Zombification Sterilization

Sharks are usually disgusted by human flesh (most cases of shark bites are caused by shark's mistake or extreme starvation). Sharks are also very active predators -> they eat only FRESH meat. There's nothing fresh about moving corpse decaying "alive".
DarthBartus said:
Sharks are usually disgusted by human flesh (most cases of shark bites are caused by shark's mistake or extreme starvation). Sharks are also very active predators -> they eat only FRESH meat. There's nothing fresh about moving corpse decaying "alive".

You know how you attract sharks when fishing for them? You throw rotted bloody fish guts in the water. They smell blood and are attracted to motion, making zombies an excellent shark bait.

Duh gypsy.
Take my guns and make for the hills. There are tons of cool bunkers up there. From small gun emplacements to gigantic subterran hospitals. Most of them are empty, have their own water and power supply and are very remote. I thought of a castle too but once you are inside and a million zeds are waiting outside your stuck. Vaults have several emergency exits, often after a few miles of tunnes.

As long as zombies cant dig through concrete you can start the day with machinegunning a couple hundred of them and then make breakfast and mortar the crap out of everyone for the rest of the day. There is room for other survivors and once you cleared out the small mountaintowns you could secure bridges and small valleys to stop zombies from strolling up there.

I know the locations of a few of them but sadly dont have a clue where the keys are kept. :cry:
Charlton Heston vs Zombies-
You might be thinking of the Omega Man? Not quite zombies (more like vampires), but kind of close.

Power Armor-
I would think being in power armor essentially makes you spam in a can. If enough zombies overpower you, then they will just get your armor off and eat you.

Well, problem with zombie sharks is that one theory of zombies is that the zombie virus or zombie infection essentially repels carnivores.

So its possible that the shark will get a whiff of the zombie and think, "Fuck that, I ain't eating that thing."

At the same time, the zombie might bite the shark (unless the zombie is human meat only).

As to the island defense-
(1) don't assume that the island is safe. Remember, currents move past islands too and currents could carry your zombie from one location to the other.

Ok, perhaps the ocean currents might create a giant Pacific Zombie Patch, like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_Garbage_Patch

You might not get lots of zombies coming ashore (assuming zombies float) but the occassional zombie might surprise you.

Lesson of zombie fighting- the zombies come when you least expect them.

So either zombies sink or zombies swim, either way, they can come to get you. All I am saying is don't think the ocean is a barrier. It might not be.

Building a wall is a good idea.

That said, a zombie that has been in the water for a month is probably in damn ugly shape.

(2) The second problem is, as pointed above, raiders or other people.

Raiders or adversaries- http://www.zombiesurvivalwiki.com/page/Raiders

There are a lot of uninhabited islands out there, but most are pretty close to populated islands. Populated islands can easily suffer zombie infestation too.

Ok, but even if you manage to find an isolated uninhabited island, you still have the problem of everyone else wanting to live there too. Face it, chances are lots of folks will have the same idea.

Next thing you know, you'll have lots of folks fighting over limited resources or at least, bumping elbows in a very populated island.

The challenge is one of resources. Ok, perhaps you can fish for food, but what about everything else?

There are a lot of potential refuge places, but almost all have some kind of negative side to them. Go north, you can freeze zombies, until summer thaw. Then you get defrosted zombies.

Islands, you get washed up zombies.

Fortress is fine, but then you got to have a fortress where you can also produce food- a siege lifestyle- kind of sucks.
All right, time get extreme on you: how about getting on a rocket and fleeing to the ISS/outerspace/themoon/whatever? Yes, I'll die sooner or later up there, but the damn zombies will not get me there (since the whole points has become "how can't the Zed possibly get me" instead of "how to survive zapoc")
You guys don't watch many zombie movies do you? It's not the zombies you need to worry about.

Mankind's downfall is always caused by...mankind's inability to cooperate without ego/greed/whatever self-interest getting in the way. Worrying about zombies will only get you so far, it's the human assholes that end up fucking things up for everyone in the end.

That's where all the despair in zombie movies comes from, and why they should never have a happy ending. The zombies didn't do it, the frailties of the human condition did it.

The humans are more dangerous, predatory, negligent, and spiteful to one another than brainless zombies could ever be. They're not even 'evil', just operating in their natural state (Melvillian parable?)

I don't know why you guys don't let the shark/zombie thing rest either, it's already been done. The shark was attacked by the zombie. In the Hudson River. Gosh, can you take this stuff more seriously? Seriously, don't come into the zombie thread without having seen a movie that involved either Fulci or Dario Argento. Or just post pics of Asia Argento's rack, that's acceptable too.
I'd like to posit a question as the thread turns into extreme sillyness. Why are we so fascinated with the idea of a zombie apocalypse?
Because deep down the animal in us wants to go on a murderous killing spree (well maybe not, but I'm going with it), killing zombies isn't murder however it's the right thing to do.

Morality loophole!
The big zombiekiller would be water.

Be in the right spot and currents will be too strong for the zombies to be able to do shit. Just need to watch em enter the currents and be swept away to oblivion. There are some incredible currents near where I live and islands inbetween.

When in the water zombies would be unable to navigate or do anything when at a certain depth. Water has that effect.

They cannot smell anything and their visual range would be near nill depending on water polution. In norway at the best of times visibility below water is max thirty meters.

Finally zombie hearing ability would be impaired by the water since one cannot detect direction of sounds underwater. Basically, the zombies would be disoriented, at the mercy of the currents and would be swept around until the crab, germs and thousand little fish came and nibbled at them until destruction.

Sharks are big. But how do a zombie kill a lots of tiny fishes that comes in, take a bite and move away before it can do anything?

Allready the japanese are preparing the zombie killer fishes to defend their islands!
Loxley: excellent fishy points

Dirk Magirk said:
Morality loophole!

I think you have it nailed right there. In order to survive the zombie apocalypse we have to abandon the social mores society constrains us with - plus you don't have to go to school, punch a timeclock or pay your bills.
Loxley said:
The big zombiekiller would be water.
Yup, even the water deep will work for us. When the zobmbies will try to dive into a decent depth, a pressure of the water mass will destroy them. Imploding underwater zombies, hell yes!
DammitBoy said:
Loxley: excellent fishy points

Dirk Magirk said:
Morality loophole!

I think you have it nailed right there. In order to survive the zombie apocalypse we have to abandon the social mores society constrains us with - plus you don't have to go to school, punch a timeclock or pay your bills.
Cracked.com had an excellent article about why a zombie apocalypse would be awesome.
That is a pretty good article.

Why we like the zombie apocalypse- its a survival story where we try to maintain our individuality against the masses.
The perfect vehicle for fighting zombies or anybody else...

I really think that if a zombie apocalypse does happen, there will be less "Holy shit! Run for the hills!" and more "It's about fucking time!"