Gnarles Bronson
regular mutant
No, that's silly. Do other people on here think that?
No, that's silly. Do other people on here think that?
Does it really matter though?
If I am honest, this is more or less hair splitting in my opinion. It doesnt really matter so much why it happens, but actually that it has to dissapear. I know, we still have a very long way before we get there, but that still males and females should receive equal pay for equal work.
Georgdie Tait said:Hey,If you're going to delete my author page then you might as well delete all of my articles. Consider this a request to do so, and my final thanks for hosting all of my work over the years. No hard feelings.
I assume you had some problem with something I said on Twitter about#GamerGate. Well, guess what? Fuck #GamerGate, and every worthless piece of shit in it. Yes, the women too. Yes, the minorities too. I'd say the same about women and minorities who joined the KGB or the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
I'll be frank with you. There's literally zero chance I ever change even one letter of one syllable of one word of one sentence of one Tweet I've made on the subject of feminism, affirmative action, and/or #GamerGate. So you might was well go ahead and remove me, and we'll both go our separate ways with my thanks.
I am not making one concession for #GamerGate. I'll die first. Literally. I have made peace with my existence and I am prepared to die. I'm so absolutely sick of 4chan-numbed males, cowed and self-righteous internalization queens, their grandfathered-in media strangleholds, their intellectually corrupt tactics and methods, the miserable damage they see no problem inflicting, their fucking bullshit politics (I'm looking at you, Adam Baldwin, you rusty right-wing Nixon-trombonist. So much for me ever watching Firefly again) and the ALL-ENCOMPASSING STUPIDITY about which they remain UTTERLY OBLIVIOUS.
I'm not the one making light of the Final Solution. In fact I'm using the suggested punishment fittingly because I honestly and without hesitation think that each and every one of these fucking assholes should be tossed into Treblinka. Right now you're probably gasping and saying "How dare you say such a thing?!"
Well, I'll tell you how. I consider #GamerGate to be a complete disgrace and I'm tired of it. Tired, tired, tired, tired, tired. This is the last straw for me. When Anita Sarkeesian received over $100,000 in donations for her simple project that intended to discuss the problems facing women in the medium of video games, and as players of same, I saw it as the silent majority of right-thinking folks finally finding a horse to back. It was one of the most happy events I could have imagined. She got hundreds of times the donation she expected. It was a great and heart-warming outpouring of support for her proposed topic. A topic millennia overdue for discussion.
'Finally', I thought. 'The worm is turning. Finally, people might start understanding what women have suffered at the hands of men and media since the dawn of time.'
We all know that 6,000,000 Jews died horrible deaths in the Holocaust- a terrible fate and the worst single extermination of a cultural/religious demographic in world history. 3,000,000 of those were women themselves, but for your sake let's just forget that. Let's assume they were just magical ethnic/religious Jews with no other characteristics like gender. So, 6 million suffered a horrible fate and yes, if I could sacrifice my life to save those poor souls right now, I would do it in a nanosecond.
But I wasn't alive to do that, or capable in any case, and those poor Jews had to spend 15 years under this brutal oppression. It is one of history's greatest tragedies. Ask anyone and it will be one of the first events they name. In triumvirate with the betrayal of Jesus Christ and the destruction of the World Trade Towers, it is taught as the great moral exemplar. I am not oblivious to these events. In fact, I am well-studied in their specifics, and hold a deep interest in the history, macro and micro, lens pulled out, lens pulled close.
Now, listen to me, okay? REALLY listen.
I want you to do a thought exercise. It will help you understand where I'm coming from.
Guess, since the dawn of (LOL) *man*kind, how many women were born, lived, and died during a time when they could:
- be fired for being pregnant
- NOT report workplace sexual harassment
- NOT run in the Boston Marathon
- NOT apply for credit
- NOT refuse to have sex with her husband
- NOT obtain a No Fault Divorce
- NOT have a legal abortion
- in some countries, NOT leave their own homes without being stoned to death
- NOT drive a car or leave home without a man's permission if dwelling somewhere with strict Islamic Law (but they can OWN a car! Gee, thanks!)
- be raped as part of a strategy of war, to reduce morale of their side
- suffer marital rape or physical abuse
- be blamed for it
- suffer feticide or infanticide in a country that legalizes such actions as part of a demographic modification strategy
- suffer feticide or infanticide in any case, because what the hell?
- NOT legally own land
- as a result, end up homeless if widowed
- do 2/3 of the world's work and receive less than 1/10 of the world's income, a ever-present feminization of poverty that stems from the above entry
- did I mention NOT apply for credit? this time because they can't legally own sufficient collateral, due to the above
- NOT legally upgrade her inherited holdings in any way once her husband is gone - employees, materials, equipment...sorry. Tough shit.
- NOT become an entrepreneur irrespective any amount of talent, because of zero access to basic legal rights
- die in childbirth at a rate of, on average, five individuals per minute of every day due to lack of access to basic health services
- get engaged to a 7-year-old cousin at age 3, without having a word in the matter
- automatically lose custody of her children if she wants out of her loveless, incestuous marriage into which she was pledged without her knowledge
- hold just 15% of elected parliamentary seats in the world, despite comprising more than 50% of the world's population
- make up more than 2/3 of the world's illiterate adults
- NOT be treated as well as men in ANY country, according to the first U.N. Human Development Report in 1997, and EVERY Human Development Report thereafter
- NOT be treated as well as men in ANY country at ANY point, despite the U.N literally enacting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which specified that everyone, regardless of sex, was entitled to the same rights and freedoms
- Yes, I said the fucking U.N. Rights MANDATED by the U-fucking-N and then falling short literally everywhere on Earth, every year, as reported by the same U-fucking-N.
All of the above information is verified and checked by UNICEF, the UN Development Programme, World Economic Forum, National Committee on Pay Equity, and the WHO.
Got a guess in your head?
Ok. Before I answer, I want to repeat:
The poor European Jews suffered devastating atrocities and inequities for 12 years, from 1933 and Hitler's ascension to Chancellor, to V-E Day in 1945. Around 6,000,000 Jews were lost in the slaughter.
They suffered all the inequalities listed above, and more/worse the further back you look, for 11,970 years. Yes, 119 centuries for women, 12 years for Jews. And how many women suffered during this endless period? How many lived and died under these conditions between 10,000 BC and 1970 AD?
Approximately 50 billion.
6,000,000 Jews suffered the worst the Nazi scum could dish out over 12 years. One of the worst events in human history, to which a reference constitutes a favorite #GamerGate derailing tactic.
And women?
50,000,000,000 women suffered 11,970 years of fucking BULLSHIT as described above. And I won't even get into the Holocaust-worthy violence and atrocities to which they were increasingly subjected, the further one travels back into the dark ages.
Yet all I hear out of #GamerGate is 'Meh, they've got it ok now, but listen to them complain!"
So, I'm sorry. You might get your foreskins in a tizzy when I mention Bergen-Belsen while expressing my disgust with #GamerGate, but seriously? Have some perspective. Do some reading. I know you've watched Schindler's List, and I'm glad you did. Now watch The Stoning of Soraya M., and read a Handmaid's Tale.
Or hell, read the Bible. Sure, the most famous guy to die in it is a Jew, but the book stones more women than a basilisk dropped into a taping of The View. Want examples? John 8:3-11, for one. But Leviticus 20:1-27 contains a fun list of women that should be tortured to death for such grave offenses as being slept with by an adulterous man, keeping a familiar spirit, and so on. Oh, and let's not forget being slept with by the same man as did your mother/daughter. This terrible trespass could only be punished by putting both women to the flame and burning them alive.
Anyway... I'm finished with stupid fuckers running their mouths and holding back progress for women in a billion areas, while being slow and self-important enough to be blissfully unaware of the damage done. #GamerGate is unequivocally doing just by existing what Nazis claimed in their propaganda that the Jews were doing: making the world worse. As such I feel less than zero remorse for saying inflammatory and cruel things to Gaters. Fuck'em. They could die tomorrow and I would pump the fist. Why? Go read that bullet-point list again. Imagine the millions beaten to death by stones, burned alive, raped and then cut and left to bleed out. Imagine 11,000 years of that. THAT'S fucking why.
Now, you. Yes, you.
The bottom-dwelling, complete idiot, neck-beard, loser, piece of mother-fucking shit, Taco Bell breath-wheezing, greasy IPhone-dialing, tank-ass, putting-mayonnaise-on-dental-floss scumbag. The guy double-fisting memes and cheese slices. The guy making a Custer's Revenge sprite in Minecraft. The guy who has never written or produced anything worth a damn in your pitiful chair-compacting, back-of-neck wiping life.
I'M mean? Me? Mean? FUCK you. Read the bullet-point list again. Every entry. Now imagine your mother or your sister, or your daughter. Women suffered through 11,900 years of all that shit, and WORSE, and you have the fucking BALLS to push back and minimize now that we're finally working toward setting things right? You can't just fucking cut them a break when they're finally making the push for some equality in media? You have to be a fucker about it, hamstring and slander Anita, stall things with utter intellectual dishonesty?
Yeah, really NOBLE of you to complain about me vocally wishing the lot of you had been at Bergen-Belsen instead of the Chosen People. At least #GamerGate would have deserved every molecule of that hydrogen-cyanide. You probably think I have a lot of chutzpah, saying that. But read my explanation again. Look at what women have been through for a HUNDRED CENTURIES. Oy-fucking-gevaldt!
And YOU. The right-wing, fancies-himself-political, armed-forces-glorifying-and-seeing-women-as-lesser even though it was your own ancestors who wouldn't let their gender anywhere near your ranks for a hojillion years. Your brains are AWOL. Stop being an asshole, Private. You know everything about women's rights that life as a /k/ forum troll, a shitty ASVAB score, and a skimming of Atlas Shrugged while jerking off in the bathroom at Chick-fil-A has taught you. Yes, I mean you, Adam Baldwin. Jayne Cobb? Jayne Shit. He was pretty naturalistic when playing a self-involved prick, and now I know why. I'd still wear any of Jayne's T-Shirts, but I'd sooner swallow a gun that repeat anything that comes out of his mouth.
And YOU. The self-hating gal who internalizes everything her dumb-fuck friends have shoveled down her stack, then calls it a unique worldview due to little more than pride and self-importance. Fuming at hearing me say that? You're actually a feminist? Sorry, but no you're not. Tough shit. If you'd listen to me I'd be happy to explain to you what's up, but you never had any intention of listening because you want to feel like the special little snowflake of your guild full of maladjusted ADD cases.#NotYourShield, huh?
You're just a miserable, selfish, clarion call, of these words:
No votes, thank you.
Go ahead and stone me, thank you.
Catherine had nothing sexist in it, thank you.
I love how the Japanese treat the girls in their media, thank you.
More half-naked nuns in your CG, thank you.
I hope everyone posting in #GamerGate gets gassed, incinerated, and their tooth fillings melted into a silver/gold WiiMotes for Kim Jong-un and his extended family. I just feel you all should make the same contribution to the furtherance of tyranny and inequality in death that you did in life.
Anyway, if you don't get it by now then nothing I can say is going to convince you. I have to accept that. Some people are too dumb or too stubborn or too misprioritized to get it. But.
DON'T give me any shit about how Holocaust jokes at your expense are inappropriate when EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU is in the midst of an act of anti-woman social sabotage so foul it makes Stuxnet look like a game of Centipede.
Truth: Our society made a leap forward when we came together in one voice and spoke with our wallets to back Anita Sarkeesian to a greater magnitude than she could ever have dreamed. That was our apology for centuries of bullshit and our acknowledgement that the issue was still present and real.
Now #GamerGate and #NotYourShield are trying to sabotage a social change that has been almost 12,000 years in coming. Fucking shame on you. Eat shit and die, every one of you motherfuckers.
You'll have to kill me to stop me. Because you sure as hell can't out-debate me. Unless further convincing your own low-ass-standards-having supporters counts as some sort of laughable victory.
Come over to the right side and you'll instantly be forgiven and welcomed into the fold. It's not like I don't understand why you're so wrongheaded, right? Just read up. But ignore me instead? I'll not stop ripping you until one of us can no longer lift a finger at the keyboard.
Every feminist who has put up with fucking bullshit every day of your goddamn life, I'm here for you. The slut-shaming. The street harassment. The sexual liberties. The music, the games, the television, the movies where you couldn't find a good role model for your daughter with two hands and a flashlight. The Newsroom. Sons of Anarchy. Any of that bullshit. If you need help, I'll help you any way I can.
Finally, if anyone wants to unfriend me or unfollow me, no hard feelings. Just understand I can't change, won't change, and am making my stand here.
It doesnt really matter so much why it happens, but actually that it has to dissapear.
They charge they were denied overtime and promotions and say the few other women in the agency were driven out by constant harassment.
Your insistence that women should continue to be discriminated against in cushy high paying jobs because they aren't as actively campaigning for the right to work in low paying, dirty jobs is beyond idiotic.
Your insistence that women should continue to be discriminated against in cushy high paying jobs because they aren't as actively campaigning for the right to work in low paying, dirty jobs is beyond idiotic.
Maybe, instead of looking for idiotic image memes to share, you might want to look up a few facts, like sexual harassment present in professions considered dirty or otherwise male only.
They charge they were denied overtime and promotions and say the few other women in the agency were driven out by constant harassment.
So maybe you stop being a muppet and do some goddamn research for a change.
Is anybody actually saying that sexual harassment is a good thing, or that it shouldn't be addressed?
Is that really ever claimed? I've been reading some of these feminist writer's theoretical work - I had to, free credit course - and although they are hard to understand for me, as far as I can tell they don't claim that men and women are equal in all respects. Nor do they claim the problem stops with women, they also seem to be concerned with racism, extreme nationalism, lookism, whateverism, and all that there. Then again I didn't really delve deeply enough, pretty sure many of you are more informed on this subject.namely that they are in all respects equal to men?
Well, the goal is that women should be able to change how the world works, as well as men. Garbage disposal is an important thing, but the garbage disposal workers can't really say that they are able to change as many things as politicians, businessmen, etc.So why did women tackle the blue collar jobs first?
There are two factors at work, here. The first is the (actually pretty reasonable) assumption that most gender differences are cultural, which is something that science just keeps confirming. The second is that we have oodles and oodles of social science research showing many, many different ways in which those cultural differences manifest as group differences. So we actually have a fairly decent idea how stereotypes affect views of others and our views of ourselves. How cultural concepts of gender inferiority have an effect on gendered performance, and how other cultural concepts influence many decisions everyone makes.You also see people making very strong claims regarding psychology, which is, I'd say, even more impossible to prove than physiology. Why are there fewer women in game design? Sexist culture. Where does rape stem from? Rape culture. XYZ? Patriarchy. Not to say that those notions are wrong, but the fact that physiology is completely ignored is very suspicious to me -- it makes me think that the conclusion is drawn from the desire to advance women (not such a bad thing), rather than a sincere attempt at understanding the world.
We should be aiming to remove as many barriers as possible, which is something we are very, very far removed from doing, and we should be aiming to strip our culture of notions of which genders are supposed to do which jobs and which genders are good at which things, because we know that that has a negative effect on performance and participation.Gnarles Bronson said:If we somehow managed to prove that women shied away from fields such as game design, science, or business for physiological-based preference reasons, would it be right, to you, to choose to accept the world as it is, or should we seek to introduce them into positions even though it's not their inherent preference to be in them?
Why? And don't tell me to do the research, because obviously you already have. So why is it "beyond stupid"? And don't repeat 'sexual harassment' because pretty much every goddamn job used to be men only and would have resulted in sexual harassment problems. So why did women tackle the blue collar jobs first? Wouldn't tackling the really hard, dirty jobs prove their point better, namely that they are in all respects equal to men? And does that mean that women are also "beyond stupid"?
I'm also appaled by the fact that you insinuate that manual labourers are more likely to cause sexual harassment then blue collar workers. That's a fine example of discrimination, dude. I suppose manual labourers are even more "beyond stupid", huh? Wow, you're just a moral compass of equality, aren't you?
I hope you are not using this as argument, that females should accept less payment for doing the same job like a male though? But I don't think that is your intention.
Does it really matter though?
If I am honest, this is more or less hair splitting in my opinion. It doesnt really matter so much why it happens, but actually that it has to dissapear. I know, we still have a very long way before we get there, but that still males and females should receive equal pay for equal work.
Isn't it illegal to pay people differently based on sex, for the same job?
It does matter though, doesn't it? If, for example, the pay discrepancies were completely explained by a higher percentage of women leaving to raise families, then women shouldn't be paid the same as men, right? They are not working for as long and aren't as committed employees due to their own preferences (in this hypothetical). Only if women are being prejudiced against should an inequality be corrected, not if it's simply due to a difference in preferences.
now you make a case out of it. You work less, you get less money. That is somewhat expected.
What I am talking about is the same amount of work, with the same quality. More or less. 2 engineers, with the same education, doing the same job. One gets more than the other though.
Albeit, no matter what you believe is the case, you can't be against equality. For females and males. And when I say equality then I am talking in a broader sense, not the idea to make everything equal, but to create equal opportunities. To pay females and males the same amount of money for their jobs, would be a pretty good start.
Again, I am talking about inequality, and there can be no doubts that they still exist in our modern society. Sure, it's not the apartheid regime we are talking about here. But I hope you get the picture. Still. Our society has still a very long way to go before we really get there.
We shouldn't equate all feminists and social justice activists. In fact, I see Tagaziel and Sander make the kind of argument alot that because they can move the argument to something bigger (i.e. the entirety of feminism/women etc.) they somehow refute the original much smaller argument.
The fact that we went from gaming journalism to international sexist culture says a lot, I think. Isn't it the mark of a bad debater that they can not engage the original argument on it's own ground? Just pondering.