Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

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How can anyone even consider this replacement a good thing and still call themselves a fallout fan?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the authority on all aspects of what makes a person like Fallout. I don't love the new system, but it honestly could've been a lot worse. At least they allow SOME VARIETY opposed to none at all, and min/maxing your character to death. If the level cap is only 20 that would mean you can't get every perk in the damn game, so you would have to start a new character to try out different playstyles.
The level cap is at least 50 in the Vanilla game (A screenshot showed a Level 48 character on the pip boy). Altho it was level 100 in Skyrim so I am thinking they'll go more that way.
Funny they waste time making a shitload of 3 page long books but they couldn't be assed to implement a Skill system....

Can't wait to hear about how immortal NPCs make the story so immurshive.

Or a story. Wrtiting. This all has to take a backseat! You heard the Todd-man! They don't have time to do everything ;)

How can anyone even consider this replacement a good thing and still call themselves a fallout fan?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the authority on all aspects of what makes a person like Fallout. I don't love the new system, but it honestly could've been a lot worse. At least they allow SOME VARIETY opposed to none at all, and min/maxing your character to death. If the level cap is only 20 that would mean you can't get every perk in the damn game, so you would have to start a new character to try out different playstyles.

At which point does it stop to be a Fallout game though? I mean honestly now. When it finally reached CoD gameplay? Or the status of Quake 4?

I mean looking at Skyrim you could barely call that game a role playing game ... adventuring and killing stuff in different ways is ... fun, sure. But that is different from CoD how?

We have to wait and see I guess. But my hopes are not very high.
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Funny they waste time making a shitload of 3 page long books but they couldn't be assed to implement a Skill system....

Can't wait to hear about how immortal NPCs make the story so immurshive.

Or a story. Wrtiting. This all has to take a backseat! You heard the Todd-man! They don't have time to do everything ;)

How can anyone even consider this replacement a good thing and still call themselves a fallout fan?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were the authority on all aspects of what makes a person like Fallout. I don't love the new system, but it honestly could've been a lot worse. At least they allow SOME VARIETY opposed to none at all, and min/maxing your character to death. If the level cap is only 20 that would mean you can't get every perk in the damn game, so you would have to start a new character to try out different playstyles.

At which point does it stop to be a Fallout game though? I mean honestly now. When it finally reached CoD gameplay? Or the status of Quake 4?

I mean looking at Skyrim you could barely call that game a role playing game ... adventuring and killing stuff in different ways is ... fun, sure. But that is different from CoD how?

We have to wait and see I guess. But my hopes are not very high.

If it's not Fallout, why is it in the Fallout section? :wiggle:
Because it is a ghoul, a decayed image of it's former self, that may remember it's past but may never get back on the same level of its past self.
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I like having real time looting in FPS games. However, combining it with Bethesda's usual janky, console-style interface sounds less appealing. And since opening the magic Pip-Boy still will freeze time, including in the middle of combat I would imagine, it seems like a weird feature to add.

The perk system sounds just as bad as I had feared. With seven rows of ten, it apperas the progression is wholly linear within every category. At least Skyrim had perk trees. But I guess it didn't make a lot of difference in the end, since you could get so many of the perks that the branching aspect didn't really matter.

As for the romance, I'd be fine with it if there was any depth or anything of interest to it, but since there will be 12 different NPC's that can be "romanced", it isn't hard to imagine how shallow and inconsequential the feature will be. Actually, we don't have to use our imagination at all, we can simply look at how the marriage option in Skyrim was utterly pointless and had no impact on the game whatsoever. What is important is obviously to get all the species/race/gender categories possible, otherwise it would be racism/oppression/evil/hate/nazism/whatever. Personally, if I can't romance Dogmeat and various terrain features, I will feel repressed and make a big stink.
Tho looting and the multiple conversation part sounds interesting, however isuspect that the multiple conversation part will be possible only because they simplified the shit out of dialogue. The part where they really made a mistake is with trying to make this game more cinematic with the talking pc, love stories and the whole drama part with the family. Beth is flat out terrible with stories and script, their games strong part (unintentionally) is the randomenss of the world. I think people who will play this game (i will not, because it will not be ported to linux) better get their hands ready for some facepalming.
IGN posted some new information from Quakecon 2015. There may also be leaked audio of the Fallout 4 demo according to Reddit.

I'll share more information as it comes along.

In other news. Fallout Shelter is coming to Android August 13th.

LOOTING: Looting will be in real time, no pause whatsoever. It'll be a little window you can scroll through.

NAMES: The 1000 Names on the list will also be names focused on levity; It'll be unserious some of them, like Mr. Fuckface!

CITIES: A Bit of Diamond City was shown (Concept Art). Some of the Attendees say that they saw it were covered in snow, which'll mean there may be snow. The gameplay were located in Lexington!

DIALOGUE: Dialogue will be incredibly flexible: It'll be able to have a conversation with 2 other people at same time, like a conversation in a group.

COMPANIONS: Companions confirmed is Piper (A girl character, and no she's not that hot.) Located in Diamond City, Mr. Handy (A Robot like Codsworth), Preston Garvey (The leader of the Minutemen, or sort of). There'll also be relationships! No matter the gender you are, you can always be a couple with a boy or a girl.

PIP-BOY: When you look at the Pip-Boy, the game will pause. Even in combat of course. Inventory's also now easier to get to, as there's a quick select screen for throwing grenades and using stimpaks, etc. And this will not pause the game.

ANIMATIONS: Animations will now appear when you're using Meds, such as Stimpak, where you'll be bursting it into your chest. There are a lot of different animations, and they're way more detailed than before, even Dogmeat has a ton of little detailed animations for everything he does. AI will now also have the feature of jumping and climbin some obstacles, and they jumped through the window in the show.

KARMA/REPUTATION: There'll be procedural reactions to you, based of your reputation and Karma, so Karma will get it's respect in the game.

WEAPONS: Nothing really special of what we've seen whatsoever. There was an Automatic Plasma Rifle, but not really anything else. You can also find modified weapons in the Wasteland, and this may depend on your luck how modified it is. You can also melee with your weapon now, even if there's not a bayonet attached to your weapon!

PERKS/PERKS UI: Looked like a Jeopardy Board says some: 7 Categories and 10 Rows sat after increasingly better perks, what seen that were new was Intimidation and Attack Dog! Perks will also be depend on your
S.P.E.C.I.A.L, For example: the higher your Perception, then earlier on you'll get access to a perk dedicated to Perception.

GHOULS: Ghouls has changed a lot now, so it feels like they've changed character heavily (when you're comparing FO3 AND FO:NV): They're walking differently, like they've got some mentally impairing disorder, and the animations looks pretty fluid.

LEGENDARY: Many other enemies and such will be legendary, even human-like creatures, such as Ghouls.

BEHEMOTHS: Some Behemoths were unquestionably bigger than the one in the trailer. Some even say as big as they were in Fallout 3.

RECORDED?: It's being doubted, as they had pretty good security in the room.

HACKING: Nothing special to talk about, closely at being the same as in the third dimensional games of Fallout.

BOOKS: (Some) Books are now actually readable, like Grognak The Barbarian, with different issues!

SKILLS: No such thing anymore, and will be replaced with Perks, and it's not a disappointment calmly said.



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I would really like to see them explain how your character can be gay and at the same time married to the opposite sex.
I would really like to see them explain how your character can be gay and at the same time married to the opposite sex.

That's pretty easy actually. It's likely some combination of:

1) Pre-War social norms saw any sorts of relationships besides "getting married and having kids" as unamerican and thus suspicious, so you got married to someone you weren't really sexually attracted to as a way to advance/protect your career.

2) You can be bisexual, if you want.
Next, you guys should explain to him how to find the clitoris.

I mean fund the clitoris.
Some more details by Polygon here: http://www.polygon.com/2015/7/24/90...ns-upgrades-special-customization-progression

In Fallout 4, every time you level up you're able to unlock or upgrade a perk, giving your character new abilities and proficiencies. The perks you're able to unlock are directly tied to your SPECIAL stats — each stat has 10 perks corresponding to the 10 points you're able to allot to that stat. The more points you have in a given stat, the "deeper" you're able to go: If you have eight strength points, you'll be able to choose between eight of Strength's assigned perks when you level up.
That means there's 70 base perks in Fallout 4 to choose from, including some familiar faces — like a perk that increases the odds of "gibbing" your foes — and some newcomers. The series' Skills system is also tied into the tree, according to Howard. Most perks will also be upgradeable; with those additional ranks included, the progression system offers 275 things to unlock.
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Some more details by Polygon here: http://www.polygon.com/2015/7/24/90...ns-upgrades-special-customization-progression

In Fallout 4, every time you level up you're able to unlock or upgrade a perk, giving your character new abilities and proficiencies. The perks you're able to unlock are directly tied to your SPECIAL stats — each stat has 10 perks corresponding to the 10 points you're able to allot to that stat. The more points you have in a given stat, the "deeper" you're able to go: If you have eight strength points, you'll be able to choose between eight of Strength's assigned perks when you level up.
That means there's 70 base perks in Fallout 4 to choose from, including some familiar faces — like a perk that increases the odds of "gibbing" your foes — and some newcomers. The series' Skills system is also tied into the tree, according to Howard. Most perks will also be upgradeable; with those additional ranks included, the progression system offers 275 things to unlock.

Well, skillpoint allocation being replaced with a series of linear perks isn't quite the same as the worst-case scenario that we all feared of the skill system being tossed entirely.
I wonder if Romance will be like in Skyrim

*cuts some wood for a random woman*

"Hey, marry me!"

"Since you cut some wood for me, I accept! You're the best husband ever!!" (or wife)

The level cap is at least 50 in the Vanilla game (A screenshot showed a Level 48 character on the pip boy). Altho it was level 100 in Skyrim so I am thinking they'll go more that way.

Skyrim has no level cap.
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The interesting thing is you can assasinate the parents and adobt the child. Probably something Bethesda has overlooked.

I would really like to see them explain how your character can be gay and at the same time married to the opposite sex.

You never had a situation where you did something against your better judgement? Gays are people too!
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