"Fuck them for this trailer"? Seriously? For a trailer? You want them to fuck themselves for it? Seriously? You have lost all credibility immediately.
No, I do not want them to literally fuck themselves. You are either a dimwit or being intentionally obstuse; either way, I'll spell it out for you. "Based on what Bethesda thought was important to showcase in one of the biggest games they have ever released, their selling points failed to meet my expectations. I am now disappointed in the company for not displaying things in the game that I find important, and for displaying things I find trival and unimportant."
Everything else you said is pure speculation verging on slander about a product that has not been released. You know literally nothing about this game, so all your bitching and swearing are ludicrous. Chill out before you have a fuckin stroke.
Thanks for coming out.
No, sorry. It's not speculation "verging on slander". It's called a calculated opinion. Has Bethesda dumbed down RPG elements in both TES and Fallout from their original conceptions? Yes, this is a fact. Was Skyrim, their most famous, popular game, vastly more simple than it's predecessor? Yes, this is a fact. Was it easier for a more diverse audience of all types to get into the game because it was so simple, as not to drive away with complexity or obscurity? This is a commonly held conception. Now why would it stand to reason that they would abandon that model of doing things when
- They have been doing it for years and years
- They, as a large developer and business, are interested in making money first and foremost and
- Simplification to mediocrity, also called "mass appeal", is one of the ways to achieve the goal of more money
- Therefore, it is reasonable that they would do what has got them more money in the past (like dumbing down dialogue and skill system) to Fallout in order to
- Make more money
Furthermore, all companies operate on a limited budget, and money poured into a project is often a zero-sum game. If more money goes to making visuals and graphics look good, that is neccesarily money taken away from another, and in my opinion, more important factor instead.
That calculated, informed opinion covers the gameplay elements as to what is most likely going to be the result. Now how about what the trailer did show us? Boston as a location - I hate it. Not speculation. The cartoony color palette - I hate it. Not speculation. The dog companion being rehashed, the Wanderer wearing a vault suit being rehashed - I hate it. Not speculation. The fact that the protagonist character speaks for the first time with voice acting in the series history, strongly implying a voiced main character - I hate it. Not speculation. Etc., etc.
In any case, it's all about examining what is likely. Did they ressurect Edgar Allan Poe to write sharp, verbose dialog, or did they do what they did the last 5 times and just give it to whoever without much work being put into it? Did they expand SPECIAL with more detail and balance, or did they simplify it so more people find it accessable, after the simplified Skyrim helped make them a bajillion dollars? Use your brain when it comes to this "speculation".
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