Some thoughts about the future of the game.
One of the problems I see in our game is that we just don't have enough players. Ideally this game should have at least 5-7 players, ideally more. The way the game was set up there were plenty of NPCs to go around.
This is one of the reasons I have considered moving the game to a Call of Cthulhu site that has quite a few players that might be interested in joining. A few have expressed interest in joining here, but have failed to do so. Some of that is for technical reasons, others for time..
Anyway, I have been discussing this matter with Handy about how to expand the game and one issue has been whether we should restart this chapter at play@yog-sothoth, move it over, or expand the game itself.
If we stay here, we will probably move into chapter 2. That funny sound that Mr. Foo hears is the Chapter 2 coming. There will probably be a brief pause before moving forward- which is well timed around the holidays.
The problem here is that while we might get new players for Chapter 2, I doubt we'll get more. As players attrite out, the game will lose momentum and dry out.
This is one of the reasons I support the move to play@yog-sothoth.
If we do move, this is what I'm thinking about starting-
We start the game in the evening before our chapter starts. There will be multiple places involving different characters. There will be some new monsters as well and other strange occurrences.
At present we have a few story ideas to get the plot moving but which, in the end, will link back to our T-Bone truck stop and the story you are all currently engaged in.
The plots I have in mind-
(1) at a campsite, a group of individuals explores a "legendary" site as the Meteor shower begins.
(2) A small group of Air Force Security Forces investigate the disappearance of a two man security team that's gone missing in one of the missile fields.
(3) In an all night convenience store, things are beginning to get increasingly strange.
(4) In Cheyenne, the beginning of the meteor storm leads to a few phone that urge a group to get on a helicopter to fly to Omaha.
All four of these story lines would have some plot elements that lead back to the T-Bone, so that in the end, the T-Bone would get new characters introduced and some old faces as well.
This would allow you guys, as old players, to engage yourselves in new stories and characters so the story remains fresh and gives you a bit of an early involvement in the game. In many ways this will be a harder game as well- fewer zombies but less guns and some strange monsters.
These threads would begin in the late evening and early morning. The stories would also start in a sequence - probably starting with the campsite and the military story, then the helicopter story, and then the convenience store. The T-Bone story would start later- probably when the helicopter lands at the T-Bone for mechanical reasons.
So, yes, if we move the T-Bone would be put on hold probably. On the down side, you'd have to leave these characters for awhile. On the positive, you could try again with a bit more experience.
Benefits here- new characters, new stories, more play. Down side is that some of you would be revisiting the T-bone again, but probably the T-Bone would get a make over as well.
That said, for the time being, we're planning on moving on Chapter 2 here, so this will continue.
However, I would like to hear your ideas and suggestions about whether we should move and how we might revise the game to make it better, draw players, and keep you all interested.
That said, we might just scrub the entire move thing if its too damn complicated.
By the way, thanks go to Handy for doing a wonderful job keeping the game for the last few pages.