I don't want to open a new thread for every shit I am doing for FNV here and there, so I thought I will open one and add stuff in here, if there is something new.
Starting now:
Honest Hearts Letter
This mod was created to adress the issue with Honest Hearts item box at the end of the DLC, which is just there, without any fluff or real explanation. With this mod, a letter from Graham or Daniel (depending on who you support and how much you support them) can now be found on top of the box. The mod has no influence on anything gameplay wise, but it helps to increase Honest Hearts' atmosphere with adding further depth to it.

"I thank you, friend, for your help in defending Zion from the defilers."
- Nexus
Ulysses Clothes
My try at recreating Ulysses clothes. It can be found at the Wolfhorn Ranch and is available for male and female characters. Also this mod adds the "Eagle Flagpole" weapon, which could have been his personal weapon. The model file for this can be found in the game files.

"The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."
- Nexus
Brahmin Variant
The Fallout 3 cancer-brahmin felt silly for me- It just doesn't make sense for me that (as example) the Crimson Caravan are traversing through the desert with the ill-looking brahmin we got from Fallout 3. Eating these cancer-objects must be a pain as well. Anyway...
This mod adds a "healthy" brahmin-type to the game, which does not replace the ill-looking brahmin. The more healthy looking ones just appear in places where it would make sence (i. e. the Crimson Caravan camp or other places like that).
Additionall, this mod changes the brahmin calf critters in the game. Instead of just beeing a smaller scalled model, it now looks at least a little bit unique (no horns on both heads, smaller udder and so on).

"Moo! Moo, I say!"
- Nexus
No Dialog Tags
This is a kind of experiment that I really had to do... Removing all the skill, perk and whatever tags that come in front of the dialog lines. It just kills off my will to test other dialog options, if it's possible for me to press the win-button right in the beginning. It's just annoying and blah. Still, I wasn't sure if it might be bad for the dialog, as it sometimes can feel strange if you chose a dialog line and from one moment to the other, the npc switches his mood towards the player... It's kind of a relic from Fallout 3, where the dialog lines are abstract bullshit that can convert everyone regardless of how bullshit the choice has been. So, whatever...
... Here it is. The first version of my "remove all god damn tags from the dialog lines" and I think it pretty much covers really a lot of the lines that are in the game.
I am pretty sure that I've overlooked the one or the other line, as Fallout: New Vegas really has a lot of text. If someone found a line with a "not fixed" tag in front of it, I would really appreciate it, if I can get the name of the npc and maybe a screenshot of the text. This will help me to track down the remaining and overlooked tags that might be still in the game.
This mod changes the feeling of the game *a lot*. Really. You can't simply press the "win button" anymore, you have to think again about what your character will say next. Also it will higher the chance for you to see at least some of the mainly really good written "fail lines" that are shown, if you don't reach the needed demands in a dialog, because I am very sure that nearly nobody is clicking the lines that are shown as fail...

"[Captain Obvious] I fight the good fight with my voice!"
- Nexus
So, this is my very first quest mod for Fallout: New Vegas and my very first quest mod for a gamebryo engine-type of game (like Fallout 3, Oblivion). The quest is about a hostage situation, some NCR folks who come to rescue and a fist full of drugged up Fiends. What will you do in this situation? Save one group, save the other, save nobody, save all? Well, I personally don't care, as I wanted to design this quest in a way that regardless of what you do, the quest will be completed. If the outcome is good or bad... well, your decision.
The quest itself isn't very big, as this is my first one for the game. You can probably finish it in 5 minutes or even less, if you go the rambo-way. It's more about the story and the amount of choices provided to you, based on your characters stats and skills.

"We knew each other even before Baja. We joined up together to get into the rangers. Best troops in the NCR."
- Nexus
So much for now. More to follow in future, most likely. Guess I like to make mini-mods....
Starting now:
Honest Hearts Letter
This mod was created to adress the issue with Honest Hearts item box at the end of the DLC, which is just there, without any fluff or real explanation. With this mod, a letter from Graham or Daniel (depending on who you support and how much you support them) can now be found on top of the box. The mod has no influence on anything gameplay wise, but it helps to increase Honest Hearts' atmosphere with adding further depth to it.

"I thank you, friend, for your help in defending Zion from the defilers."
- Nexus
Ulysses Clothes
My try at recreating Ulysses clothes. It can be found at the Wolfhorn Ranch and is available for male and female characters. Also this mod adds the "Eagle Flagpole" weapon, which could have been his personal weapon. The model file for this can be found in the game files.

"The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."
- Nexus
Brahmin Variant
The Fallout 3 cancer-brahmin felt silly for me- It just doesn't make sense for me that (as example) the Crimson Caravan are traversing through the desert with the ill-looking brahmin we got from Fallout 3. Eating these cancer-objects must be a pain as well. Anyway...
This mod adds a "healthy" brahmin-type to the game, which does not replace the ill-looking brahmin. The more healthy looking ones just appear in places where it would make sence (i. e. the Crimson Caravan camp or other places like that).
Additionall, this mod changes the brahmin calf critters in the game. Instead of just beeing a smaller scalled model, it now looks at least a little bit unique (no horns on both heads, smaller udder and so on).

"Moo! Moo, I say!"
- Nexus
No Dialog Tags
This is a kind of experiment that I really had to do... Removing all the skill, perk and whatever tags that come in front of the dialog lines. It just kills off my will to test other dialog options, if it's possible for me to press the win-button right in the beginning. It's just annoying and blah. Still, I wasn't sure if it might be bad for the dialog, as it sometimes can feel strange if you chose a dialog line and from one moment to the other, the npc switches his mood towards the player... It's kind of a relic from Fallout 3, where the dialog lines are abstract bullshit that can convert everyone regardless of how bullshit the choice has been. So, whatever...
... Here it is. The first version of my "remove all god damn tags from the dialog lines" and I think it pretty much covers really a lot of the lines that are in the game.
I am pretty sure that I've overlooked the one or the other line, as Fallout: New Vegas really has a lot of text. If someone found a line with a "not fixed" tag in front of it, I would really appreciate it, if I can get the name of the npc and maybe a screenshot of the text. This will help me to track down the remaining and overlooked tags that might be still in the game.
This mod changes the feeling of the game *a lot*. Really. You can't simply press the "win button" anymore, you have to think again about what your character will say next. Also it will higher the chance for you to see at least some of the mainly really good written "fail lines" that are shown, if you don't reach the needed demands in a dialog, because I am very sure that nearly nobody is clicking the lines that are shown as fail...

"[Captain Obvious] I fight the good fight with my voice!"
- Nexus
So, this is my very first quest mod for Fallout: New Vegas and my very first quest mod for a gamebryo engine-type of game (like Fallout 3, Oblivion). The quest is about a hostage situation, some NCR folks who come to rescue and a fist full of drugged up Fiends. What will you do in this situation? Save one group, save the other, save nobody, save all? Well, I personally don't care, as I wanted to design this quest in a way that regardless of what you do, the quest will be completed. If the outcome is good or bad... well, your decision.
The quest itself isn't very big, as this is my first one for the game. You can probably finish it in 5 minutes or even less, if you go the rambo-way. It's more about the story and the amount of choices provided to you, based on your characters stats and skills.

"We knew each other even before Baja. We joined up together to get into the rangers. Best troops in the NCR."
- Nexus
So much for now. More to follow in future, most likely. Guess I like to make mini-mods....