First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

Found a video that i find very interesting as a game designer and writer. Clearly Bethesda are incapable of following a similar formula that is indicated and delivered since the first two fallout games and even new Vegas.

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Can we please stop comparing Bethesda to George Lucas? Regardless of what you thought of the prequels, at least George was the one who created Star Wars so he could do whatever he wanted with it. Bethesda took someone else's property and fucked it up much like J.J. Abrams is about to do.

And yes, I like the prequels. Not that people don't have the right to dislike them, but they are not as bad as everyone says. Would mean a lot to me if we could tone down these apple and orange comparisons. Thanks.

So? And Fallout was ruined under Interplay already, a long time ago by a developer/publisher in a Galaxy far far away ...

It was never ruined by Tim Cain or Brian Fargo though! :P

i.e. the creators of the series, not the people who owned it. In Lucas' case it's the same person, but not for Fallout.

Your right. I would say a better comparison would be Indiana Jones.

George created Indiana Jones too. So it's not. :P

Also, didn't I used to be able to multiquote? I can't seem to do it anymore.

EDIT: Oh, I guess the icon changed. I see it now. Thanks. :P

Let us just agree, that what Bethesda is doing to Fallout, could be considered intellectual rape :wink:
They didn't even tried something new. They havn't for years. I love that they always say how they take risks and such. But looking at their games, they have always done the same thing over and over again, playing it save. If they really wanted to try something new, copying Mass Effect was probably the most stupid thing they could have done ...
They took a huge risk by removing the rpg element to pander to the most popular genre on the market (FPS) while blowing lots of money on invasive marketing. You just don't get it.
I have another complaint by the way, this is one that most of us have noticed, but by now, we are almost blinded to it:

Quest items.

Especially those items that don't fucking need to be goddamn quest items, like the canisters of chemical components. At least unmark them after the quest is done, is that REALLY such a difficult thing to code in? Don't other items get unmarked, or forcibly removed?
How about the fucking bobbleheads, they are marked unmovable UNLESS you move them into the right container.

Evidently, this system is flexible.

Why is it so goddamn difficult, to actually fix some of these quest items?

DO THEY NOT TEST THEIR GAMES OR WHAT!? This is what I keep asking myself, again and again, did they not TEST this!? Every "escort" type mission always turns into a chaotic mess where everyone scatters to every wind to fight every raider and mutant, and encounters happen SO cluttered, they will begin to chase entounter after encounter into the goddamn wilderness. This happens immediately, DID THEY NOT NOTICE WHILE TESTING!?

Lore doesn't matter as long as you have skeletons and teddy bears.

Yesterday I thought of that - that soon we will think of Fallout as that wacky post-apo fun-ride shooter with all those hilariously posed teddy bears.
The teddy bears will eventually be the identifying mark, among similarily themed games, "which post-apo shooter?" "The one with all the waaacky teddy bears! ;D"

Wasn't it even a selling point - AGAIN - that you can use teddy bears for ammunition?

And lol "- at this point we have two games from Bethesda which distinctly indicate that Jet is older than Myron.", which is what is being debated!
If we're debating the Bible, then saying "But, the Bible says it is true!" is not a good argument :D
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Soon? What do you mean by soon ... for the masses of nu-Fallout fans THIS is already Fallout, where Fallout started for them with the first game. The first game? The ones by Interplay with turn based combat in 2D? No, the first game, by Bethesda of course ...
It's the weakness in me - the HOPE of humanity, that misleads me into thinking that Fallout still means more than running around with a naval cannon purely because it would be "fun"

It is HOPE that misleads me into believing that this naval-cannon nonsense would not be featured exclusively in one of the loading screens, with words telling you how to actually feel about it, down to the word "fun"

Hope :(

You know, the last discussion I had with my gamer friend about this - and believe me, I feel conflicted about reporting this stuff, but this is the only place where I can vent it (he is one of my best friends, but we argue non stop about this)
He angrily told me about the complexity of FO4 - and litterally told me that he got 2 different results from trying a mission twice, once before and after having done something related to that mission.
I didn't even respond, by then, words were lost.
He then dropped a bomb on me
He told me he has indeed played the old games, and knows exactly what it is that I yearn for.

He played "Fallout, Brotherhood of Steel" on Playstation.

This whole time

This whole time.....................
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You need a new friend.

He's a good pal, we got plenty in common, but I'm telling him litterally lately - we can't debate games anymore, because we simply don't agree - and he's one of those who take it very personally.
He spends most his time on the Playstation, and I am suspeeecting that he does not get very good "debate-training" on Playstation, since he is quick to resort to fallacies, like "everyone else agrees with me" "you only want top down" "theyre taking it forwards, not backwards" and so on, pretty much like every single troll-noob that comes on here to start shit :roll:

Besides game-talk though, he's a very good friend... :D
Is there some epidemic of Manequein fetichism in Boston? I swear every fucking house has Manequins posed and piled up in some way. Same with all those Skeletons Frozen in dynamic poses after 200 years... they know that bones break right? Did everyone in Boston just get creeped out by dead people and never bothered to move those to make use of the clearly intact buildings?
Is there some epidemic of Manequein fetichism in Boston? I swear every fucking house has Manequins posed and piled up in some way. Same with all those Skeletons Frozen in dynamic poses after 200 years... they know that bones break right? Did everyone in Boston just get creeped out by dead people and never bothered to move those to make use of the clearly intact buildings?

Silly Walkpkunt, Did you insult the master minds and thought provoking geniuses at Bethesda? Who brought you funny meme's like "Arrow in the need"

HA, you think fluids like wind and weathering can break down bones in bethesda games? Don't you know that the way devlopers make games is based off the way they view life? So clearly, This is a science accurate game too.

Bethesda 1

NMA - 0

*Cough* Sarcasm over *cough*
Is there some epidemic of Manequein fetichism in Boston? I swear every fucking house has Manequins posed and piled up in some way. Same with all those Skeletons Frozen in dynamic poses after 200 years... they know that bones break right? Did everyone in Boston just get creeped out by dead people and never bothered to move those to make use of the clearly intact buildings?

Yeah, I wondered about the amounts of mannequins, too... I guess they wanted to add some more reactive humanoid forms into the game than the NPCs.
It's impressive how transparently they phoned so much shit in, and they are still getting praised for their "envirormental narrative".

They do have some interesting locations but they seem to have just relied waaay too much on the skeletons and manequins on most of the locations.