New profile posts

I was going to post gay porn here as my final post but that would have been too much for very little
All this discourse between fallout fans is like watching two homeless people calling each other "broke ass nigga".
People mass-recommending FO4 to people cus of the TV show, FO4 is the most approachable see - it's so accessible!!! TO NEW PLAYERS
Found out I have to burn windows disc image on a flash drive to install window and boot windows for my custom pc
my god some people's home solutions are abyssmal, and whoever lived here before just LOVED to GLUE furniture to walls, BOLT shit to floors
every shelf or cupboard already here is STUCK to walls and floors from so many screws and bolts, the only way to move any of them is to destroy entire walls - one HUGE-ass mirror was GLUED to the wall with just piles and piles of latex
one little wall shelf was secured SO WELL, it literally tore whole pieces of wall loose, so now I have to fix that...
based and earthquake proof pilled
Tank Girl is one of these intense aesthetics I was too late for the party - I'd notice the covers as a kid, mesmerized by the chaos
Similar with Akira, but in that case, I finally bought the whole comic book series - much more accessible, I guess.