My family wasn't in the party and we were always poor.
However, I think human relationships were much much better back then.
I remember we were happy!
What was life like there? Do you remember a nice day or something?
My family wasn't in the party and we were always poor.
However, I think human relationships were much much better back then.
I remember we were happy!
The division between the member states became to large, the desire for sovereignty and independence to big.
What was life like there? Do you remember a nice day or something?
I think fear plays a much larger role then nationalism. The kind of nationalists that would go actually to war, are a relatively small minority. But if this minority can also convince the majority of their group, that this other group out there is actively working on destroying you, your family, your house and your dog then you're much more inclined to take up arms to prevent it. But once bullets, tanks and artillery starts flying around, no one gives a crap anymore about it. It becomes only about survival. War develops it's whole own dynamic. And once people are caught up in this there is no escape from it.
Well things have been complicated by the fact that Yugoslavia was not neatly dived in ethnically groups. You had quite a substantial number of Serbians living in Kosov, Crotaia and a few other parts. Bosnia in particular had quite some ethnic pluralistic, often with Muslims and Christians actually being together in a marriage. Subsequently Bosnia was hit quite hard during the war, exactly because of this. It was not rare that a family on one day, was divided with the next where either the husband or the wife had to leave. Sometimes because the family demanded it, sometimes because they feared for their live due to the ethnic cleansing. It was terrible. And to this day I have nothing but distain for those Serbians that committed atrocities during the war.