Zeta achievements

Did they have some demon VAT & Slash level yet? You know, you enter a purdy cathedral, go down the spiral staircase, and kill anything that moves, groans, or spews acid? . . .

Dragons. . . . Medieval DLC, oh that'd so own . . . Wouldn't you like to wander the Waste's with a broad sword, and a horse -- with armor -- ? Think about it.

"Well with 200 Achievement Points left, this screams for another DLC. "

If I remember, each DLC is worth 100 points, no?

If there are 200 left, and we're at 1700 . . . Oh deity, two more DLCs await us.

I demand timely reviews, none the less.
Ausir said:
Who says they were 200 years old? They are likely crazy descendants of the original crazy inhabitants.

Yah. Craziness always worked well for procreation, after all.

Think, man, think
JayGrey said:
Dragons. . . . Medieval DLC, oh that'd so own . . . Wouldn't you like to wander the Waste's with a broad sword, and a horse -- with armor -- ? Think about it.

Oblivion, you mean?
ok, time off! Are you people trying to imply that the amount of DLC content/releases is limited, either directly or indirectly, by that arbitrary point system??
To all the folks complaining about the game progression achievements, the simple answer is that they show ones progression.
Achievements are mainly a quick way to track a friends progress. However, the more tangential ones are the funnest to get, especially when you get them by accident.
Back in my day, if I wanted to know how far a friend had progressed through a game, I asked him.

ok, time off! Are you people trying to imply that the amount of DLC content/releases is limited, either directly or indirectly, by that arbitrary point system??
An Xbox game may have up to, and no more than, 1,750 points worth of Gamerscore. Many don't reach that level, but with each DLC, Bethesda adds more, until they reach the arbitrary limit. Therefore, as they have a hundred or so points left, one is driven to assume they intend to make more DLC. So says the logic of people who care about that figure.

I want these Gamerpoints to be retroactively added to my list of life's accomplishments. I'm sure near on two decades of gaming would be worth a lot. I've heard of kids who play games just for the Gamerscore. Apparently my worth as a gamer and the validity of my opinions can be quantitatively measured.
It's not exactly new though, weighting a gamer on their score. I mean, text adventures always do that. Mind, it's not for achievements though. It's more so a punishment, because a score such as 50/100 indicates you missed half the damn proper moves. :/ Or something intelligible like that . . .
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Jaymo said:
Honestly, the quest names should've been a bit more thought out...

A lot of things should have been a bit more thought out...

Yep, and just a bit to. I mean they did have something good going there. But many basic flaws fucked it up.

And how hard can it be when you already have a finnished engine and I guess even character models and other things to work on/build upon?

Oh well.
I don't mind achievements if they are actually an achievement, but many game companies are going overboard with them. Completing a standard quest in a game, or simply completing a level, shouldn't be considered an "achievement".