First time out of the vault

So we all know that Fallout 3 left a lot of things to be desired, and over the past couple of weeks I have been wondering what would a GOOD Fallout 3 look like? Same setting, just some decent writing. So I tried to imagine my own Fallout 3, it would be pretty much the same size as the Bethesda game's map and maybe on Skyrim's engine or something. Anyways, here it is, keep in mind this is a very basic outline of what I have thought up. I hope this is an appropriate place to put this.
When the Lone Wanderer emerges from inside Vault 101 in 2243, they encounter a Capital Wasteland divided between relatively primitive tribals, and and "civilized" wastelanders who often live inside large, fortified settlements. The tribals are divided between large organized tribes of scavengers and herders and small rouge bands of raiders who subsist largely on theft and banditry. The settlers consist of farmers and traders mostly, though many also work in nomadic caravans that go from city to city, or for mercenary companies that thrive off of the capitol wasteland's dangerous uncertainty. Territory in DC itself constantly changes hands between different groups of tribal scavengers, and is crawling with bandits and slavers. Most settlements are situated along the relative safety of the riverfront, though some take advantage of the rural seclusion in the Capital Wasteland's southwest. The tribals pick over the remains of the DC Suburbs and live off of small flocks of various livestock, some also have trade relations with friendly settlements.
The first settlement the Lone Wanderer encounters following their emergence into the Capital Wasteland, given it's close proximity to Vault 101. Megaton is a relatively recent town, created in an old bomb crater by enterprising caravanners who noticed it's convenient location as a secure "rest stop" for traders passing through the area on their way to tribal camps and other settlements. Because of it's close proximity to the raider-ridden ruin of Springvale, Megaton's security forces are constantly battling primitive raiders lurking outside the city walls.
Megaton makes most of its status as a stop on the Capital Wasteland's trade highway, a crescent running from the secure northern trade hub of Canterbury Commons to the fertile southwestern settlement of Tenpenny. The town is controlled by a simple council comprised of the sheriff, doctor, and several local business leaders.
The closest settlement to the DC ruins, Greyditch is a trade community which thrives off it's relationship with tribal scavengers. For example, if some dirt-covered tribal combing through a basement in DC found some hyper-advanced government insect growth serum, this is where he would drop it off and this is where it would be made available to the general consumer, for a price.
Like Megaton, Greyditch is also fortified against tribal raider attack, as it is located just outside of the hazardous DC ruins. It is the home of the "DC Rangers" a mercenary company which specializes in serving as guides and escorts to individual's interested in going through the DC ruins.
Canterburry Commons
The northernmost point of the Capital Wasteland's "trade crescent" of settlements. The majority of DC's caravan companies are based here, with their owners forming the town's governing council. It's location is relatively secure, nearby tribals are friendly and peaceful, and to it's north are arid, sparsely inhabited wastes.
When it comes to wealth, Canterburry Commons is rivaled only by the southern settlement of Tenpenny. It's status as the DC Wasteland's de facto trade headquarters makes it a place where pretty much any good can be bought, from high end weapons and armor to advanced medical supplies.
Located on the grounds of an old plantation, Tenpenny is the most fertile of all the settlements in the Capital Wasteland. It is also the most autocratic, run by the patriarch of the ruling family after whom the town was named. The majority of the town's labor is done by tribals captured by slavers operating out of the nearby settlement of Paradise Falls, who deal bulk amounts of drugs to the Tenpenny family, who then give the drugs to nearby bands of tribal raiders, in order to "buy them off".
Paradise Falls
The central hub of the Capital Wasteland's underworld, Paradise Falls is also the only settlement where slaves can be bought and sold. Slavers from Paradise Falls operate in the DC ruins and suburbs, capturing tribal scavengers and selling them to settlements like Tenpenny, or even tribal raiders. It's status as the center of DC's black market means that not only drugs, but unique technology and work can be found here.
When the Lone Wanderer emerges from inside Vault 101 in 2243, they encounter a Capital Wasteland divided between relatively primitive tribals, and and "civilized" wastelanders who often live inside large, fortified settlements. The tribals are divided between large organized tribes of scavengers and herders and small rouge bands of raiders who subsist largely on theft and banditry. The settlers consist of farmers and traders mostly, though many also work in nomadic caravans that go from city to city, or for mercenary companies that thrive off of the capitol wasteland's dangerous uncertainty. Territory in DC itself constantly changes hands between different groups of tribal scavengers, and is crawling with bandits and slavers. Most settlements are situated along the relative safety of the riverfront, though some take advantage of the rural seclusion in the Capital Wasteland's southwest. The tribals pick over the remains of the DC Suburbs and live off of small flocks of various livestock, some also have trade relations with friendly settlements.
The first settlement the Lone Wanderer encounters following their emergence into the Capital Wasteland, given it's close proximity to Vault 101. Megaton is a relatively recent town, created in an old bomb crater by enterprising caravanners who noticed it's convenient location as a secure "rest stop" for traders passing through the area on their way to tribal camps and other settlements. Because of it's close proximity to the raider-ridden ruin of Springvale, Megaton's security forces are constantly battling primitive raiders lurking outside the city walls.
Megaton makes most of its status as a stop on the Capital Wasteland's trade highway, a crescent running from the secure northern trade hub of Canterbury Commons to the fertile southwestern settlement of Tenpenny. The town is controlled by a simple council comprised of the sheriff, doctor, and several local business leaders.
The closest settlement to the DC ruins, Greyditch is a trade community which thrives off it's relationship with tribal scavengers. For example, if some dirt-covered tribal combing through a basement in DC found some hyper-advanced government insect growth serum, this is where he would drop it off and this is where it would be made available to the general consumer, for a price.
Like Megaton, Greyditch is also fortified against tribal raider attack, as it is located just outside of the hazardous DC ruins. It is the home of the "DC Rangers" a mercenary company which specializes in serving as guides and escorts to individual's interested in going through the DC ruins.
Canterburry Commons
The northernmost point of the Capital Wasteland's "trade crescent" of settlements. The majority of DC's caravan companies are based here, with their owners forming the town's governing council. It's location is relatively secure, nearby tribals are friendly and peaceful, and to it's north are arid, sparsely inhabited wastes.
When it comes to wealth, Canterburry Commons is rivaled only by the southern settlement of Tenpenny. It's status as the DC Wasteland's de facto trade headquarters makes it a place where pretty much any good can be bought, from high end weapons and armor to advanced medical supplies.
Located on the grounds of an old plantation, Tenpenny is the most fertile of all the settlements in the Capital Wasteland. It is also the most autocratic, run by the patriarch of the ruling family after whom the town was named. The majority of the town's labor is done by tribals captured by slavers operating out of the nearby settlement of Paradise Falls, who deal bulk amounts of drugs to the Tenpenny family, who then give the drugs to nearby bands of tribal raiders, in order to "buy them off".
Paradise Falls
The central hub of the Capital Wasteland's underworld, Paradise Falls is also the only settlement where slaves can be bought and sold. Slavers from Paradise Falls operate in the DC ruins and suburbs, capturing tribal scavengers and selling them to settlements like Tenpenny, or even tribal raiders. It's status as the center of DC's black market means that not only drugs, but unique technology and work can be found here.
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