Your opinion is worthless

It was the exact same as it is now except FASTER. A bunch of shit, some good stuff, a rare gem.
Plus it's much easier now to be aware of all the garbage that is coming out because of social media, youtube and other platforms. 15 to 20 years ago it was noticeably harder to be aware of all the crap coming out because maganizes were focusing exclusively on the big titles, not making mention to all the crap that is coming out. That is why it seems less bad games used to come out when actually more were coming out because the quality control was next to non-existant.

You think it's bad now? Back in the NES and SNES eras there was next to no quality control except for Nintendo and maybe a couple of other companies. And even in the PS1 and PS2 eras, a lot of trash was still passing through.
I miss walking into games not knowing what to expect. A lot of that was due to being young and still seeing ideas for the first time.

I remember not knowing that the Orange Box was a thing and my previous Half Life experience was with a ps2 demo of the first one. Getting excited for a sequel to something like that that I didn’t know existed and then being amazed by it being more than just a sequel was like a surprise religious experience.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

To people like my dad the mid to late 90’s with the move from snes 2d to 3d on the 64 was a really big deal. Game design wasn’t obsessed with realism. Planescape and System Shock were on the pc. Golden age is based on your personal experience.:shrug:
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Yes, but i'm allowed to disagree and discuss about it if i don't agree with the logic for that mentality.

No one here said that and that literally has fuck all what was being talked about. And even if it did, people have every right to hold that opinion if they believe so.

And the sheer fucking irony of saying this after you shat on a bunch of newcomers when they claimed to not like the non-Bethesda Fallouts (remember the dude last year shitting on New Vegas and you even changed his profile to say he's a braindead troll?). Don't be an hypocrite.

What Tagz realized is that he can suck Bethesda's dick constantly and maybe they will hire him. Also going from shitting on fans of the Bethesda Fallouts to shitting on the detractors of the Bethesda Fallouts isn't any better.
I get where you are coming from. I do. You just come across as being a wee bit grumpy for some reason. Also I WAS trying to be nonconfrontational and open for discussion, so sorry if it didnt seem that way.

I generally appreciate what you have to say on here, all I ask for is some empathy. Hang in there man.
Maybe the golden age is like subjective to the person or something since I am pretty sure my younger brother thinks he is living in the golden age of gaming right now. Stop being such a pedantic weirdo. I finally get what Tagaziel was talking about. This type of attitude is why people don't post here. Jump down everyone's throat about your opinion on what games should be and they simply must be turn based isometric and made by specific people or waaaaaaaaa. I used to be like that. I guess I got old.
Tagaziel was really coming at it from the other perspective. He would go all big about how "Look at these entitled people living in the past obsessing over how games should be done", but then would shut down entire threads if he didn't like what they were talking about and threaten to ban people over petty shit over butthurt that people didn't like the games he did.

He may have been right about how pedantic this place was, but he wasn't coming at it from a "Just let go of things" kinda way but in the kind of "Be pedantic and shove your opinions down people's throat in my specific way" sort of attitude.

The one person who I kinda think is right in hindsight, is AccountNameM/Superman/ect: That a lot of people here did have these quite toxic attitudes where they blamed studios and individual developers for the stuff in the series, and where having stupid opinions, or even just talking negatively about the forum was seen as a personal attack.

I love a lot of the obsessive nature, and devotion to the original games, and honestly the need people feel to correct every single opinion they see as false that people had here, and I wish that it was possible to seperate from this kinda misanthropic and mean-spirited attitude towards other people in general that seems to go with it.

I think a lot of people from my generation of NMAers, and I guess yours, have sort of moved past these kinda hyper-toxic attitudes, but I still see some people who kinda have the weird attitudes that were just normal here a couple years ago, and feel kinda like, one day they're going to realise

In regards to the "Golden Age of Gaming", I feel like that's a dumb take that I used to have, because I liked Fallout, and I assumed the entire era was like that. Really, the 90s had a lot of crappy stuff, but they also had a lot of unique stuff that you'll likely never see again, but that's also true of this era.

There are plenty of games I've played recently like Kenshi or Catacalysm DDA which feel like unique experiences that can't really be compared to anything else. Maybe there's some stuff that's got standardised and some stuff that got lost when the 90s ended, but there's probably going to be stuff from the present that will feel lost in future games, but the point is good stuff gets made every generation, crap stuff gets made every generation, things move on and I'm sure every single period will have high points and low points that makes it feel just silly to say "This period is objectively better" as though there aren't cool new things being made all the time.
Got one of those Fall sale catalogues in and saw something that would fit right into Fallout:


The teal one especially.
My take on it has always been that of false branding. When I buy a can of soup, I don't want the contents to be soap—even if it's the best soap on the market.

FO3 (and beyond) is not Fallout; it uses the Fallout IP assets (as well as adding its own), but it offers neither the Fallout gameplay [paramount], nor the proper setting, nor the characteristic writing and humor of the Interplay titles. I have no qualms with the Bethesda games on their own merit, but they are like turtles competing in a dogshow; fine for what they intend to be, but they do not intend to live up to their labeling, and their priorities vastly differ to the criteria of the category.

It is essentially like selling a strawberry/chocolate Vegemite; an unrelated product intended for an unrelated audience, and lacking all semblance (the taste and nutrients) of its namesake—yet banking on its namesake's reputation... and with the audacity to imply itself as improved.

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Canon is still a method to enfranchise people into something and convince them to be return customers. Don't fall for the canon-scheme plans of corporations.
The image isn’t working for me, can someone post the text?
" I'm tired of this toxic mentality
I'm sick of fucking seeing people say "Fallout 4 isn't Canon" or "fallout 76 isn't Canon" or hell just "Bethesda fallout's aren't Canon". I see this a lot (not on Reddit necessarily but a lot of times other places). And it honestly pisses me off.

It's gatekeepy and puts down a lot of people's other games.

I hate to burst people's bubbles but whatever Bethesda puts out or says is Canon or not Canon is their call. They own the franchise. Get over it.

If they came out tomorrow and said new Vegas isnt Canon. Guess what. That'd be a fact in the fallout universe. I most of the time see these comments be made by new Vegas or classics fan boys and I'm so fucking tired of this toxic mentality.

Your game isn't what God gave birth to. All fallout games have it's issues for fucksake but stop telling people shit like "reee you're not a fallout fan if you don't play classics or fallout new Vegas." It's gatekeepy as fuck and makes the community and fanbase look bad. There is a reason a lot of new people to fallout typically flee when they see shit like "fallout 2 is the best and your favorite is trash". Like seriously. People can like what the fuck they like.

Tbh I'ma say this. Fallout new Vegas is a boring world with a less than stellar game design that does only well because it has a huge interconnected story that connects multiple side quests rather than having the main quest be a full separate entity. Its voice acting is some of the worst in the franchise with all of five voice actors. It's world ambiance mediocre and each location I visit is really boring and looks the same as the last twenty places I visited. It has a lot of busted and broken mechanics that wouldn't work well in a modern Fallout and people still think it's the best and shit on most of Bethesda's fallout's including 3 just simply cause it's not new Vegas. New Vegas has a lot of the same issues as the other fallout games including 4. It gives your protag a back story making him a courier and gives you the goal of searching for the guy who shot you which makes no fucking sense if you don't care about it and just wanted to do a job and leave. Most quests are fetch quests and that's it. The same issues most fallout's have.

It's not a bad fallout game but God am I sick of seeing people praise it like God gave birth to it. Seriously. Stop being pricks about people liking other fallout games. Stop forcing other games down other people's throats and stop invalidating other people's enjoyment.

And yes ik I'm being a fucking hypocrite for the above rant about new Vegas but no one ever says anything bad about it because they don't want to deal with it's toxic fanbase so I'm finally taking the bullet because I'm saying what needs to be said.

Post done and I'm out."
" I'm tired of this toxic mentality
I'm sick of fucking seeing people say "Fallout 4 isn't Canon" or "fallout 76 isn't Canon" or hell just "Bethesda fallout's aren't Canon". I see this a lot (not on Reddit necessarily but a lot of times other places). And it honestly pisses me off.

It's gatekeepy and puts down a lot of people's other games.

I hate to burst people's bubbles but whatever Bethesda puts out or says is Canon or not Canon is their call. They own the franchise. Get over it.

If they came out tomorrow and said new Vegas isnt Canon. Guess what. That'd be a fact in the fallout universe. I most of the time see these comments be made by new Vegas or classics fan boys and I'm so fucking tired of this toxic mentality.

Your game isn't what God gave birth to. All fallout games have it's issues for fucksake but stop telling people shit like "reee you're not a fallout fan if you don't play classics or fallout new Vegas." It's gatekeepy as fuck and makes the community and fanbase look bad. There is a reason a lot of new people to fallout typically flee when they see shit like "fallout 2 is the best and your favorite is trash". Like seriously. People can like what the fuck they like.

Tbh I'ma say this. Fallout new Vegas is a boring world with a less than stellar game design that does only well because it has a huge interconnected story that connects multiple side quests rather than having the main quest be a full separate entity. Its voice acting is some of the worst in the franchise with all of five voice actors. It's world ambiance mediocre and each location I visit is really boring and looks the same as the last twenty places I visited. It has a lot of busted and broken mechanics that wouldn't work well in a modern Fallout and people still think it's the best and shit on most of Bethesda's fallout's including 3 just simply cause it's not new Vegas. New Vegas has a lot of the same issues as the other fallout games including 4. It gives your protag a back story making him a courier and gives you the goal of searching for the guy who shot you which makes no fucking sense if you don't care about it and just wanted to do a job and leave. Most quests are fetch quests and that's it. The same issues most fallout's have.

It's not a bad fallout game but God am I sick of seeing people praise it like God gave birth to it. Seriously. Stop being pricks about people liking other fallout games. Stop forcing other games down other people's throats and stop invalidating other people's enjoyment.

And yes ik I'm being a fucking hypocrite for the above rant about new Vegas but no one ever says anything bad about it because they don't want to deal with it's toxic fanbase so I'm finally taking the bullet because I'm saying what needs to be said.

Post done and I'm out."
Oh, I didn’t realize it was just the post that started this thread.

Edit: I guess I’m wrong, this is a different post only a few days old. But it reads so similarly to the original post.
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Most quests are fetch quests and that's it.
Besides this being wrong, the issue has never been that fetch quests are bad by default because they aren't. They can be a great tool to have the player go to specific areas to learn more about the world.

The problem with fetch quests in Bethesda games is that they lead you to copy and pasted dungeons with next to no world building or lore. They only serve to fuel the dopamine rush loop these games are made around.
It has a lot of busted and broken mechanics that wouldn't work well in a modern Fallout
Yes, because Fallout 3 and 4 are so well balanced and not completely broken. If anything, New Vegas is far more restrained than the Bethesda Fallouts in terms of balance.

I'm tired of these vague posts that address a make believe problem.

Even if There's any significant portion of the player base that acts like this and says these things, (there aren't) this subreddit isn't a place where it happens. Take it elsewhere, this place is almost 40-50% complaining about people complaining on other platforms with no reference or indication that this is any sort of issue.

Bonus points for "someone has to shit talk NV fans because no one else will" when I've seen this exact same kind of post three times today alone. My favorite game in the series is New Vegas. Am I toxic because you got into an argument with some random troll in the YouTube comment section?

Wow. Much brave, so original.

Fucking vent somewhere else.

From that Reddit post comment section. Seems not everyone there is a complete moron.
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Been saying this for awhile and people get so assmad at the idea that some corporation can't tell me what is and isn't canon. You write silly shit that doesn't make sense? I ignore it.

I have the same mindset with Disney Star Wars, anything that Disney released involving Star Wars isn't canon to me.

\/\/\/\/ This should've been imo Episode 7,8,9, not that mediocre, poor, bad sequel trilogy


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New Vegas has a lot of the same issues as the other fallout games including 4. It gives your protag a back story making him a courier
I do love when people conflate Fallout 1 and New Vegas “backstories” with the backstories forced on you in 3 and 4. Like, how can you not see the difference between saying your character is a courier or a vault dweller versus saying your character is a pre-war veteran married with children or your character is a 19 year-old raised by a single father and bullied by a gang of douchebags all his life.
I do love when people conflate Fallout 1 and New Vegas “backstories” with the backstories forced on you in 3 and 4. Like, how can you not see the difference between saying your character is a courier or a vault dweller versus saying your character is a pre-war veteran married with children or your character is a 19 year-old raised by a single father and bullied by a gang of douchebags all his life.
People also love to bring up about the Divide thing and how that's forced backstory on the Courier, but as i recall you can actually deny delivering the package. So yes, Vault Dweller and the Courier are far more of a blank slate than any of the Bethesda Fallout player characters.

What makes it insulting in the Bethesda Fallouts is the fact that the player characters on the Elder Scrolls games are mostly blank slates. So Bethesda has no issue doing that with their favorite franchise, but don't do it in one of the franchises that popularized it in the CRPG genre.
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I’ve always felt that Beth puts their best efforts into TES rather than Fallout. Fallout seems like their test bed for ideas in gameplay or narrative that wouldn’t make it to the next TES game either for risk of bad reception like voiced protagonist or quality control.

How will players react to this gameplay addition or voiced protagonist? Try it in the next Fallout.