Your own Vault ideas

Prone Squanderer

A bit of a Sillius Soddus.
Ignoring the abomination that is the Vault-Tec DLC and its Vault, I felt the Vaults in Fallout 4 weren't particularly that good. Vault 75 in particular annoyed me the most and 81 could have been better executed I feel. I don't like Bethesda's crazy experiment ideas, I much prefer the social ones e.g. Vault 11 from New Vegas.

With that in mind, what would your ideas be for a Vault? Not all like the idea of Vault experiments so control Vaults are fine.

Mine would be Vault 24. Vault 24 would require its inhabitants to work long hours, usually overtime, to earn points that would be used to access basic necessities, including water and accomodation which by default is shared. However luxuries such as alcohol, cigarettes, toys, days off and private apartments would require even more points, thus more overtime.

Work points would be logged into the Vault mainframe and failure to accrue enough points would eventually result in the affected individual "going on welfare" and is never seen again. The experiment would not only monitor how an overworked population would cope, but also study how each individual would interact with one another, particularly with those who don't work as hard as others.
A Vault where after the doors close the people are told upfront that there is some kind of social experiment that they are now a part of. They're even given access to information about the other Vaults and what their experiments are. However there isn't actually anything special about the vault at all and the Vault Dwellers are left guessing what the catch that will never come is. The grow more and more paranoid and insane trying to figure out what the trick is despite there not being one.
I'd like to see some more "successful" Vaults even though they kind of go against the spirit of the series. It'd be nice for example to have a big Vault City-esque sort of place in the East of the Commonwealth even though it might have its own problems.

Some ideas I have off the top of my head are:

1. Vault 102: A Vault where the owners were provided with every sort of luxury and robotic servants rather than horrible sadistic experiments. The owners of the Vault are now an arrogant and entitled group of assholes who, nevertheless, have a lot of technical expertise and basically leach off the Commonwealth with their machines. They would also have a Tranquility Lane set of Houses (surrounded by a metal fence) over their Vault and a farm beside their Vault because always living in the Vault itself is ridiculous.

The missions inside the Vault would include parodies of "Days of Our Lives" where the PC can be hired to investigate the various goings on involved with the people involved. There's also a gang of "Raiders" outside of Vault 102 who consist of the descendants of Vault 102's exiles who are starving but Vault 102 refuses to give any food to. A peaceful solution is that you can gather information to blackmail the locals into helping the Raiders, blow up the robots, or reprogram them so they accept orders from you. It would be on the Mid-East Edge of the Map because that's so vacant.

2. Vault 103: Vault 103 would actually be another "gated" community on the East Side of the Map and would be full of Neon-Signs and inappropriate images. Vault 103 was a place which was populated by people who were surrounded by various vice-related entertainments. It's now grown into a New Reno-esque community where there is a pair of competing brothels, casinos, a movie studio, and gangs. I would move the Combat Zone here as well as the Racetrack. In an homage to New Reno, you can star in some of their films. You can also convince a Companion to star in the movie with you, using a speech check.

Vault 103 would include a chance to help one of the two gangs take over the area or wipe them both out (which would allow the Triggermen to take over).

3. Vault 104: A Vault to the top of the map, Vault 104 was populated by a variety of religious extremists and irreconcilable beliefs. This Vault, amusingly, became a Unitarian like community over the next two hundred years and generally is a pacifist agricultural center. Unfortunately, they have attracted the ire of the Children of Atom who will give you the "Very Evil" option of overloading their reactor and killing the entirety of the community by poisoning them with radiation. You can also convince the Children of Atom to overthrow their evil leader by having them welcomed into the community.

The 104 folk include an option to get married at their church, become a member, and even hunt down evil doers for the somewhat outcast Joshua Graham-esque Minister who wants to bring a little more Old Testament justice to the region. To avoid offending people, they'd have things like, Vault in the Sky, the Vault King Above, and other oddball terms. Obviously, Vault 104 is plagued by Raiders and the Gunners will show up at one point to shake them down. They prefer to pay them off than engage in violence.
I don't think that more succesfull vaults would go against the spirit of the game. This idea of totally whacky out of controll lulz vaults was really born with Fallout 3 and 4, which totally exagerated it. In Fallout 1 and 2 you had some working vaults, of which the most succesfull one was Vault city. But you also had Vault 13 for example. Sure, that's more or less just 2. But I am pretty sure that you could make easily more. I never liked this idea of to many ridiculous vaults anyway. Making some tests is alright, particularly if they are very sinister and hidden, if it fits this idea of the 50s. But shit like the Gary vault or some of the other totally ridiculous stuff - including some vaults from NV ... is really way to much in my opinion.
Mine would be Vault 24. Vault 24 would require its inhabitants to work long hours, usually overtime, to earn points that would be used to access basic necessities, including water and accomodation which by default is shared. However luxuries such as alcohol, cigarettes, toys, days off and private apartments would require even more points, thus more overtime.

Work points would be logged into the Vault mainframe and failure to accrue enough points would eventually result in the affected individual "going on welfare" and is never seen again. The experiment would not only monitor how an overworked population would cope, but also study how each individual would interact with one another, particularly with those who don't work as hard as others.
I like your vault idea. The vaults were made to be experiments on isolation. If I remember right, the Enclave contracted them in order to test the effects of isolation so that the Enclave would be prepared for space travel, as being in a sealed vault for hundreds of years could emulate that quite well. I'm fine with a vault concept so long as it serves that purpose. Whether it is testing new technology, such as cloning/cryogenics, or conducting social experiments, I don't mind.
Speaking of vaults, is there a single vault in the Commonwealth that didn't fail miserably? Like, there has to be at least one vault responsible for the population in the Commonwealth, right?
Speaking of vaults, is there a single vault in the Commonwealth that didn't fail miserably? Like, there has to be at least one vault responsible for the population in the Commonwealth, right?

Actually, one of the few good plot elements is Vault 81 which is a Vault with no failures whatsoever.

It's Overseer wasn't a psychopath.
Speaking of vaults, is there a single vault in the Commonwealth that didn't fail miserably? Like, there has to be at least one vault responsible for the population in the Commonwealth, right?

Vault 81 is the only known Vault to have kept its population alive but only because one of its Overseers refused to carry out the experiment. But I don't think it opened to trade until recently so they never populated the Commonwealth.

Vault 114 was never finished but its construction crew might have taken cover inside it.
A Vault composed of fans of a highly popular pre-War media franchise.

The franchise was, at one point, taken from its original creators and long-running crew because of certain financial instabilities, and the company which bought the rights to it, while highly successful in its own part, removed many of the core principles and ideas of the franchise in order to make it accessible to wider audiences. Such action turned out to be highly profitable and resulted in the franchise becoming highly popular world-wide (even in the squandering remains of Europe it was regarded as a light in the dark for many people), products bearing its brand becoming the staple in many of the industry branches, its name becoming ubiquitous.

However, this all came at the cost of the now largely niche community of the fans of the original form of media franchise. They were deeply frustrated and disappointed that something so dear and close to them was turned inside out for the sake of pure profit, with little or no emotional and intellectual investment on part of new creators. Before the war started a prominent phenomenon in popular culture was noted, one of repeated clashes between the two fan groups, both becoming more and more zealous in their rabid love and dedication to the series.

The population of the experimental Vault would be composed of die-hard fanatics of the series, and the Vault itself would be equipped to serve the theme of the said franchise, and above all there would be a huge deposit of holotapes and other material pertaining to the franchise which would be stored in one single place during the night time - this would be one of the main directives of the Vault. The Vault is otherwise standard equipped.
The important element is that majority of the people would be the fans of the new approach to the franchise, while the fans of the original would be in minority.
However, there is a trick.

Minority fans know who the other original fans are.
Majority fans don't even know that there are "oldies" among them.

And the Overseer...the Overseer has a duty to, at some point in the future, destroy all of the holodisks and data containing information and anything related to the franchise. The directive stated only to him says that, if the disks are not destroyed at a precise point in time, the Vault's reactor would go off, so he is absolutely forced to destroy the data. This would be a lie, of course, but the Overseer cannot know that.
A vault that contains a fireworks factory so the residents could have fireworks fights.

The vault where super mutant ghoul deathclaws were made (they're a thing now, just roll with it).

The Brotherhood of Steel's secret vault base- the BoS have the best backstories and plot twists, it's only fair they have an entire vault dedicated to them.

Maybe a casino vault or something cool like that. It could be ran by those cool gangsters from Fallout 4. There's never been a proper casino in Bethesda's wasteland series, so I'm intrigued as to how it would play out.
]Maybe a casino vault or something cool like that. It could be ran by those cool gangsters from Fallout 4. There's never been a proper casino in Bethesda's wasteland series, so I'm intrigued as to how it would play out.

The Triggermen actually bother me because they seem pretty damn interesting. They were inhabiting a poorly constructed Vault which couldn't actually protect all that well so there were a bunch of ghouls as well as human members.

And then they're gone.
A vault where there is nothing to eat besides unhealthy food, the goal being to get everyone as fat as possible and see the results like changes in their lifestyles and such(atleast before their hearts stop).

A vault where people and deathclaws are forced to breed with each other.

A vault with absolutely no form of entertainment besides one annoying song that plays on a loop nonstop and no personal space as everyone has to share one big room.
A vault which is a mixture of natural born humans and test tube babies.

The test tube babies are designer however, they are born to be superior over the natural births and to see what happens when they breed.

The idea is to see which bloodline lasts the longest, what happens over generations of the two groups mixing and to see the difference in genetics over time.
A vault that uses the 15-hour work week.

A vault where every one of the most menial tasks are handled by machines, and there's space for music and art to grow in an isolated space for an extended period of time.

A vault with no Overseer.
I had an idea, and made it into a FO3 mod.
A congressional vault, made ~but not finished in time for the surprise attack... and when that happened, it initiated a lockdown and armed the robotic security force.

Problem was... that the only people inside at the time, were Vault-Tec contractors; none of whom had resident IDs, and so none were recognized by the security robots as anything but a threat.
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I had an idea, and made it into a FO3 mod.
Well, Vault-Tec fuck-ups almost everytime are no better than wacky-experiment ones. Do you guys ever remembered a Vault naturally and sublty written to have an unplanned fuck-up? I mostly see stuff like V34 where the civil war ruined the reactor. Who the fuck of all natural forces' sake will ever continue the war down to the reactor area?
Going off the 104 thing, and inspired a bit by Vault 15, if we're going with the wacky 50s route, then a vault of Communists ala Maoists, Anarchists ala more end route Marxism, Capitalist Americans, and general old Fascists; each with their own little sub-vault with a common 'core' vault where they HAD to interact. I could see, in the chaos of 2057-2077 a lot of fringe groups rising in society like anarchist hippie communes or even fascism (general totalitarianism seemed to have taken off world wide anyway) in response to the crisis; and so the Enclave, wary of a long trip through space where factions could emerge decided to test run the 'worst extremes'.

But nothing stupid like giving them all weapons, just interaction and surviving for a hundred years; maybe even forced interaction via dependence on a sub-vault : the Maoists, for instance, have the food production; the Capitalists have the industry for clothing, goods, and luxury, the Anarchists the medical, recreational, and educational facilities, and the Fascists the engineering, well being, and maintenance of the vault overall. Security and governance would be 'equitably distributed' so no one group could knock another out thataway.

I would also have it come across while it's still in operation, eg, the player character comes across it, helps a faction (which are at each other's throats in one way or another) and can possibly recruit them for, down the road, el grande confraccion at the end of the game.