Sauropods were stupid, and dangerous to a lot of small critters. There's actually a vomit fossil that seems to be from a very tall sauropod (it has a lot of splatter to it, suggesting a high fall) that includes small vertebrates that were gobbled up as the huge animal indiscriminately tore into tree canopes.
And yeah, female dinos would have like bird-vags. Male dinos could have had duck-like penises though, in order to reach. Cloaca-rubbing seems to not really be an option for the larger ones.
(ducks have external penises, as in, when they get a stiffy it comes out)
Btw, played some beta of "Saurian"
so far it is amazing. Independent game, so the scientific expertise is top notch, realism is absolute - it's NOT some generic dinosaur-age, it is VERY specifically a particular biotope of North America, namely the Hell Creek formation - and NOT any other formation

I love that, it's like "b-but my dinosaur book says both this and that one lived in late cretaceous north america." "was it found in the Hell Creek Formation?" "no?" "then fuck you."
Even the vegetation is Hell Creek specific.
The game does not have guns, no lasers, no sci-fi, no role play, no story, no bonuses, no skills, nothing, just run around - and try not to die.
You'll start out young, then grow older. As you grow, your strength and ability grows. In the beta you can only play as a little raptor, specifically Dakotaraptor (pictured. Adult Dakotaraptors may hunt and kill young ones, they don't give a shit)
I guess moooost people would dismiss it as boring as soon as they learn there will be no mounted guns or lasers or time travel ninja killer storyline, but I love the minimalism of it: Be a dinosaur, don't get eaten.