Welsh made these characters, so he has the final say on any modifications to them. It would make sense for Bobby Sheen to have an M4 as a backup weapon as well. I'm not sure why he has two different pistol skills listed. Lewis and Mikhailin only have training with pistols, but it's possible for them to use SMGs such as the MP-5 as long as they stick to single shot mode. The damage would be the same in that case and the weapon would be more prone to jamming, but it would have greater range. Since they have only the base 15% skill in SMG, they should avoid burst fire, as Lynne's carelessness demonstrated.
When you've chosen a replacement character, let me know. You can reserve one now and change your mind later as long as you haven't received the secrets yet. On Friday we will probably send those out, so any selections made from that point forward will be final.
Don't forget to roll 1d10 for Wallace's Track skill increase and 1d10 for Duke's Sanity increase.
I plan to update the weapons/checked skills list for the start of Chapter 2 to include the new characters, but I'm not sure how much ammo each would have for their weapons. I'd say it should be a lot, since they are expected to be able to hold out for quite some time. Also, I don't have CoC stats for some of their weapons which aren't on the weapons list and have not yet been seen in the game.
Welsh made these characters, so he has the final say on any modifications to them. It would make sense for Bobby Sheen to have an M4 as a backup weapon as well. I'm not sure why he has two different pistol skills listed. Lewis and Mikhailin only have training with pistols, but it's possible for them to use SMGs such as the MP-5 as long as they stick to single shot mode. The damage would be the same in that case and the weapon would be more prone to jamming, but it would have greater range. Since they have only the base 15% skill in SMG, they should avoid burst fire, as Lynne's carelessness demonstrated.
When you've chosen a replacement character, let me know. You can reserve one now and change your mind later as long as you haven't received the secrets yet. On Friday we will probably send those out, so any selections made from that point forward will be final.
Don't forget to roll 1d10 for Wallace's Track skill increase and 1d10 for Duke's Sanity increase.
I plan to update the weapons/checked skills list for the start of Chapter 2 to include the new characters, but I'm not sure how much ammo each would have for their weapons. I'd say it should be a lot, since they are expected to be able to hold out for quite some time. Also, I don't have CoC stats for some of their weapons which aren't on the weapons list and have not yet been seen in the game.