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It's almost 2AM it's raining with occasional lightning strikes. And I'm sitting on my roofed terrace with my phone chilli cheese tops made n
Post-War Tribal
Post-War Tribal
- an airfyer and my weird watermelon flavour vape.
In my book, Greed and Gluttony are similar. Gluttony is taking far more than your fair share. Greed is hoarding material power or knowledge
Isn't gluttony usually associated with consumption? If you're greedy, you horde stuff, you have a pile of it
But a glutton will not horde or pile anything up, they consume it away
@zegh8578 Yeah pretty much. i mean they sound similar but different. People confuse the two. You could horde anything and over consume on more than just food. Like the U.S. is a glutton sometimes and China is a greedy bastard that hordes knowledge because they fear their people
More than anything. Will the series explain where the NCR is at? Yknow sense it's set in California. Did the war with the Legion end them?
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I've posted a full spoiler in the show thread, but the way they've retconned it there was no war with Legion (and entire NV did not happen)
I was correct in my complete lack of interest in this show; nothing is made from real passion, and a Fallout show based on Bethesda's hype is just bound to be... at best more average TV-trash.
Got some decent sound stuff but need some cable help, My old amp does not have a bass slot so not sure how to connect it etc.
Sooooo. The Fallout series on amazon aires tomorrow. Yknow, why doesnt InExile make a Wasteland tv series?
Wonder if the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in universe were just modern skirmishers/light cavalry
An RTS set in a Cold War gone hot-scenario in 1989, the Blackhorse regiment (11th ACR) is present in one of the campaigns. Probably the most armoured of all the tank units in the game. M1A1 galore.
@Resardiv Oh cool. Ill give it a try whenever i set up my new pc. I asked a lot of old vets. They said yes armored cavalry like 10th and 11th would be skirmishing units there to prod the bear. Heavy cav is heavy battle tanks
The fuck is this shit about Toront being gone? Does this mean I can weasel into a mod slot for the 3 times a year I’m back?
Post-War Tribal
Post-War Tribal
Maybe if u was more active around here
I mean why not? This forum is in its decline phase at this point, so we might as well get another shit pilot to control this shit plane, Bobandy.