Zeta achievements

Just by reading the quest names I feel like I've played it already.

Quest 1: Get captured.
Quest 2: Escape capture.
Quest 3: Kill aliens and escape back down to earth.

But it's got a guy in a jumpsuit in all the screenshots, maybe he's the janitor?
DexterMorgan said:
Jaymo said:
DexterMorgan said:
And if you reach 2000 you get a... cookie?
The max is actually 1750 (my younger brother plays on the shitbox)
And you get the feeling that you accomplished something incredible I guess.

And people are actually getting upset over this completely arbitrary number and are stimulated to purchase more DLC in order to reach it?

My God, what an ingenious moneymilking scheme. :clap:

I didn't understand it either... why 2000? Why does it matter? Why is this shit even on the pc version? Why does it even exist?

Playing a good game, with an engaging story or satisfing gameplay used to be reward enough... either i'm getting too old, and need to retire from pc gaming, or the world is getting dumber and dumberer (?) each passing year.
I really wish they'd just remove achievements that require you to do things such as "finish the game", what an incredible achievement, nincompoops.

The system would be far more interesting if they actually rewarded difficult tasks more often. Most of the achievements for F.E.A.R. were pretty interesting and the ones for just completing the game barely gave you any points, stuff like playing without using Reflex or not collecting any Boosters on the other hand gave you absolute loads of points, because they should, it's an achievement to play through the game while making it piss difficult for yourself.

I finally like being rewarded for doing things such as my Max Payne no-bullet-time runs that I used to do just for the hell of it, even if you are just being rewarded with arbitrary points.
Achievements can be satysfying if done right. First of all, you shouldnt know what to do to get them. Players wouldnt just farm them this way. Secondly, they should be awarded for really hard stuff and things that you won't accomplish on a simple play trough the game. Last but not least they shouldnt be the only reason why you're doing something(like, farm 1000 nuka colas just to get a retarded achievement).
Most gamers have a deep void in their gaming soul from playing so many mediocre games, a void that can only be filled with achievements.

Achievements are just there so you can show your friends what an ultra uber l33t gamer you are. Doesn't really matter, since your friends will have them all anyway, as does the rest of the world. Hurray for the internet! :postviper:

The achievements in Fallout 3 are ridiculously easy to get. You get like 3 or 4 from just following the linear path in the beginning of the game.
You think these are bad you should try Halo 3.

Master chief you need to jump over this log to continue playing.


Achievement for jumping over a log. Yaa, I can barely contain my excitement.
Lingwei said:
Just by reading the quest names I feel like I've played it already.

Quest 1: Get captured.
Quest 2: Escape capture.
Quest 3: Kill aliens and escape back down to earth.

Very close, but you forgot 1 important step, that any Bethesda game should have.

Quest 1: Get captured.
Quest 2: Escape capture.
Quest 3: Explore every inch of the ship so you can find random bits of lore that aren't connected to anything important to the game at all.
Quest 4: Kill aliens and escape back down to earth.
Brother None said:
You guys know nothing. This is the next next-gen.

Completed in 1319 seconds. Googled one of the achievements. :look:

The funny thing is that I don't know what Contra is, but I managed to get it.

Beelzebud said:
Quest 3: Explore every inch of the ship so you can find random bits of lore that aren't connected to anything important to the game at all.

You don't usually do this in games?
MapMan said:
First of all, you shouldnt know what to do to get them. Players wouldnt just farm them this way.
Why not? They are there for fun and what is gained for the player by making players go to gamefaqs or buy a game guide in order to know what the special challenges are? It's making the game more of a pain in the ass for no good reason. If players don't want to look at what is required to unlock them then that is their prerogative but forcing everyone else down that path is plain stupid.

MapMan said:
Last but not least they shouldnt be the only reason why you're doing something(like, farm 1000 nuka colas just to get a retarded achievement).
Depends on the game. Multiplayer games should never give the player any gameplay altering reward, that's garbage design. Unlockables for singleplayer can be fine, hell many FPS games (thanks to Goldeneye?) require you to basically do that already in order to unlock cheats so it's not any different.
Well with 200 Achievement Points left, this screams for another DLC.

What a genious move to throw 3 DLCs on the market, after that they announced 2 more...and as cherry on top there is a final one.

With the topic "aliens" checked off, I sure couldn't think of any other theme. But Bethesda seems to be able to create the most fanciful things. Maybe a DLC consisting of minigames...

Mario Party: Fallout
"With the topic 'aliens' checked off, I sure couldn't think of any other theme . . . "

One word: Ghosts. :twisted:
JayGrey said:
"With the topic 'aliens' checked off, I sure couldn't think of any other theme . . . "

One word: Ghosts. :twisted:

There already is Dunwhich though that doesen't have real ghosts or make any sense, then again what does in F3?

I bet the last one will either be every non canon encounter made canon so you have to fight godzilla with the help of King Arthur and the Tardis or they'll just rehash Fallout Tactics so you just fight robots... awsum robots.
Vault 106.
Heh fun going there with Butch as he killed the "ghost" Butch.
Gotta love them 200 year old survivors as well.
Alphadrop said:
Vault 106.
Heh fun going there with Butch as he killed the "ghost" Butch.
Gotta love them 200 year old survivors as well.

yeah some of their locations are just downright stupid. Vault 87 I think it was, the one full of the Gary clones. Aside from the fact that they don't seem to understand what exactly cloning is, the vault is a run-down mess. How are these psychotic clones living in it some 200 years after being locked in?
Your thinking of Vault 108, Vault 87 is the one you need to get the magical G.E.C.K from.

108 is stupid too, it shows the "if it's cool let's stick it in without taking into consideration it makes no sense" mentality Beth has.