You know you play too much Fallout when...

When you think that by killing just the right amount of living creatures you will gain enough experience to become more skilled in picking locks and repairing damaged machinery.
When you hammer punch a rat in the groin at the waste deposit to end combat

When you're in insomnia just because you can't find the sleep function on your wrist watch.

When you have descriptions with statistics attached to all the items in your backpack
When you aren't immersed in the world, at all. (Actually, this happens if you play even one second of Fallout, because it's not immersive.)
-When you start calling your boss 'Master'.
-When you start calling your father 'Oversear'.
-When you start calling your grandmother 'Elder'.

-When you wonder why people cannot survive for days travelling in the desert without food.

-When you see a rat, you have a strong compulsion to chase after it and attempting to
punch it in the groin.

-When refer to your briefcase as the Holy GECK.

-When you have the strange compulsion to punch everyone named Ian.

-When you wonder why you are arrested by the Secrete Service while attempting to enter the White House fully armored and armed.

-When you start yelling 'Die Hubologist Freaks' when ever you meet a Scientologist.

-When your girl friend gave you the Ultimatum: 'IT IS EITHER FALLOUT OR ME', you start laughing hysterically and show her the door.
citixensinister said:
-When your girl friend gave you the Ultimatum: 'IT IS EITHER FALLOUT OR ME', you start laughing hysterically and show her the door.
thinking "she won't last a day out there in the wastes."
When trying to making some place because your inventory , NPC and car trunk is full of stuff just in case of ...
10mmCurator said:
When you think you'll get to bed the chick behind the porn store counter if you collect that last issue of Cat's Paw

You ask that same chick whether the latest in the Vault sex-teen series has come out yet or kept bugging her about ordering the classics featuring Juan Cruz and Vikki Goldman.
you know you play too much fallout when it takes up most of your time and your neglect your work, family and friends.

when you try to estimate your colleagues health before initiating conversations and searching the printer for traps

when you see your job as your main quest and try to persuade your boss to kill himself