there's a modding fix that wouldn't be more trouble than it was worth, but I'm not the expert on that. You should probably have the equipment you need to win a stand-up shootout, though, unless you're playing an incredibly squishy character. You can't hide in the corners to avoid his fire, but hiding directly behind one of the pillars that flank the hallway will keep you safe from his gatling lasers while you mop up the mutants (and robots, if you can't use alec's trick and get them on your side) a few at a time. As time and mutant spawns permit, pop out from behind the pillar, take a shot or two at The Master, and duck back behind cover to stim up and hide 'til you've got a clear shot again.

If you've got the AP for it, try targeted shots at those question-marky bits near the bottom of his anatomy. A good critical to those things can do some truly wrecking damage, IIRC.
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If all else fails, save-skum for critical hits while aiming for the CPU or Head. IIRC, hitting those spots with a good crit can potentially bypass his armor, stun him so he misses turns, and/or do massively multiplied damage outright.