Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

Wily, answer me this, how is Tenpenny rich? How did he get from Great Britain to Washington after the Apocalypse? How does Tenpenny tower maintain it's status? How does he lead an extravagant life?

Also if you just wipe Caesar out and never talk to him.... how the fuck do you expect to get his traits? Do you want the game to magically transfer them to you if you don't put the effort into hearing the characters? Or do you only want stereotypes that you can define in a sentence?
1 to your 5?
Let's see:
Arcade Gannon: Cynical, Idealist, Sarcastic, self deprecating, smart, insecure, observant, opinionated, outspoken.
Raul: Sarcastic, Cynical, smart, old, Has a very rich history, suicidal, handy with tools, crackshot.
Cass: Alcoholic, Patriotic, Cynical, agressive, foul mouthed, idealistic.
Caesar: Charismatic, smart, hypocrite, flexible, educated, observant, cunning, ruthless.
Colonel Hsu: Experienced, great leader, Very empathic, patriotic, patient, reasonable.
Vulpes Inculta: Sneaky, cunning, charismatic, ruthless, very eager to play dirty, resourceful.
Joshua Graham: Conflicted, violent, repentant, a man of faith with all the good and bad that carries, charismatic, unflexible, stubborn.
Christine: Pideful, devoted to her cause, stubborn, resentful, smart, clausthrophobic, deadly.
Hell let's compare the Doges, Rex: Old, experienced, smart (By Roxie's account he is apparently a very well spoken and charismatic dog), hates rats and hats, perceptive, a relic of the old world.

You remember there is a group called ncr and if you side with them then the Legion is your enemy so why let him have a big base there and if you get Boone as a companion even more of a reason to wipe ceaser out and at the end you just get a bunch of loot
Because the game supports multiple playthgourghs where you can side with the Legion? Did you only play the game once and didn't even know that?
Of course I've played nv many times but I choose not to help the legion because I don't l just don't like em and it's not like I miss out because they're plenty of mods that give the game great stuff
So, you don't engage them in dialogue and are not even interested in doign so, yet you are trying to tell someone they are wrong about the character of Caesar, great logic there.
Willy, by not ever siding with Caesars legion you basically don't know what half the game is about. You only played a part of what Fallout New Vegas had to offer. This is just one of the reasons why Fallout New Vegas is just so much better than Failout 3, it gives you choice and if you decide to make it, you will be rewarded. Side with NCR, Legion, House or yourself? Right there you get 4 interesting stories for the price of one. On the other hand Fallout 3 has only one storyline which is bland and boring.
From the short amount of time that I have browsed this forum all that I can see are people either talking-shit about Bethesda's Fallout games or people talking shit about the "old, boring turn-based" games.


I have played both the original Fallout games and the modern ones and have enjoyed them both very much - somewhat equally.

Please can someone tell me that I'm not the only one?!

FO3 is a good game on its own merit, but it starts off in the hole (so to speak), for having soiled the franchise; and its own merit cannot lift it out of the red. Imagine if GTA6 was a Duke Nukem Manhattan Project clone... It can be a good game, and offer an good time, but that's not what GTA is about, nor likely to be what series fans will appreciate ~and hell no if it is that as the official GTA6. With Bethesda and their take on Fallout, it is the reverse of this, and they go to great lengths (hopefully unaware, and unintentional) to insult the fanbase by further degenerating the IP, and estranging it from its roots.. ever on their path to refining it into an utter servility simulator ~post apocalypse edition; to go alongside their high fantasy edition.
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From the short amount of time that I have browsed this forum all that I can see are people either talking-shit about Bethesda's Fallout games or people talking shit about the "old, boring turn-based" games.


I have played both the original Fallout games and the modern ones and have enjoyed them both very much - somewhat equally.

Please can someone tell me that I'm not the only one?!

FO3 is a good game on its own merit, but it starts off in the hole (so to speak), for having soiled the franchise; and its own merit cannot lift it out of the red. Imagine if GTA6 was a Duke Nukem Manhattan Project clone... It can be a good game, and offer an good time, but that's not what GTA is about, nor likely to be what series fans will appreciate ~and hell no if it is that as the official GTA6. With Bethesda and their take on Fallout, it is the reverse of this, and they go to great lengths (hopefully unaware, and unintentional) to insult the fanbase by further degenerating the IP, and estranging it from its roots.. ever on their path to refining it into an utter servility simulator ~post apocalypse edition; to go alongside their high fantasy edition.

Very good response, points well stated.

This reminds me of the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. When "Nuts and Bolts" was released, it was too different a game than the original Banjo-Kazooie Games - yet on it's own would be a very passable, fun game to play, but the fact that Banjo-Kazooie is slapped on it, people hate it as it's too far removed from the franchise.

Perhaps this was an obscure analogy but I believe this is somewhat true in the same regard for Fallout 3... right?
Perhaps this was an obscure analogy but I believe this is somewhat true in the same regard for Fallout 3... right?
I think that the contention is the name alone. If they had pushed it out as an official spin off, then it would have been its own thing using the Fallout universe, and not occupy a seat not its own, in a numbered series that it has almost no relation to.

As it is, FO3 is like part three in a triptych art piece... but something is clearly very wrong about it.

I like the originals and New Vegas. I think that's enough of a middle ground.

Edit: Okay reasons for disliking Fallout 3

Terrible writting everywhere.
Linear plot.
Bland Companion characters.
Only 3 endings without settlement specific endings of any kind.
Very low variety of weapons, which makes anything that isn't Energy Weapons unviable, thus it's also a poorly balanced system.
You can max out everything without needing 50 levels.
Awful gun feel and sound.
Poorly designed world that is more interested in the visuals rather than giving them subtance.
Shitty "Damage Resistance" system.
VATS is brokn as hell making you only receive 10% damage.
Breaks lore consistently and is weirdly obssessed with the war despite it being set 200 years after it.

Fallout 4:
Dumbed down TO HELL levelign system that barely even resembles an rpg and doesn't allow players to either fail or take any risks. All levels of Special, even level 1 gives them perks, thus LEVEL 0 works more like LEvel 5. Which is just stupid.

Immortal Companions.

No level cap so it's completely devoid of balance.

Voiced protagonist greatly reduces the Role Playing aspect of creatign a character.

Hard Locked dialogue choices at a time, with 2 word summaries of each.

Obvious aping of Mass Effect,down to even having companion romances.

The dumbing down of Special and the dialogue system combined have basically stripped all RPG from this.

Even Pokemon has more hardcore RPG Mechanics....

Both Combined:
They are childish power fantasies.
I have to agree with you there man. Let's hope Obsidian makes another Fallout. Hopefully this time they put Fallout 5 or Fallout whatever in the Midwest or the Southeast like Florida or Georgia.
You guys forget the greatness of the modding community and all the really hard work that they put into what they do. I garuntee you that if their is an aspect of the game you don't like someone has already made a mod for it. And I'm done with arguing we already found the answer you don't like both games and I do.
Not a whole lot mods can do for core fundamental issues like shitty story, dialogue, or interaction.

That and deliberately half-assing a project (or excusing such) merely because there are others out there willing and able to clean up the mess left behind, well, that's just not a good precedent to set in general.
I have to agree with you there man. Let's hope Obsidian makes another Fallout. Hopefully this time they put Fallout 5 or Fallout whatever in the Midwest or the Southeast like Florida or Georgia.

I think Sawyer has said that if he got another shot at making a Fallout game he'd like to make one that's someplace close by the Mojave, both because it will allow them to comment on NV, and because he thinks there are a lot of neat places in that part of the world.
I have to agree with you there man. Let's hope Obsidian makes another Fallout. Hopefully this time they put Fallout 5 or Fallout whatever in the Midwest or the Southeast like Florida or Georgia.

I think Sawyer has said that if he got another shot at making a Fallout game he'd like to make one that's someplace close by the Mojave, both because it will allow them to comment on NV, and because he thinks there are a lot of neat places in that part of the world.

Sometimes variation is overrated, and I am indeed curious about that story, about "the core region", the nations there, what will happen. With so much emotion invested, over time, in the growth and development of NCR, and the fate of the associated towns, like Arroyo, Vault City and Hub, I really could care veeery little about new stories about the Commonwealth or New England or whatever. Nothing against those locations in themselves, it's just an irrelevant change of scenery - to me.
You guys forget the greatness of the modding community and all the really hard work that they put into what they do.

Man, I can't get enough of them nude mods. Now if somebody made a mod that would give me a sexy follower with big boobs that would stick her finger up my ass and rotate it counterclockwise (I hate clockwise) while giving me a blowjob every time I kill 10 super mutants, then that would be all nice and swell. Oh and those other mods that fix Bethesdas crap are good too.
There is not enough modding in the world to fix the complete removal of skills, because they would need to redesign and rewrite basically the entire game.

Also, people shouldn't need mods to geta good game,they should be getting that when they pay 60 dollars.
Lol some of you are such a joke I bet it's so fun to hang out with you such killer people at parties... have fun being the kid with no social capabilities outside the Internet
Lol some of you are such a joke I bet it's so fun to hang out with you such killer people at parties... have fun being the kid with no social capabilities outside the Internet

You must be so smart and socially well-adjusted to fling insults at people. I bet you make your elders proud.
And I would rather go to party with people who know what good entertainment is, instead of ones who just need some flashy lights and loud music to occupy their entire night.
Lol some of you are such a joke I bet it's so fun to hang out with you such killer people at parties... have fun being the kid with no social capabilities outside the Internet

I blame the awesomeness that is Fallout 3 for that.