Well, thank you. =) I just strive to make a point where it's needed, and to do my best that said point is always true.Every single member on this website should read this. You have won this forum.
I believe though, Gizmo isnt thinking so much about success or failure here, because honestly, Fallout 3 was a major success, for Bethesda no less! Depending on what you see as success here I guess. But lets not get to much in to that. I mean the game sold millions of copies, more then 13 milion I think.
You have to ask your self a simple question. Was Fallout 3, for someone who loves most of what F1 and F2 had to offer including the gameplay and design, a success? Fallout 3 could have been a perfect game, with excelent writting, a very engaging story, full of well done quests and a perfect shooter mechanic. But it would still not change the fact, that Fallout as franchise was never designed to be a shooter, it would still be just a Fallout game in name only, a great spin of, a very fun game, one that I would enjoy (I like Vegas a lot!), but I woul still hesitate to call it a Sequel. A lot of people argued, that its just the technology, the original Fallout developers would have done it as well in first person today. But that is far from the truth, as everyone can read the interviews and designdocuments today, after almost 20 years there is a pretty acurate picture about what Fallout really is as game, Brother None, Brios and many others had their chats with almost all of the original developers asking the real questions, I suggest everyone to read the NMA history article about F1 and F2. And really, it isnt that hard to destille what Fallout actually is about. As long as we stay with the core aspects, like the turn based gameplay or the story. Because honestly, you cant have the one without the other in the end. A Fallout game, to be a true sequel in the spirits of the old ones, simply has to be a turn based game, and that is a very unbiased view on it. Just as how you would not call a car the better bicycle. No matter how much more comfortable and faster it might be but a car will simply never be a bicycle, and thus not offer you the same experience. The developers didnt chose the TB mechanic by accident. They did it on purpose. And there is one very good example to prove that. Diablo 1. If someone knows a little bit of history here, then he might remember that Diablo 1s prototype actually was meant to be a Turn Based game, but in the end they decded to make it real time, that was when Blizzard got on board I think, no sure anymore. So they made a choice here. A choice that the team behind Fallout could have done as well. But they didnt. Also they didnt follow the same route like the Elder Scrolls.
We can argue about a lot of things, but not everything is just opinion, I am not going to call someone a Bethesda drone here, we are all Fallout fans after all. But seriously. You cant get closer to the core of Fallout then the real developers and what they had to say about the development BACK THEN some 20 years ago, and its all out there, here on NMA, for everyone to read. And the hard truth is. Fallout without TB, is just a Fallout game in name only. It might be a good game, but we are not talking about the quality of the game here.
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