X360A hands-on


Vault Consort
Staff member
Xbox360Achievements posted a London hands-on.<blockquote>Fallout 3 also boasts a pretty innovative weapon creation system which allows gamers to purchase or pick up blueprints for weapons that once combined with a few other items around the map, can create some pretty destructive and quirky weapons. But seriously, it doesn’t matter what you create, you will never beat (we don’t think) the pure destructiveness of the “fat man”, Fallout 3’s very own mini nuclear catapult. You may have seen it make an appearance at the end of Bethesda’s E3 demonstrations but nothing could prepare me for the joy I had when I used it. I luckily stumbled across one when fighting through a bunch of severely pissed off super mutants at Washington’s Galaxy News Radio station and when their king pin, a Super Mutant Behemoth, came out of nowhere, I had no other choice than to use it. A carefully aimed shot (I actually missed the first shot *shock horror*) at this badboy’s chest and I was in awe of a destructive explosion that ensued followed by the trademark nuclear mushroom cloud. I would go out on a limb and say that this is one of the greatest gaming weapons ever created!


To call Fallout 3 “Oblivion with guns” is a statement that sells the game short. Sure it has its similarities, but why not install some great features that have proved successful in the past in to a new venture? Bethesda doing this really only really makes sense. Will it appease the hardcore Fallout fans? Who the hell knows, I do know one thing however and that is that Fallout 3 looks to be shaping up to be a serious “Game Of The Year” contender and if I can tell this from a hands on, I can only imagine what the finished product will be like.</blockquote>If you can tell it'll be good, it must surely be even better? OK then.

Spotted on the BGSF.
Fallout 3 features the same non linear sandbox that Oblivion boasted. The "go anywhere, do anything" mentality makes a welcome return as you can literally do what you like from the outset.

This is one of those things that makes you think, "How about comparing it to Fallout for a change?"
Per said:
Fallout 3 features the same non linear sandbox that Oblivion boasted. The "go anywhere, do anything" mentality makes a welcome return as you can literally do what you like from the outset.

This is one of those things that makes you think, "How about comparing it to Fallout for a change?"


A. 75% of the gaming journalists who write these previews haven't played Fallout.

B. 95% of the people who are going to buy this game haven't played Fallout and never will.

C. Oblivion is their latest game, it's a huge seller and everyone expect them to release a similar game.
I would go out on a limb and say that this is one of the greatest gaming weapons ever created!
Yeah, Shadow Warrior sure was a great game.
JR Jansen said:
Per said:
Fallout 3 also boasts a pretty innovative weapon creation system which allows gamers to purchase or pick up blueprints for weapons

Uhm, Arcanum ?

Yeah, was thinking the same thing. But hey, it's not like our pro-journalists could've played some outdated shit like Arcanum. I mean, it's not oblivion, right?

And there we have "innovative gunz creation seestem", "vats is turn-based" etc. Cancer and aids.
On the other hand-
Xbox360Achievements posted
What did you expect?
If anyone had any doubt left as to whether or not "innovative" is just another empty hype-term...here you go.
Stop bashing him, ok? I think he made a great review. It must be game of the year. Xbox360Achievements never lies.
Even bioshock had those stupid machines where you could use the rubber tube and other crap you found on the floor to make your machinegun look like it had half of a car engine duct taped to it
star said:
Stop bashing him, ok? I think he made a great review. It must be game of the year. Xbox360Achievements never lies.

This...this isn't a review. You know that, right?
It sounds like the "fat man" was a random drop, certainly not a unique weapon. WalMart must've received a big shipment of them before the bombs hit.

They might as well go all the way and put in the health and quad damage powerups.
Brother None said:
star said:
Stop bashing him, ok? I think he made a great review. It must be game of the year. Xbox360Achievements never lies.

This...this isn't a review. You know that, right?

I smelled a little sarcasm there.
Per said:
Brother None said:
star said:
Stop bashing him, ok? I think he made a great review. It must be game of the year. Xbox360Achievements never lies.

This...this isn't a review. You know that, right?

I smelled a little sarcasm there.

You know, i can never tell on NMA :P
unless of course the person has less than 10 posts.
Per said:
Will it appease the hardcore Fallout fans? Who the hell knows

If you can tell it'll be good, it must surely be even better? OK then.

Appeasing the hardcore Fallout fans and being a good game are two completely separate things. Even if the game doesn't live up to the standards of the Fallout universe, it could be a good game on its own merits.

That said, hurf.
Scoot said:
Appeasing the hardcore Fallout fans and being a good game are two completely separate things. Even if the game doesn't live up to the standards of the Fallout universe, it could be a good game on its own merits.
You do realize your first quote, the one from the article, has nothing to do with Per's remark which is your second quote? I do believe (based on the fact that it makes sense) he was referring to the statement that immediately follows, this one:
I do know one thing however and that is that Fallout 3 looks to be shaping up to be a serious “Game Of The Year” contender and if I can tell this from a hands on, I can only imagine what the finished product will be like.
If that is the case, then I apologize for that bit of smarm there. The root of my post was from the fact that I misread his comment as "can't", where it says can. My bad.
Scoot said:
Appeasing the hardcore Fallout fans and being a good game are two completely separate things. Even if the game doesn't live up to the standards of the Fallout universe, it could be a good game on its own merits.

in this case, its not completely seprate.

the title is not:
Fallout 3: Capital Crisis
Fallout: Dude, where's my daddy!

or something like that. if it was named such, the arguments and complaints would be less vehement.

the problem is its called:
Fallout 3

you notice the difference?

its a pretty big one.