First time out of the vault

Don't get me wrong, I love NV but dear god the invisble walls and Dead Money just kill it for me at times.
>Did you like having fun?
>Well just to make sure, we're going to remove all your hard-earned items
>Oh and here's your complimentary bomb collar
>If you don't listen to Hitler he'll kill you because why not
>Have fun navigating through some of the world's worst level design
>Radios are for cool people, it's not our fault they make you blow up
>Did we mention you can't kill anything unless you sever a limb?
>You're also not allowed to have money
>Instead you can use these whacky casino chips to buy only a few useful things at vending machines
>But you won't get anything good until you find the proper recipes
>If you don't like Melee or Energy weapons you can go fuck yourself with a rake
>Basically you're going to start the game over from scratch and you're gonna like it
>We hope you enjoy spending time with an autistic Nightkin because his perk is mandatory
>Oh and if you let your companions die then everyone dies
>You didn't want your stimpaks anyways, did you?
>Welcome to Dead Money, the DLC where everything's fucked up and the chips don't matter
>By the way, the air around you is full of menstrual blood
>Now you too can experience what it was like to get gassed to death in a concentration camp!
I mean, story's cool and all but I don't know what kind of fucking drugs they were on when they made this. I wanted to do Honest Hearts first, and at least the weight limit isn't crippling. Dead Money is the most anti-fun bullshit in the game, and the story isn't going to excuse it no matter how good it is. I can get through it, it's just infuriating is all. If you don't think that they made several poor design choices then you're talking out of your ass. And I'll excuse it, because it's JUST the first DLC. One of them has gotta be shit, so probably this one.
>Did you like having fun?
>Well just to make sure, we're going to remove all your hard-earned items
>Oh and here's your complimentary bomb collar
>If you don't listen to Hitler he'll kill you because why not
>Have fun navigating through some of the world's worst level design
>Radios are for cool people, it's not our fault they make you blow up
>Did we mention you can't kill anything unless you sever a limb?
>You're also not allowed to have money
>Instead you can use these whacky casino chips to buy only a few useful things at vending machines
>But you won't get anything good until you find the proper recipes
>If you don't like Melee or Energy weapons you can go fuck yourself with a rake
>Basically you're going to start the game over from scratch and you're gonna like it
>We hope you enjoy spending time with an autistic Nightkin because his perk is mandatory
>Oh and if you let your companions die then everyone dies
>You didn't want your stimpaks anyways, did you?
>Welcome to Dead Money, the DLC where everything's fucked up and the chips don't matter
>By the way, the air around you is full of menstrual blood
>Now you too can experience what it was like to get gassed to death in a concentration camp!
I mean, story's cool and all but I don't know what kind of fucking drugs they were on when they made this. I wanted to do Honest Hearts first, and at least the weight limit isn't crippling. Dead Money is the most anti-fun bullshit in the game, and the story isn't going to excuse it no matter how good it is. I can get through it, it's just infuriating is all. If you don't think that they made several poor design choices then you're talking out of your ass. And I'll excuse it, because it's JUST the first DLC. One of them has gotta be shit, so probably this one.