-When you start calling your boss 'Master'.
-When you start calling your father 'Oversear'.
-When you start calling your grandmother 'Elder'.
-When you wonder why people cannot survive for days travelling in the desert without food.
-When you see a rat, you have a strong compulsion to chase after it and attempting to
punch it in the groin.
-When refer to your briefcase as the Holy GECK.
-When you have the strange compulsion to punch everyone named Ian.
-When you wonder why you are arrested by the Secrete Service while attempting to enter the White House fully armored and armed.
-When you start yelling 'Die Hubologist Freaks' when ever you meet a Scientologist.
-When your girl friend gave you the Ultimatum: 'IT IS EITHER FALLOUT OR ME', you start laughing hysterically and show her the door.