Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

The real question on all our minds is what will Brother None do for a sweet matching Fallout 4 shirt....ah memories



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I want Todd Howard to be the Vault Dweller. And that Fatfuck he works with could be his Lover/Companion Now how aweshum would this be?
Mo Cap him and all that.... like base 75% of the game on Todd Howard.
they go on quests screwing up everything they touch.
Perks could be things like Janitor Er.. or is that a Trait??
Think about it you could run around in D.C./Boston blowing up your own city.
EPIC Immersive WORLDZ.
Unless the Tunnel Snakes are the major enemy in this game and I can join the brotherhood to get some sweet T1000b power armor, I'm boycotting Fallout Fourth.
Since the home the dog goes through is not nearly 210 years after the apocalypse (curtains, rug, Mr Handy box all still exist, they would have disintegrated in 30+ years) it can be max 5 years after the bombs fell
In Failout 3 there is an old market near the prospering town and there is still edible food in it (exactly 200 years after war), so don't try to apply logic here

Why would you apply logic to the series in general I mean in new vegas you have a conversation with your own brain and there is a quest in 2 where you play chess with a rad scorpion by learning a kung fu move from a talking plant.
Why would you apply logic to the series in general I mean in new vegas you have a conversation with your own brain and there is a quest in 2 where you play chess with a rad scorpion by learning a kung fu move from a talking plant.
I am aware of that, I ain't saying that other Fallouts are saint. There's a lot of wacky stuff in F2 and NV and I don't like it, but it's said in the bible that you shouldn't always try to apply logic and realism to these games, because they're just games, not scientific simulations. So I was just explaining this.

(However, those wacky stuff in F2 and NV were just creators' ideas that don't really appeal to me, whereas F3 stuff is just dumb and undeliberate)
That's a typical strawman to make, when told how something makes no sense from a characterization and internal consistency stand point within a world to just pull the "It's sci-fi and sci fi makes no sense because is fictional so anything is accepted". The fact that the Brain thing is actually explained by the fact that you are in a facility that has been creating outrageous technology during those 200 years after the war by insane people, and that the intelligent scorpion was created by someone that used to be part of the cult of the master, who were all about genetic manipulation on humans so there is a prescedent for that jsut shows yo uare quickly searching on the wiki and you don't actually know the context of the game. But whatever.
When are you going to stop posting?

When everyone stops pretend bitching about a game, that secretly they can't wait to be released and play, in a false attempt to look "negative" and "cool" to their fistbumping metro-bro's.

What are you talking about dude? I love Bethesda for Skyrim and Daggerfall, but seriously fuck them for this trailer. It looks like Fallout 3.1, taking place on the shitty east coast which I prayed we would never return to... knowing Bethesda they will dumb down the game further. They might ruin it with a voiced protagonist, they might remove SPECIAL because it's too difficult for millenial tards (in which case it will simply not be a Fallout game), they seem to be milking BoS and Enclave again instead of coming up with something brand new and cool that exists in the universe (Caesar's Legion, House), fucking Dogmeat AGAIN, fucking Lone Wanderer leaving the vault AGAIN, taking place in a city with heavy Americana AGAIN, that Diamond City seems all wonky, mismatched, and disjointed (a la Megaton) when people on the west coast are building perfect buildings and streets AGAIN... this seriously seems like a rehash of Fallout 3.

I was super excited. They could have done something cool; radioactive swamps in Louisiana, glowing forests of the Pacific Northwest, the ruins of Detroit on the Great Lakes... nope. Fucking. Boston. Thematically identical to DC. And since Bethesturd is behind it I know the story is going to be stupid, make no sense, so I am not looking forward to that. The dialog will be embarrassing and god-awful. The visual style did not match the last two games, it looked all bright and cheery colored instead of gray and gritty. Hell, a few of the shots looked flat-out cel-shaded cartoony, of all fucking things. Reminded me of Team Fortress 2, or Borderlands. Also, the visuals made me wary because that's just more time they spent on making things look pretty for stupid millenials and less time spent making interesting characters.

So yeah, I'm not "pretend" bitching. New Vegas set a standard and it looks from this little trailer that they went back on it entirely, creating the entire game based on fanboy selling points of 3 rather than new creativity.

OK, here's my response.

"Fuck them for this trailer"? Seriously? For a trailer? You want them to fuck themselves for it? Seriously? You have lost all credibility immediately.

Everything else you said is pure speculation verging on slander about a product that has not been released. You know literally nothing about this game, so all your bitching and swearing are ludicrous. Chill out before you have a fuckin stroke.

Thanks for coming out.
Man, some people just love hearing themselves bitch about people not sharing their opinion or not getting excited about the same thing.
That's a typical strawman to make, when told how something makes no sense from a characterization and internal consistency stand point within a world to just pull the "It's sci-fi and sci fi makes no sense because is fictional so anything is accepted". The fact that the Brain thing is actually explained by the fact that you are in a facility that has been creating outrageous technology during those 200 years after the war by insane people, and that the intelligent scorpion was created by someone that used to be part of the cult of the master, who were all about genetic manipulation on humans so there is a prescedent for that jsut shows yo uare quickly searching on the wiki and you don't actually know the context of the game. But whatever.

If you were talking to me - that's exactly what I meant, I just took a shortcut. Talking scorpion and plant is a wacky (funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way) idea that is not serious and I don't like it, but of course it is explainable and consistent with the gameworld. F3 dumb shit is not.
Can't we just have a nice debate on this without devolving into bitching about other's not thinking like you? If you are excited say why, some will agre some won't, unless you are a shithead that is telling everyone to shut up most won't attack you, some will, some will just try to debate your post. If all you are gonna do is bitch about other's reactions then you are just spamming and contributing nothing, actually you will make others think you are just a whinny little kid. But I guess if you think FO3 was good your idea of a discussion is just repeating the same point until the person magically decides to agree with you.
No I am someone who doesn't go to forums entirely to bitch about people on there without actually engaging in a meaningful discussion.
I'll give this game a chance if the protagonist isn't voiced/an established character and we get to create our own blank slate like in 1/2/NV (and sort of FO3).

From what I gathered from the trailer, it's gonna have several locations that rate high on the "Cool" factor, but rate low on the "Does this make any sense at all" meter.

I do like the art style though, very neat. Would suit isometric better though.