Look, Ma! Two Heads!

So can anybody tell me about the country of yugoslavia? so how was it before it collapsed as a country? So is the country average, good, or bad when it was around before the collapse of the 90's?
Ex-Yugoslavia is generally great for tourists.
As Yugoslavia they had their dear leader Tito for a long time. They want him back.
I can assure You that Slovenians don't miss Tito at all. A decade and half ago Me and My boss did buisness with Slovenians. Discusions often swayed to history and politics and few times Lady whoom we talked to directly with, mentioned that during the '90 balkan conflict, Slovenia was the first one that proclaimed independency and Tito mooved his forces in there, and literally went on a killing spree shooting everything that was mooving in sight. The Slovenians themselves had no army of their own yet, so they forked out $$ and hiered foreign mercenaries to defend them. A great story for Jagged Alliance 3 campain perhaps, however a preety sorrow sight if you asked Me...
Yugoslavia (a union of southern Slavs) was formed sometime after WWII, and a the end of it's existance was ruled with iron hand by Yosif Tito before it collapsed. Like every union that's not bound by religion, culture, and comon interests it was doomed to colapse. Local tensions were always there. Shit started to fly when Serbians went out on the streets openly started mass executing Bosniacks.
On a side note:
Places where gunfire exchange with United Nation's forces took place are generally a bad place to visit, since balkan war was a field test for depleated uranium bullets ( mainly 7,62 Nato and bigger caliber) for the UN forces. If by accident You have a geiger counter with you when you visit such a place and hover it over a wall of old buildings it may happen that geiger counter will find bullets still stuck in the walls, since most of the time the bullets were not taken out but the bullet holes were covered with cement during renovation post war. Although massive rise in Leukemia sickness amongst local population was not a major issue (As initially it is a short term efect of radiation) although the long term effect of radiation of rise in cancer sickness amongst local population did become a major issue. Athough It's not certain whether it was DU waste or fallout from chernobyl few years earlier that poisoned most of europe.
After balkan war use of DU bullets in caliber bellow 20mm (with the possible exception of.50 BMG) were forbidden by international law, Due to high pollution with radiation waste of the warzone.
With saying this, Yugoslavia was kinda Average. Yes I still remember it. A little.Rating countries as "average, good or bad" on an non-existing meter is kinda dumb.
being later attacked by both Croatia
Yes, better for those people that followed the party line. Some people had it better in the GDR as well. If they did what the party wanted. But the rest? Well. Not so much.From personal experience life in Yugoslavia was better than today.
Yes, better for those people that followed the party line.
Memory can often fool us. I am not saying things haven't been better for a lot of people. But there is a reason why Yugoslavia ended up in a civil war. And it certainly isn't because "everyone" was happy. Titos rule, as benign as it was, was still a dictatorship and while my political views are far to the left, I am not a socialist. As I said, Yugoslavia was not a liberal democracy and a federal state like west Germany for example. The states within Yugoslavia have been kept together by supressing any kind of national identity. After Titos death in the 80s, there was simply no way to keep up the federal republic of Yugoslavia. The division between the member states became to large, the desire for sovereignty and independence to big. 40 years of dictatorial oppression left their mark on Yugoslavia and some of the member states.My family wasn't in the party and we were always poor.
However, I think human relationships were much much better back then.
I remember we were happy!