It Wandered In From the Wastes

Okay, looking back at Fallout 3, thanks to the points raised, I think it is safe to say that it most likely shouldn't not be considered the best Fallout game, though for what its worth, I still enjoyed my experience with it.
Despite this, I still feel that people (no-one in this thread) go a little over the top with what they say regarding Fallout 3. Alas what has done, has been done.
Fallout 4 is right around the corner and what I don't want is the same people who complain about Fallout 3 to complain - in as much sincerity and detail - about Fallout 4.
Enjoy it for what it's worth, an open world shooter (with what looks to be, a far greater combat system) with basic RPG elements.
It's not the end of the world. Don't take it too seriously, don't get so frustrated.
Why should we just "enjoy it"? If the product is trash, then it should be admonished!