Wily, answer me this, how is Tenpenny rich? How did he get from Great Britain to Washington after the Apocalypse? How does Tenpenny tower maintain it's status? How does he lead an extravagant life?
Also if you just wipe Caesar out and never talk to him.... how the fuck do you expect to get his traits? Do you want the game to magically transfer them to you if you don't put the effort into hearing the characters? Or do you only want stereotypes that you can define in a sentence?
1 to your 5?
Let's see:
Arcade Gannon: Cynical, Idealist, Sarcastic, self deprecating, smart, insecure, observant, opinionated, outspoken.
Raul: Sarcastic, Cynical, smart, old, Has a very rich history, suicidal, handy with tools, crackshot.
Cass: Alcoholic, Patriotic, Cynical, agressive, foul mouthed, idealistic.
Caesar: Charismatic, smart, hypocrite, flexible, educated, observant, cunning, ruthless.
Colonel Hsu: Experienced, great leader, Very empathic, patriotic, patient, reasonable.
Vulpes Inculta: Sneaky, cunning, charismatic, ruthless, very eager to play dirty, resourceful.
Joshua Graham: Conflicted, violent, repentant, a man of faith with all the good and bad that carries, charismatic, unflexible, stubborn.
Christine: Pideful, devoted to her cause, stubborn, resentful, smart, clausthrophobic, deadly.
Hell let's compare the Doges, Rex: Old, experienced, smart (By Roxie's account he is apparently a very well spoken and charismatic dog), hates rats and hats, perceptive, a relic of the old world.