Will there be a giant humanoid something, and what will it be?


For hate's sake.
Staff member
Board Cop oTO
We all know that Bethesda loves them some giant humanoids. Akulakhan, Mehrunes Dagon, Liberty Prime, the giants.
So what do you think, will there be something large and bipedal in Fallout 4? And what will it be? A superduperuber mutant, a rebuilt Liberty Prime, a giant synth, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?
It's sad that no matter how ridiculous the suggestion, it's actually entirely possible Bethesda might try it.
Please guys, don't make me feel any worse than I already do about this game.
I am sure Liberty Prime will show up again, even if this thing should remain completely broken, because there is no way in hell that the BOS could fix this piece of crap without any significant industrial infrastructure.
It can't just be put together with pieces of scrap metal and recovered electronics and sensors, it requires custom made components such as engines, joints and so on.
Please guys, don't make me feel any worse than I already do about this game.
I am sure Liberty Prime will show up again, even if this thing should remain completely broken, because there is no way in hell that the BOS could fix this piece of crap without any significant industrial infrastructure.
It can't just be put together with pieces of scrap metal and recovered electronics and sensors, it requires custom made components such as engines, joints and so on.

You can make advanced, military grade laser tech with spoons and toys.

Point made.
Please guys, don't make me feel any worse than I already do about this game.
I am sure Liberty Prime will show up again, even if this thing should remain completely broken, because there is no way in hell that the BOS could fix this piece of crap without any significant industrial infrastructure.
It can't just be put together with pieces of scrap metal and recovered electronics and sensors, it requires custom made components such as engines, joints and so on.

What are you talking about Dutch Ghost, we all know just a bunch of analogue cameras will fix it in no time.
I'm sure they slap something in there. Super Mutant Behemoths show up, but much like the Super Mutants in FO4, they look vastly different from the FO3 ones.
Maybe a transformer, a legendary towering behemoth, a mutated whale, mutated dragon. Who knows how unoriginal they'll get.
Speaking of original ideas, I thought the reference on the Museum of Freedom mural to a conflict on the moon was quite neat.