It Wandered In From the Wastes

That's all you've managed to understand from all that critique?Reasons for hatred.
Too constrained.
The Perks weren't the same.
The old Fallout veterans spread the word, ... they played the Judas goat perfectly until it was too late.
Fallout 3 sucks as Fallout game because:
1. It basically forces you into combat. Enclave and supermutants will always be hostile, no matter what. How are you suppose to play diplomat character if 99% of game-world population is after your blood? You could finish F1&2 without fighting any sm or Enclave (with a little luck - or skill - for random encounters) F3 is basically a slugfest.
2. Assume that you prefer to fight, not talk. Enclave troopers and sm always posed a challenge in older games (even though games weren't even that hard if you used your brain). In Fallout 3 they are a sad joke, parody of their formal selves. You can easily kill Enclave laser-wielding soldier with a pistol.
3. Dialogues sucked. Blow up Megaton and speak to Moira, you'll get it.
4. No c&c. When you choose one wrong dialogue option in speech with Lynette (F2), she will expell you from city. Permanently. That will block off all quests from this city, and even one from another.
What was F3 response? Megaton - blow up a city, you will get an apartament. Don't do it - you get an apartament. Don't do it, you will able to finish Wasteland Survival Guide. Do it... you will also be able to do that. Moira surviving not only rapes lore from previous games, but also is inconsistent with what you hear in F3 itself. All that to prevent game from having actual consequences.
Another example? Karma system. Blow up a town - you've got the worst karma possible, go donate 2000 caps to a priest, which gives you the highest karma, kill the priest, get your caps back - you are still messiah. If you get one of the good companions after that, she will tell you that you are making your father proud

Murder half of the population from Megaton. Return after three in-game days - nobody cares. Give the priest 2000 caps and the survivors of your massacre will greet you with fucking gifts and praise your goodness.
5. Game limits your freedom way more than older parts. You are forced to help BoS and finish Project Purity. Game makes sure that you will do just that by making some of the character immortal. You may argue that older parts also are somehow linear. But do they handle it the same way as Fallout 3? You can kill most of the BoS paladins in plain sight with no consequences. You can send Lyons' daughter to the Purifier. After that Lyons will still express relief that you are alive and will promote you to Knighthood. You can celebrate your promotion by killing rest of the knights. No crap is given.
6. Plot is rehashed version of these ones found in older games. Very little original thought behind it. Hell, it even ripped off Oblivion's story structure to some extent.
7. Stats now have little meaning. You can use fatman or minigun normally with 1 point in strength. Due to hp bloat endurance isn't that important. Charisma is worthless. Agility matters a little, basically only in god mo... I mean VATS.
8. Grey morality. Fallout 1 has very interesting villain, some even argue that his plan for humanity would break "war never changes" cycle. Fallout 2 has one-dimensional villain, that was basically created as a joke. Game was vastly criticized for that, even on NMA.
Guess what game F3 took inspirations from?
And some other reasons I don't recall now.
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