New profile posts

Out here in the wasteland of thoughts and pixels, dissecting the good, bad, and downright radioactive in Fallout lore. Currently chewing on the Fallout TV adaptation—spoiler: it tastes like brahmin dung. Always up for a discussion on the classics (Fallout, Fallout 2, New Vegas) or anything wasteland-related. War never changes, but storytelling sure does. Let’s dive into the irradiated corners of the franchise!
I have a soft spot for stories of amateur pilots, crashing their entire families for birthday
Hi, I'd like to get deleted too
1). Found out I can get a 0 on all of my Finals and still graduate Magna Cum Laude in December, so I am essentially done with College!
2). I got a full time job offer working in Corporate Treasury at a Mid Sized Regional Bank.
God has a plan, and I am so blessed to be where I am at. Thankful for all y'all for providing good company for the last few years.
Looking out the back window I see a male cardinal hopping around picking at the ground, minding his own business. Few minutes later theres two female cardinals rolling around fighting on the sidewalk out front. I like to think they were fighting over him and he's clueless about it.
Some American is telling me Norway is flowing over with the homeless, after misunderstanding how to sort a list on Wikipedia by number instead of alphabetical order
It's usually the confidence that gets me - "no, no, let me explain to you once again, what you're seeing out your window right now!"
Post-War Tribal
Post-War Tribal
They're programmed differently over there.
Norway, Sweden, What's the difference - Duke Nukem
i will never understand how throwing weapons are so trash in FNV. Theyd literally be top tier anywhere else. Especially a well made javelin that isnt made from broken metal or flint
Shit, I tried to cheer an incel up, and now I'm getting tons of sad replies about how nothing ever works.
Also- Crazy to know a Zweihänder weighs less than a Bumper Sword. Couldnt imagine running around the wastes with a 5.4kg piece of bladed iron
Im doing a Melee weapons run on FNV now. Trying to figure out a good secondary skill to use if i get swarmed in a spot where melee coulsnt dig me out of
Youtube is giving me "gay tests", and I can't understand the type of person who goes "hmmm I wonder... " then five mins later "cocks it is then!"
*why am I getting this*
Location and time of day

It's usually that and giant-boobed milfs in your area.
"location and time of day" is depressing, when the go to is either "huge mom boobs" or "might I be gay?"