Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Today I saw a video (it's in spanish and I couldn't find an english counterpart) where I found out about "Reality Glitches". It talked about Deja Vu's and various other glitches, like not being able to fins something that was in your hands a second ago.
The most curious case (if true) is a brazilian man who was drinking a can of cola, finished it, got up to do something else and when he picked the empty can up to trhow it away it was suddenly full again. The only explanation would have been a complete stranger entering his house and in those few moments refill the can with actual coca cola once again.
Another one was a woman who called home to let her husband know she was going to be late because of traffic. After two hous of putting up with the traffic she finally arrives home, only to find her husband tell her why did she called him home five minutes ago to tell him she would be late. To him the entire conversation happened only five minutes before and it was even in the caller ID of the phone.
So, has anything like that ever happened to you? Things that seem impossible or strange and can't be explained by any logical means? I would be really curious to know.
The most curious case (if true) is a brazilian man who was drinking a can of cola, finished it, got up to do something else and when he picked the empty can up to trhow it away it was suddenly full again. The only explanation would have been a complete stranger entering his house and in those few moments refill the can with actual coca cola once again.
Another one was a woman who called home to let her husband know she was going to be late because of traffic. After two hous of putting up with the traffic she finally arrives home, only to find her husband tell her why did she called him home five minutes ago to tell him she would be late. To him the entire conversation happened only five minutes before and it was even in the caller ID of the phone.
So, has anything like that ever happened to you? Things that seem impossible or strange and can't be explained by any logical means? I would be really curious to know.