It Wandered In From the Wastes

Yeah I enjoyed games that were garbagonzo as a kid yet I still relish the memory. Times were simple back then.Do we know the age of the poster? They could be 8 years old the way 2022 is and I would not be shocked at all or expect them to instead want to boot up Fallout 1 on their daddy's desktop. I was just talking to a friend earlier about how Deus Ex: Invisible War was my first Deus Ex game but I did not know how inferior and shitty it was because I was playing on a xbox due to my PC being crap and me never seeing a game like that before. I was 14 or 15.
I think I am hitting the age where if people like Bethesda games good for them at least they aren't doing like Squidward is there.
At least my love of games evolved and I started caring about the stuff that mattered (story, characters, immersion and feel) rather than gameplay elements. Most "gamers" these days will, when asked which game was better, instantly cite things like gunplay, and movement with UI improvements.
A guy was iffed about Fallout 76 a long time ago because, "I heard there were going to be no Super Mutants in it."
People need to grow up and figure out what really matters. All of these little things is only a symptom of greator societal collapse. People just do not have any grounding on what anything is anymore.
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