First time out of the vault

Not the Player Character mind you.
In your honest opinion, what character would be the physical embodiment of Divine Retribution?
Who would walk into a massive gunfight between two opposing armys like the Terminator, and gun them all down one-by-one like the "Grim-f*cking-reaper" if your character wasn't around to do it?
My personal opinion is that it would be Marcus, the Super Mutant.
In your honest opinion, what character would be the physical embodiment of Divine Retribution?
Who would walk into a massive gunfight between two opposing armys like the Terminator, and gun them all down one-by-one like the "Grim-f*cking-reaper" if your character wasn't around to do it?
My personal opinion is that it would be Marcus, the Super Mutant.