Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Also, Mimic Beacons are ridiculously OP. Not only because it gives you a 12 HP meatshield that you can put in heavy cover, but because enemies prioritize attacking it above all else. That Gatekeeper who could slap 4 of your soldiers with a 8-9 damage AoE and ressurect any ADVENT soldier in a huge area as zombies in one action? Nope, he's going to move right next to the decoy and fire its low accuracy laser at it instead. That Sheildbearer who could put on 5 extra HPs on three pod's worth of enemies? Gonna fire his dingy 5-6 damage gun instead. Chryssalids and their annoying ass poison? denied!
It gets to the point I only equip one per mission, if I don't the game becomes too easy.
Yeah, Mimic Beacons are handy. I didn't use them at all on my first playthrough because I just didn't think they'd be that good. Now that I know, I try to always bring one or two. They are kinda OP but on the other hand, they are a one-time use item that takes up an item slot. They're basically a get-out-of-jail free card, and I actually often end up not even using them (saving them for when I accidentally trigger too many aliens or so). Guess they could be re-balanced slightly, but I'm not sure how. Lowering their HP could be one way, but even as it is now they can be one-shoted, especially since the enemy will always flank them if possible. And if the beacon only survives one attack, in most cases it doesn't really do that much. Changing it so that the AI will only focus them a set percentage of the time could work, but then you're adding more RNG - which is basically the opposite of what most items are supposed to do. Your job is always to minimize the RNG, and if the Mimic Beacon isn't a guarantee then there are usually better decisions you can make to save a hairy situation.