Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now


But best title ever!
While Bethesda's E3 showcase included plenty of news, including the announcement of a Dishonored sequel (really cool in my book) and a TES card game (much less cool in my book) the crown in their jewel was undoubtedly Fallout 4.

Whatever your reaction to the showcase was, Bethesda can't be accused of not offering info about their game. There's a big post at The Vault that goes over the minutiae with hundreds of captured shots, so I'll limit myself to the cliff notes. Bethesda announced the game will come out on November 10, in both a normal and Pip-boy edition, which comes with a replica of the game's version of the Pip-boy. It'll be possible to plug a phone in the Pip-boy replica and use an app provided by Bethesda for a second screen experience. The app can also be used separately, so that's really only an experience for the hardcore cosplayers.

The game will introduce crafting mechanics that look potentially deeper than ever before in the series. Players will be able to customize weapons, power armors (the protagonist was shown mix and matching pieces of the trust t-51b, a new t-60 model and even the Enclave Power Armor, here called X-01, and even normal armors now come in layers), and even their own settlement, which will be occasionally attacked by raiders.

In keeping with theme of "Fallout 3 with more", combat looks like an improved version of Fallout 3 and New Vegas' shooting, with VATS returning in a slightly altered version. This time, rather than stopping time completely, VATS seem to be a bullet time mode of sorts, and it's possible to build a Critical gauge that can be used at the opportune moment, presumably to inflict massive damage. Aside from that, the mode appears to be the same, and still lets you target different body parts of the enemies.

The Boston setting looks less fresh than it appeared to me in the announcement trailer: the Brotherhood looks poised to return, though, interestingly, they're always framed as enemies in the footage shown. Super mutants appear again. They seem to have been slightly redesigned (they're now greener and less monstrous than in Fallout 3) but they are very likely from the Vault 87 East Coast strain, as the footage with them includes plenty of gore bags and even a Behemoth. Other returning creatures include molerats, Yao Guais, Radscorpions, Deathclaws and Mirelurks. On the other hand, we've already been shown some new creatures (Synths appear to be common enemies) and new settlements.

Speaking of setting, the tutorial appears to be set right before the Great War started. The protagonist (who can be either the husband or the wife of a loving couple) manages to reach the safety of Vault 111, and emerges 200 years later. It's not clear how the protagonist survived 200 years and why he's the sole survivor, Bethesda didn't want to disclose too many details about the plot.

Now, for the real points of contention: the protagonist in Fallout 4 will be voiced. It's still possible to play either a male or female character, but they will have a set voice, and conversations now follow the cinematic presentation that's been popularized by Mass Effect. This means there are plenty of cinematic camera angles and every single line of dialogue is voiced. It also looks like there might be no skills at all in the game. Bethesda has been tight-lipped about the character progression mechanics, but the Pip-boy interface only showed the classic SPECIAL attributes and a Perk tab, and the crafting menus referenced "Ranks" rather than skill levels. We won't know until later, but it looks like Bethesda might have turned the various skills into perk progressions. Admittedly, I am an advocate of coarser skill progression in the Fallout series, but I'm not sure whether I like this solution.

To celebrate this event, Bethesda has also released a tie-in mobile game, titled Fallout Shelter. It's a free-to-play base building kind of game that puts the player in charge of a Vault as its Overseer in charge of the well-being of the inhabitants of the Vault, who all look styled after the franchise's trademark Vault Boy. According to Todd Howard, the game is totally free of paywalls of any kind, though it's possible to buy the loot crates that would be found during normal gameplay with real money. The game is out for iOS, but Pete Hines promised info on an Android version later on.

That's a fairly short summary of the Fallout 4 part of the presentation, but you can watch it yourself in the YouTube video embedded below:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2KApp699WdE?t=1h5m59s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>​

Update: I integrated some info from 13pm's newspost, given we ended up posting at the same time. Apologies for the confusion!
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I think I saw the Synths and Power Armor enemies getting pieces of armor and chasis blown off when attacked, am I crazy?
I think I saw the Synths and Power Armor enemies getting pieces of armor and chasis blown off when attacked, am I crazy?

I may have seen that too. I'm conflicted on this. Need more info.
I think I saw the original Enclave helmet on the power armor modification, rather than that ugly "Enclave Armor" from Fallout 3.

So that's cool.
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Ohh, the anticipation of getting to hear "myself" speak Bethesda's brilliantly written dialogue out loud! And what I'll actually say will be a surprise, too!

The lack of info on the editor (will one be released at all, and if so, with the game or months later, as with Skyrim?) and modding in general is worrying. Especially in light of the recent payed modding incident. As has already been pointed out, the voiced protagonist will make it impossible to mod anything that touches conversations (in a satisfactory way), which is really sad. No quest mods, no Two Bears High-fiving.

I look forward to Dishonoured 2, though.
As has already been pointed out, the voiced protagonist will make it impossible to mod anything that touches conversations (in a satisfactory way), which is really sad. No quest mods, no Two Bears High-fiving.

This. Was thinking the same.
There seems to be a system for destroying bits of Armor, at one point in the video the character shoots a Mutant(?) with a bunch of crap for armor, and then after getting shot the crap it had on the face and chest (Looked like a cage, or a shovel) is no longer there. Also there seems to be a grenade Hotky and Weapon Heating with Big Guns.
I think I saw the Synths and Power Armor enemies getting pieces of armor and chasis blown off when attacked, am I crazy?

I may have seen that too. I'm conflicted on this. Need more info.

I didn't see them loosing limbs, but there is a layered armor system (and when inside of the power armor there is a status indicator for each part shown in the lower left corner) it is possible that once a piece of armor breaks it is discarded.
"You are having a quiet moment with your dog, then th right song comes in your pipboy and action breaks out, that's what Fallout is"
So, to Howard Fallout is just killing people to the tune of 50's music...... great....
"You are having a quiet moment with your dog, then th right song comes in your pipboy and action breaks out, that's what Fallout is"
So, to Howard Fallout is just killing people to the tune of 50's music...... great....

I cringed too.
From the looks of it skills aren't necessarily out. Here we can see Barter and science:


We can see science required lvl2, so it mostly likely have somehing like wasteland 2 bars. And either the skills UI isn't ready for presentation atm, or it has been merged with perks UI.
It says Rank 1, and has a "!" next to it, not to mention the Gun one says Gun Nut and not just guns, so it's as we say, Skills have been replaced with perks.
I'm wondering if Brotherhood are going to be the white knights again. I could probably tolerate their continued existence if they're actually somewhat closer real Brotherhood, but somehow I got a feeling they're going to be part of Lyon's brotherhood.

odd though that the only bit we did see of them was them getting killed by the player.
"Raider scum" "Raider Veteran" "Raider Waster", Would it have killed them to come up with gang names for the raiders? It takes no time, Tunnel Rats Buster, there Black Scropion Veteran, it's easy, and it gives the mooks personality and it can even help to determine the terrotory they are in by the name of the Gang controlling it, New Vegas did this, it also determined the type of weaponry the raiders would use, but I guess if to Howard Fallout is just killing people to 50's music, all that pesky world building and characterization is an unnecessary hassle.
Getting rid of skills in Bethesdian Fallout makes more sense than sticking to meaningless skill stats.
Basically, any combat-related skills don't make much sense when you have FPS/TPS real-time combat. So that's a fair point in removing them. Other skills like conversational ones can be replaced by perk progression. Not a big fan of that, but still, if done properly, it can work well. And again, we're talking about Fallout made by Bethesda, not the old titles. Given that, this system looks far more appropriate for the core game mechanics.

I'm really disappointed in some other stuff like including supermutants and BoS, but it's Bethesda after all.

"200 years after the war" shit is nonsensical yet again. i wonder what will be an excuse for the character to be alive. Some kind of a hybernation? And surviving a nuclear blast outside the vault?
And, of course, food is still fresh.
Crafting system for weapons and armor looks nice, can't say I'm a big fan of building houses though.

Summoning vertibirds? Jetpacks? Mini-nukes once again?
Ah, the COOOOOL stuff.
It seems to me that they took the crafting system from The Witcher...except it makes a lot less sense. Yeah, let me just make a fucking scope out of some duct tape, an old alarm clock and a fucking wrench.
aarg, no! ditching skill percentages, not a fan of that. I'm uncertain admittedly, but I foresee a further simplification of the system that I so disliked in Skyrim... also, Mass Effect-style cinematic conversations? I also foresee a mass of glitches related to this. Mass Effect's layouts were a hundred times more predictable than any Bethesda game. so unless they are severely limiting any conversation to certain areas and with stationary NPCs, I am imagining hordes of botched camera angles and weird clipping.