Movies you would like to see redone as game

Crni Vuk

M4A3 Oldfag oTO
Watching a few old movies I thought that some of those would make really great storylines for games. Particularly when you think about what kind of game we have seen in the last few years.

With games like Dead Red Redemption or Arkham Asylum and Arkham City I would like to see something like

It really was already a pretty great action movie, easily one of Kurt Russels best movies, if you like old action movies you should really go and watch it!

The whole premise of the movie would work really well with current hardware and gaming. A closed Island of Manhattan as maximum security prison with the player inside it. If done well and by a good team, it could be really a great game.

What kind of movie would you like to see as game? Or at least in some part.
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Tomb raider
Street fighter
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Far Cry


For real though, you know that movie with Will Smith as the superman hobo? That one would work. Also, Crank. Not that I'd trade Crank for a videogame version. I wouldn't trade crank for anything.
I was thinking along the lines of an online coop type thing. Kinda like those starcraft mods or the Terrorist Town mod in CSS, where a player has to secretly murder everyone.
Sink the Bismarck (UK, 1960)
Turn-based strategy game with top-down perspective and stylised minimalistic graphics right here! Upgradeable ships, including crew promotions RPG element. ^^
A Dune RPG, done in a very similar way as Morrowind, with better combat of course.

Not sure what character creation options there would be, but you'd be able to join Atreides, Harkonnen or Ordos and as well as work various work with IX, Spacing Guild, Bene Gesserit, Bene Tleilax, Fremen, etc.

Have the bulk take place on Arrakis, but have hub cities for each of the houses located on their own worlds.

Another thing that could be done is choosing the background house when the character is created, which leads to unique events. Pretty much the best thing Dragon Age did, in my opinion.
Lately I've been watching The Rockford Files, one of the best U.S. TV shows from the 1970s. I'd love to see this become a game:

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The Last of Us looks like it would make a pretty cool video game.


Pacific Rim would make a for a fun videogame, as long as it had mechanics like changing parts of the robot, harvesting resources, upgrading the base, creating or recruiting pilots that would have different synergy between them that would benefit one kind of robot over the other and such, like Xcom but with giant robots......


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Movie into Video Game?

Well, how about this.

But, as a squad-tactics based FPS-RPG like the original Deus Ex, with multiple endings and a focus on story and writing.

However, I feel that movies themselves are hard to translate into a video-game.

If it was a BOOK, I would choose A Scanner Darkly. "oh wait, that's also a movie."
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"Apocalypse Now" would benefit from an "Oregon Trail" travel system between importants locations.

"Screamers", based on the book "Second Variety" would make some nice atmospheric game, not unlike Stalker...

About "Robocop", it might be interesting to have a strategy/management game in which you play as OCP and try to buy out Detroit to make Delta City.