Wheres the chosen one during the events of new vegas?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Where do you think the chosen one is during 2282 and what do you think he's doing? Still living in Arroyo or exploring the wasteland? He should still be alive and he should be around 60 years old. I had this theory that no bark noonan was the chosen one. No one remembers his real name, he's the right age, the highwayman is just outside novac, he makes a reference to wanamingoes and the talking rat, and the 223 pistol is found in novac. I gave him the armored vault 13 suit and pretended he was the chosen one gone senile just as a joke. Anyone else have any interesting theories?
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I'd wager he's probably built up arroyo and Vault 13 residents into a community similar to Vault city except without the slavery and isolationism. Some people think he might be dead by the time of Fallout New Vegas but he was probably around twenty something in Fallout 2 so I think he might still be alive and is probably in his late sixties to early seventies. It's also unknown if he had any other kids besides bishop.
What a strange question. It was obviously left open-ended because he/she was the faceless canvass for the player in FO2, so unlike NPC companions such as Marcus, there was no purpose in the Chosen One making an appearance elsewhere. While the Chosen One's age could be a range of possibilities, it's safe to assume that he/she wasn't too much older or younger from the then-prime Enclave soldiers that they fought against. Since the Enclave Remnants that appeared in New Vegas was clearly elderly but still alive, it warrants the possibility that the Chosen One, too, is still alive. Marcus' description of what became of the Chosen One doesn't pinpoint when the two parted ways, but since he tagged along during the assault on the Oil Rig, it wouldn't be entirely unlikely that the parting was because of Marcus' personal dedication to his race, and his pilgrimage East which ended up in his founding of Jacobstown to try and research a cure for the Nightkin's schizophrenia. Since he didn't know what became of the Chosen One, there's nothing that states that the Chosen One stayed behind and lived in New Arroyo until his/her death, or if like the Vault Dweller he/she went back out into the wastes at some point, lost to history. It's left in the air like that deliberately, so that it's up to you to decide what your character did with his/herself.
However, it is worth mentioning that there was a clear nod to Chosen One and his habit of driving the Highwayman around. Although it is a reference, first and foremost, it doesn't deny the fact that the Chosen One could have easily visited New Vegas some time in the past, perhaps even in recent past. For all we know, he could be one of the patrons in the casinos.


In reality though, SnapSlav is right, it is intentionally left open for the players themselves to decide.
The dialogs about Mister Bishop knowing the wasteland pretty well, strongly implies that the chosen one was a male and shagged one of the Bishop lady. (same description that the son he would got in Fallout 2 original endings)
The dialogs about Mister Bishop knowing the wasteland pretty well, strongly implies that the chosen one was a male and shagged one of the Bishop lady. (same description that the son he would got in Fallout 2 original endings)
If we are going for canon stuff, we know a lot about Chosen One and his actions.
I like to think that the Courier is one of the Chosen One's descendants, considering you can get the armored Vault 13 jumpsuit and weathered 10 mil... granted, that's a Steam DLC but even so, it's possible, right?
It's entirely possible. I think that's the charm of a blank slate character-- the Courier can be anyone, within certain limitations. Drifter, ex-caravaneer, criminal... you could even be a vault dweller or Enclave deserter, if that was up your alley. Hell, technically you could even be the Chosen One-- he's only 60 as of the start of the game. I don't favor the notion, myself, but a set of dermal assault implants might go a long way towards explaining how the courier survived two shots to the head.

Personally, I think "dead and buried" or "adventuring in parts unknown" works best. Officially, he (or she-- it might strongly suggest in certain NV dialogues that the Chosen was a male, but that doesn't make it hard canon) lead New Arroyo for many years after Fallout 2's close, so Occam's Razor would probably have it that he oversaw Arroyo's joining of the NCR, retired due to old age or bureacratic fatigue, did whatever it is old politicians do, and died, having been through many, many circumstances and environments during his adventuring days that are usually fairly detrimental to one's longevity.
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We know that the courrier have been in Reno.
He recognized the singer that shagged Mister bishop daughter.
Also, i don't have the impression that the courrier himself meet the game's faction for the first time.
I doubt he had ever been in the strip before, but i am quite sure he(/she) met some members of the Legion/NCR/Followers/Khans before.
As a courrier, he is used to travel a lot.
So it is not unlikely that he met the chosen one at some point in California, but don't recall it.
Let's say the chosen one was 20 years old in Fo2 & the courrier is 35 years old in FoNV.
When the courrier was 20 years old, the chosen one was only 40 years old.
They may even had worked together.
I doubt they worked together. The most I see is him dropping a package off at Arroyo, and catching a glimpse of him.
There are three possibilities: He is either dead, still wandering in North California, or settles in New Arroyo.
Well considering that the NCR appears to have annexed New Arroyo and just about all the lands present in both Fallout 1 and 2, then either The Chosen One is a Senator for New Arroyo or he retired shortly before the annexation by NCR and is now relegated to history.
I like the idea that the chosen one is simply wandering around. Never really staying to long in one place.
Where do you think the chosen one is during 2282 and what do you think he's doing? Still living in Arroyo or exploring the wasteland? He should still be alive and he should be around 60 years old. I had this theory that no bark noonan was the chosen one. No one remembers his real name, he's the right age, the highwayman is just outside novac, he makes a reference to wanamingoes and the talking rat, and the 223 pistol is found in novac. I gave him the armored vault 13 suit and pretended he was the chosen one gone senile just as a joke. Anyone else have any interesting theories?

You'll have to play Mutants Rising to find out...:look:
I already know where she is at RP and Van buran.
but since both are not cannon, it is unknown where she is in original Fo2 and NV.
I already know where she is at RP and Van buran.
but since both are not cannon, it is unknown where she is in original Fo2 and NV.

Personally, for me only Interplay's Fallout RPGs are canon. Fallout 1/2/VB are the holy trinity, every other game was a disappointment for me :)
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