Betheseda's claims 111,000 lines of dialogue for FO4

There's the generic dialogue as well, I doubt the writing is any good since they think quantity over quality is the right way which would likely be voiced by the same 10 voice actors.
I'd be interested to hear the opinions of Bethesda voice actors some day. Obviously right now they're just happy to be paid, but it'd be funny if they're just thinking to themselves, wow, these idiots are paying me to say all of this crap in the same voice, and people actually enjoy this, and continuously pay for it?
Also, Mercenaries 2 was supposed to be about something other than explosions?

Actually, there was a stunning lack of explosions in Mercenaries 2.

They fucked up the various artillery and air strikes, replaced all the varied missions with races and time trials and generally missed the mark with everything that made the first game so fun.

So of course the trailers were all "ignore the lack of fun, have some scripted exploossssssions"
Someone should make a poll to see how many people agree/disagree that voice acting in Bethesda games suck, like the voice actor who voiced Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim. That was horrid, I have been reading other people's comments from around the web that think the Fallout 4 male protagonist sounds like an asshole.
In addition to the voiced protagonist, I've just not liked the approach they've used with marketing the game, from day 1. I dislike the picture of the power armor in the garage and the german shepherd by its side, which they use on Fallout 4's official site, because to me it screams "Look! Power armor, wasteland garage, dog. It's Fallout! Welcome home! Then the ending to the debut trailer with the protagonist walking down a stretch of road alongside the dog companion is just Bethesda riding directly on the coat tails of Fallout 3. I've yet to see anything remarkably original - like the ranger combat armor, securitrons, etc. that also keeps in tone with the core spirit of Fallout.

And then removal of skills, a large number of ranked perks, no limit to SPECIAL - it's something Todd and Emil would do, but not what an RPG developer such as Obsidian would ever consider.
The marketing for Fallout 4 pisses me off.

It's amounted to basically going "Fallout 4: We know you'll buy it"

There's a reason people like to see gameplay footage of their games and not just brief montages of action.

You can make any game look good when you just cherry-pick memorable stuff out of it.

Not to mention that people have been burned by Bethesda so many times.

Radiant AI, Soil Erosion, Over 200 Endings and yet, they don't demand more out of these developers?

When will people learn that even if you like something, you can point out the bullshit?

Geez, it's like some sort of not-quite-so-horrifying early version of some dystopian novel.
The marketing is certainly obscure. It shows nothing but montages which is disappointing because it gives us little information. No wonder we're negative about it.
The marketing is certainly obscure. It shows nothing but montages which is disappointing because it gives us little information. No wonder we're negative about it.
Well, not really. The plot, gameplay, mechanics are seen, both through casual viewing and pausing the video(s). Negativity should be directed at that where it's due.
Seems with every Bethesda release the games become more of an action/adventure than an rpg. Also, I find it annoying that the bethtards cream all over the place with every little insignificant piece of news. How the hell can anyone view "Not saying anything about the story" as a good thing after Fallout 3?
Same reason people still pre order games even after the Arkham Knight fiasco. They are idiots.

The real test of consumer idiocy will be the result of the Deus Ex "Augument your preorder" campaign. If they pull it off, we truly know that all hope is lost.