First time out of the vault

1) Lonesome Road - I'll be honest and admit that I didn't actually enjoy New Vegas all that much on my first playthrough. I certainly liked it but felt that the post-apocalyptic vibe from the series was missing. I loved the return of multifaceted writing and interesting characters but the atmosphere just wasn't there for me. That all changed once I played Lonesome Road, not only is Lonesome Road the most visually impressive bit of Fallout ever created but it all comes to a head in an outstanding finale that is like the game pointing a gun at your face and telling you to choose a side or die. It was the first time I felt compelled to actually get involved with the factions and from then on out I loved New Vegas. It complements New Vegas beautifully with the return of post-apocalyptia, it has one of my favorite moments of the entire series and the added gear is my favorite in all of New Vegas.
2) Old World Blues - Hilarious, open and massive. Definitely the most "fun" DLC of the bunch. Writing is rock solid and once again complements New Vegas quite well by going absolutely nuts with the comedy.
3) Dead Money - The best actual "story" of the DLC's, Dead Money has great characters and a wonderfully intriguing story with a fantastic atmosphere and setting. The problem for me is the gameplay. The collar? *Middle Finger* Right here buddy.
4) Honest Hearts - Maybe a controversial opinion but I don't actually like this DLC, I find the setting a curious one because I thought we already had enough of the non-irradiated wasteland that New Vegas provided. The whole "tribe warfare" thing was nowhere near as interesting as Caesar's Legion Vs. NCR, and I didn't enjoy much of the new gear added. The only thing this DLC has going for it is Joshua Graham, who is reasonably interesting but still can't live up to the narrative expectations the game gives him, and the story of The Survivalist, which I found to be a brilliant piece of environmental storytelling. Oh and Jed Masterson's "Oh Mr. Masterson, I left my one-of-a-kind plasma rifle back at camp, can we go back and get it?" comment. That's just hilarious.
2) Old World Blues - Hilarious, open and massive. Definitely the most "fun" DLC of the bunch. Writing is rock solid and once again complements New Vegas quite well by going absolutely nuts with the comedy.
3) Dead Money - The best actual "story" of the DLC's, Dead Money has great characters and a wonderfully intriguing story with a fantastic atmosphere and setting. The problem for me is the gameplay. The collar? *Middle Finger* Right here buddy.
4) Honest Hearts - Maybe a controversial opinion but I don't actually like this DLC, I find the setting a curious one because I thought we already had enough of the non-irradiated wasteland that New Vegas provided. The whole "tribe warfare" thing was nowhere near as interesting as Caesar's Legion Vs. NCR, and I didn't enjoy much of the new gear added. The only thing this DLC has going for it is Joshua Graham, who is reasonably interesting but still can't live up to the narrative expectations the game gives him, and the story of The Survivalist, which I found to be a brilliant piece of environmental storytelling. Oh and Jed Masterson's "Oh Mr. Masterson, I left my one-of-a-kind plasma rifle back at camp, can we go back and get it?" comment. That's just hilarious.