Zippy's Thread

zippy1 said:
They'd be stupid to break away from the overall strategy Bethesda is employing, as it gets them great reviews, tons of sales, and almost universal praise on PC and consoles both.
Yeah, how many of these supposed F3 lovers are still in love with F3 (without the DLCs). If these people can honestly say that F3 (by itself) is just so amazing and will continue to be so for years to come without any mods or DLCs then I'd be shocked. How many DLCs did F1 & F2 need?
Holocausto said:
zippy1 said:
They'd be stupid to break away from the overall strategy Bethesda is employing, as it gets them great reviews, tons of sales, and almost universal praise on PC and consoles both.
Yeah, how many of these supposed F3 lovers are still in love with F3 (without the DLCs). If these people can honestly say that F3 (by itself) is just so amazing and will continue to be so for years to come without any mods or DLCs then I'd be shocked. How many DLCs did F1 & F2 need?

Without the ability to mod the game I probably would have been through with it by now, even though I do enjoy starting up a new character and just walking in a direction and letting whatever happens happen. The thing is that I realize you are trying to isolate the game to it's pure self and ask if that is good, and the answer is yes, and the extra stuff makes it better. Is it something people will talk about on a forum for 11 years? Well, I can see people still complaining about it on this forum, and otherwise time will tell.

But ask the PS3 guy's what they think, those are the ones stuck with no mods and no DLC. Us computer gamers (as usual) have a lot more to look forward to.
Burning a DVD disc and installing a simple mod in the xbox is hard work?

I suppose as much work as installing and making Daemon tools(or any other virtual drive) work.
Good ? Not really if you ask me. Okay ? Yes, for most of the time.
Why ? bad writing throughout the game, poorly executed RPG elements, mediocre combat. I would give the game 70/100 as a game. Seriously, the game has too many obvious faults to be amazing or enchanting. Okay game that feels mediocre at times.

Mods should never really be counted on a game review, as they had nothing to do with the basic product the consumer purchases.
Sure mods can be fun, but they cant fix something like writing.

IF NV improves the writing, and the gameplay , i might actually call it "good" And enjoy it.

And zippy, sales and reviews are rather bad basis to call a game amazing and any deviations from its formula bad decions.
If sales + good reviews make game great, i guess you have to like GTA IV PC first retail version , right ? And Far cry 2. Because they got good sales and reviews.
Other one was a horrible mess of bugs and other one was riddled with idiotic ideas. Ask any honest gamer. Or check metacritic userscores.
I dont think people counted mods or DLC in the game reviews, simply put a whole lot of people who played the game liked it a lot. They come from a different perspective (i.e. not as emotionally invested in a franchise) and in general the industry rates games too highly but overall the consensus is good game.

But of course the mods make it my game, and I'll always like my game. ;-)
Holocausto said:
zippy1 said:
They'd be stupid to break away from the overall strategy Bethesda is employing, as it gets them great reviews, tons of sales, and almost universal praise on PC and consoles both.
Yeah, how many of these supposed F3 lovers are still in love with F3 (without the DLCs). If these people can honestly say that F3 (by itself) is just so amazing and will continue to be so for years to come without any mods or DLCs then I'd be shocked. How many DLCs did F1 & F2 need?
The Fallout 3 modding community is plenty healthy, and the game still gets mainstream attention. As far as the console community, Microsoft doesn't really share numbers of how much playtime some games get, but I don't see any reason why that matters so much. Is a game only really good if you obsessively play it for 10 years? Because I'm pretty sure that says something more about the player than it does about the game.

I am aware that some of you guys find it almost impossible to believe that any "real" gamer could possibly ever like a game like Fallout 3 and want to play it more than once, but it's true. Plenty of people have played through multiple times, and will continue to do so because of both DLC and user-made mods on the PC.
Patton89 said:
And zippy, sales and reviews are rather bad basis to call a game amazing and any deviations from its formula bad decions.

Do you have a better way?

If sales + good reviews make game great, i guess you have to like GTA IV PC first retail version , right ? And Far cry 2. Because they got good sales and reviews.
That's because they were good games. They had some issues - GTAIV had a really rough start but the issues were mostly patched, and Far Cry 2 has those annoying respawning outposts and the characters talk way too fast but the action is solid and the visuals and atmosphere are unparalleled.

Oh right, in your world they're both worthless pieces of cow dung.

Or check metacritic userscores.
All of the "user scores" you see out there are full of idiot fanboys giving their favorite games a 10 and their un-favorites a zero. Half the people rating GTAIV didn't even seem to meet the system requirements. Just to prove how skewed and unrealistic user scores on the internet are, here you go: The Godfather (the movie) got an 8.2/10 user score. (it has 9.1/10 on IMDB)

Nope, you don't have a better way.
Public said:
Maybe Zenimax is looking for a better developer to continue the franchise?
This is a ridiculous fantasy that has no place in rational thought. Maybe if Fallout 3 was some kind of failure in the eyes of pretty much anyone but NMA it'd have some kind of grounding in reality.
Sicblades said:
Burning a DVD disc and installing a simple mod in the xbox is hard work?
How many Xbox 360 owners even know how to open their console, much less buy the hardware to mod their 360s? Do you even know what it takes to mod an Xbox 360?

On the flip side, how many PC gamers have used file sharing?
Compared to the discussions that we had when F3 was announced and made everything is quite civil here.

Actually I have the impression that you (zippy) are the only one who is really trying to create some kind of argument.

As I see it most people expect a more polished version of F3, I see no need for your quest of enlightment.
See how you disputed my opinion?

Your opinion was that if a game gets good reviews and sales it's a good game (see this part "they got the reviews and sales to back up my opinions."), therefore your opinion sucks.

Fallout 1 was great for its time, but it's become outdated. Obsolete.

And? Then I HAVE to like this new trend of dumbing down?
zippy1 said:
The Fallout 3 modding community is plenty healthy, and the game still gets mainstream attention. As far as the console community, Microsoft doesn't really share numbers of how much playtime some games get, but I don't see any reason why that matters so much. Is a game only really good if you obsessively play it for 10 years? Because I'm pretty sure that says something more about the player than it does about the game.
I never played F1 or F2 (except F1 demo). You are missing the point. I'm talking about staying power which is the real achievement. Why can I go back to most all of my old install and STILL enjoy them? A game that needs mods & DLCs to keep people interested (especially after such a relatively short time) fails IMO. As far as marketing and making money goes though...oh shit, it's nearly diabolical to release a game which is fun for the short term but compels most people to KEEP PURCHASING expansions to maintain interest.

zippy1 said:
I am aware that some of you guys find it almost impossible to believe that any "real" gamer could possibly ever like a game like Fallout 3 and want to play it more than once, but it's true. Plenty of people have played through multiple times, and will continue to do so because of both DLC and user-made mods on the PC.
Yes plenty of people will replay it...largely because of mods & DLCS! Proving my point.
zippy1 said:
Do you have a better way?

The point was, it is stupid to assume that sales and good reviews make the game AMAZING. in many cases, yes, but still, it isnt really the best way to determine if deviating from the "formula" is bad idea. It might actually improve the game.

zippy1 said:
That's because they were good games. They had some issues - GTAIV had a really rough start but the issues were mostly patched, and Far Cry 2 has those annoying respawning outposts and the characters talk way too fast but the action is solid and the visuals and atmosphere are unparalleled.

Oh right, in your world they're both worthless pieces of cow dung.

The problem what i have with you is that you essentially want us to trusts reviews, that are overscoring now-a-days, and sales, that are defined mainly by marketing at launch, and not actual quality of the game in most cases, to define if the game is actually great or good, instead of my own experince or the mouth-to-mouth word or the other gamers. Reviewers always have to worry about not pissing off the publishers or the readers, they try to sell their magazines and reviews.
And you assert that because of sales of fallout 3 any deviations are a bad idea, in a SPIN-OFF. A spin-off that is a clone of a previous game in the series wont sell well, not atleast this close after the release. It has to have deviations. Your claims are ridicilous
And BTW, GTA IV wasnt AWFUL It was mostly good but IT DID HAVE massive bugs when it came out. And i doubt that the hope of new patches helped to ease the minds of the suffering PC gamers. And i didnt like the more serious tone and constant phone-calls and friends and etc.. I dont hate it. I didnt say that i hated it. You said that people have to like fallout 3 because of the sales AND reviews. So any other game with good reviews and slaes is amazing and you have to like it. Essentially , Free will= bad.

zippy1 said:
All of the "user scores" you see out there are full of idiot fanboys giving their favorite games a 10 and their un-favorites a zero. Half the people rating GTAIV didn't even seem to meet the system requirements. Just to prove how skewed and unrealistic user scores on the internet are, here you go: The Godfather (the movie) got an 8.2/10 user score. (it has 9.1/10 on IMDB)

Nope, you don't have a better way.
I said read the USER Score.
User score for x number of voters is 7,9 for fallout 3. I think that is pretty accurate, even though there are fanboys giving insane numbers. But the fanboys are minority. Mostly.

And just because people love godfather in one site or like it less it in the other site doesnt mean godfather is pure gold and the other site is automatically wrong . it just means the sites have different user base, possibly of different generations and likings.
But ill still trust user score that rates moderately anyday than reviews that claim that fallout 3 is pure godlike enjoyment.
If i was fallout 3 fan, i wouldnt assume that everyone else must like it.
Because that seems to be the way.

And also, my system rarely causes me to be dissapointed in a game, i use the user scores to give me some idea if the game is worth buying. i am not claiming its the only system that works. But it sure works better than trusting some of those overtly-positive reviews of the larger gaming review sites and magazines.
A finnish magazine gave fallout 3 same score as SYSTEM SHOCK got. fallout 3 isnt THAT good. Most reviews kept giving fallout 3 9 and 10s. That is insane when the game has that many bugs and clearly fails to meet the hype, for example the 300 endings lie.
Public said:
Is NMA a one person?
Is your rhetorical question silly?

The game is not a failure (pretty much most major games are successes nowadays), but the design is messed up.
Most video games that are greenlit do not become moneymakers. And everyone can come up with nitpicks about the game design, but many here seem to believe that Fallout 3 - Bethesda's body of work in its entirety, in some cases - is almost completely worthless and without merit.
Holocausto said:
oh shit, it's nearly diabolical to release a game which is fun for the short term but compels most people to KEEP PURCHASING expansions to maintain interest.
Yet many, many people got hundreds of hours of fun, each, out of this game without any DLC.

Yes plenty of people will replay it...largely because of mods & DLCS! Proving my point.
Remember back before the GECK was released? People still played then, on their second, third, and fourth playthroughs. Unless you think Bethesda somehow would have been better off NOT releasing it, and not releasing DLC that you're not required to buy.

Even then, I think that means we better erase all the Fallout 1/2 mods that are out there, we wouldn't want that stuff getting in the way of our game's precious 10-year legacy.

Play great games when they come out, and stop worrying about whether you'll keep playing them in a decade.
Patton89 said:
Reviewers always have to worry about not pissing off the publishers or the readers, they try to sell their magazines and reviews.
Most of the reviews you see today for games do not have this concern, unless you only read PC Gamer, GameSpot, and IGN.

And you assert that because of sales of fallout 3 any deviations are a bad idea, in a SPIN-OFF. A spin-off that is a clone of a previous game in the series wont sell well, not atleast this close after the release. It has to have deviations. Your claims are ridicilous
The deviations being talked about on this forum - isometric view, turn-based combat, all-text dialogue - IS a recipe for some pretty mediocre sales right now. And a lot of it comes from those ideas not taking root on consoles anymore, where a majority of even the most staunch of turn-based RPG franchises have turned to real-time action. And plus, those are Japanese games.

You said that people have to like fallout 3 because of the sales AND reviews.
No, I didn't. That'd be stupid. What I said was that if we're measuring how good a game is, I'm going to take sales and critical response over the most curmudgeonly of forum denizens.

I said read the USER Score.
When did I divert from that? And where are you refuting my claim that fanboys completely ruin user scores by voting 0 on some games and 10 on others?

A finnish magazine gave fallout 3 same score as SYSTEM SHOCK got. fallout 3 isnt THAT good.
I disagree. And yes, I played System Shock back in the day.

Most reviews kept giving fallout 3 9 and 10s. That is insane when the game has that many bugs and clearly fails to meet the hype, for example the 300 endings lie.
That endings thing was a little disingenuous, but how does it make the game worse? Most consider Fable to be a great game even though it didn't deliver on half the shit Molyneux promised. I played the game entirely on the merits of what was in front of me, and while I didn't like the game, I can admit that it's still a good game - just not one I enjoyed. Some people in this forum could probably do well to think about that for a bit.
zippy1 said:
Is your rhetorical question silly?
Though you attempted to avoid the question, you failed. Let's have your answer.

zippy1 said:
Most video games that are greenlit do not become moneymakers.
Yep, which is why he never said that most games become money makers. He said that most major games (AAA) are successes nowadays and it's true, especially with game journalism being how it is.

zippy1 said:
And everyone can come up with nitpicks about the game design, but many here seem to believe that Fallout 3 - Bethesda's body of work in its entirety, in some cases - is almost completely worthless and without merit.
People aren't picking nits with Fallout 3 and Oblivion, they're pointing out major flaws in the game design. For example, the RT FPS gunplay sucks balls when compared to any serious FPS game on the market. Sure, the game claims to be an ARPG first but does that change the fact that it sucks at something that it does? Stats have a minimal impact on the game, other than intelligence, are never directly used in game. Another example, every skill can be maxed out before level twenty with a few different builds, further reducing the importance off skills which are already pretty worthless due to drugs. Drugs and magic clothing give you massive stat/skill bonuses without any significant penalty (oh no, you have to sleep, go to a doctor, or buff your doctor skill enough that you can cure it). With the stats and skills problems you have a game which sucks when compared to other RPGs. Sure, the game's a hybrid but does that change the fact that it sucks at something that it does? VATS forces the player to watch slow-mo scenes every time, a "feature" which cannot be turned off. The enemy AI is god awful. The pathfinding is terrible and solved by allowing NPCs to walk through walls when you aren't looking at them/when they are far enough away from you (I'm not sure what the conditions on this are exactly). The writing is atrocious. The voiceacting runs the gambit from average to horrible. Etc.

Also, good luck finding many people on NMA who believe that Bethesda's entire body of work sucks, I think you'll find many who appreciate at least Daggerfall, a fair number who appreciate Morrowind, and maybe some who like the old Terminator games. That said, the company has completely changed since Morrowind.
zippy1 said:
Most of the reviews you see today for games do not have this concern, unless you only read PC Gamer, GameSpot, and IGN.
Some sites and magazines to lesser degree, but the issue does exist. Mainly the reader part though. But the CRITICS keep constantly praising almost every big release. Ignoring any faults in the game, they ignored OBVIOUS bugs in GTAIV and fallout 3. Overscoring is a problem.

zippy1 said:
The deviations being talked about on this forum - isometric view, turn-based combat, all-text dialogue - IS a recipe for some pretty mediocre sales right now. And a lot of it comes from those ideas not taking root on consoles anymore, where a majority of even the most staunch of turn-based RPG franchises have turned to real-time action. And plus, those are Japanese games.
Isometric like view resulting in bad sales is a lie, or atleast exaggeration. Diablo 3 for example showes this, i doubt it will sell badly. And if you had read some of the peoples posts, RT combat would have been included, and many have wanted just better wriitng and tweaked gameplay. So i dont get how you assume you can wrap induviduals as a group demanding TB only with iso.
And assuming that TB game wont sell is odd, present some basis for this so i can understand why it would be like that.

zippy1 said:
No, I didn't. That'd be stupid. What I said was that if we're measuring how good a game is, I'm going to take sales and critical response over the most curmudgeonly of forum denizens.
Okay, so you will take sales, that have NOTHING to do with games quality in the launch and read reviews that do overscore and want to sell their opinions.
That doesnt seem much better than listening other gamers.

zippy1 said:
When did I divert from that? And where are you refuting my claim that fanboys completely ruin user scores by voting 0 on some games and 10 on others?
I think i missread. But you referred to the comments,as a basis to assume that they are screwing the score, as the only way to see the given score is to read the comments, that are optional, so many people wont comment. And PROVE to me that fanboys are screwing the score,what i see is a minority. main group just gives a score, and doesnt comment. It is a possibility, but i doubt that.
And how wouldnt that apply to the reviewers, they are fanboys of something usually. So even if that is true, it doesnt make reading and trusting "professional" reviews any better.

zippy1 said:
I disagree. And yes, I played System Shock back in the day.

Okay, you really think fallout 3 is as important and as good as System Shock ? System shock innovated a lot. Fallout 3 is non-innovational, it didnt start anything, its combat is mediocre by any FPS standard and even mediocre when compared to other hybrids.
The Ai is awful, it gets itself killed easily, comparing it to FEAR makes me cry from anger.
Skill system is broken, as you can level most skills to the max, stats dont effect as much as they should. (when a uncharismatic idiot person can speak almost as well as a shakespeare something is wrong)
Some of the dialogue and writing is bad, the ending is awful, it makes no sense, why do i have to die like that if i dont want to marked as a coward.
So i think you are not seeing the serious faults.
Well atleast you cant claim the game was bug free.

zippy1 said:
That endings thing was a little disingenuous, but how does it make the game worse? Most consider Fable to be a great game even though it didn't deliver on half the shit Molyneux promised. I played the game entirely on the merits of what was in front of me, and while I didn't like the game, I can admit that it's still a good game - just not one I enjoyed. Some people in this forum could probably do well to think about that for a bit.

Yeah, well lying creates false hopes, and when you couple that with the bad ending, it just is unacceptable. If you let game developer lie, and get away, they will think that they can just lie about anything without people caring. You are allowing a company to lie to you, about a product, and you just ignore it.
zippy1 said:
Holocausto said:
oh shit, it's nearly diabolical to release a game which is fun for the short term but compels most people to KEEP PURCHASING expansions to maintain interest.
Yet many, many people got hundreds of hours of fun, each, out of this game without any DLC.

Yes plenty of people will replay it...largely because of mods & DLCS! Proving my point.
Remember back before the GECK was released? People still played then, on their second, third, and fourth playthroughs. Unless you think Bethesda somehow would have been better off NOT releasing it, and not releasing DLC that you're not required to buy.

Even then, I think that means we better erase all the Fallout 1/2 mods that are out there, we wouldn't want that stuff getting in the way of our game's precious 10-year legacy.

Play great games when they come out, and stop worrying about whether you'll keep playing them in a decade.
That's a good argument but to me F3 wasn't "great". With DLCs it won't be great to me. With mods still, no.
Holocausto said:
Steam is a pile of shit DRM with a nice shopping, patching, and quicklaunch software to hide it. Steam that didn't require the user to have it running or installed in order to play games would be good.

zippy1 said:
Arena, Daggerfall, Terminator: Future Shock, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3. Starting with Morrowind they got the reviews and sales to back up my opinions. But that's just my opinion, one I'm sure you'll dispute.
Games before Morrowind were made by an entirely different company and thus really cannot be used as an example. Morrowind was widely criticized for the features that it was missing and Daggerfall had but is arguable. Oblivion is trash and Fallout 3 is arguably a step up from Oblivion but still below Morrowind in quality. Sales figures and critical reactions from the gaming media are worthless as they are simply indicators of how well the game's marketing and PR was handled.

zippy1 said:
Name an Obsidian game that was a large success both at retail and in critics' eyes.
All depends on how you define success. Still KotR2 fits that and NWN2 did what it was supposed to.

lugaru said:
I've had this argument here before too. If nearly every critic and gamer likes and purchases the game and you dont, it does not mean that they are all brainwashed and wrong... it means that you dont like the game.
"Critics" are in no way objective and they and their employers depend on game developers in order to stay in business. The higher the scores on the reviews and the more positive their articles about that company/game are, the more money they make. The group is fucked and the only way that's going to change is if their finacial wellbeing isn't directly tied to specific game developers, like movie, TV, and literary critics. Sales is a measure of how well a game sold which is the result of marketing, availabillity, and good press.

lugaru said:
And things are not really all that dumbed down, just streamlined. I recently re-started Fallout 2 and I'm not loving unecesarily long battles of "miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss" on both sides. I think the faster pace, simpler controls and easy exploration is a good thing.
Oh yeah man, it totally sucks to miss. Man, why can't every shot hit in XCom? That would make the game so much more awesome! Controls don't have to be simple but they should be logical and easy to use. The Fallout games had both of these things when they were made but the lack of mouse wheel support is the only major control issue. The inventory was a flaw in the UI and companion options were not fleshed out enough (poor and rushed design).

lugaru said:
But are we going to play video game snobs when practically all video games are dumb compared to a great novel or composition? I dont see the difference between Stuff like Fallout and Baldurs gate to Fallout 3 and Mass Effect to be that abysmal except for the massively updated technology and change of focus from mostly text based die rolls to mostly 3d action.
Writing is a different beast than gameplay and by suggesting that shitty writing should excuse shitty gameplay, you're making an invalid argument.

lugaru said:
But again that mostly comes down to opinion, for example you could say that it is smart that now all skills are useful (there was lots of stuff you never used in 1 & 2), but yeah, it is annoying that you can max out your most useful skills quickly and get all the other ones up to 50 by level 10 or 15. Then again a mod fixes that quickly but the designers could of showed more restraint in character leveling. Still I dont see how that particularly dumbs down the game...
No, all skills are used but they are pointless as they can all be maxed out easily and drugs and magic clothing can be used to compensate in the mean time.