Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

They know most people will buy it no matter what, so why show off shit that people might not like. They can buy it then find out they hate it.
I do feel like this is a "Damned if you do damned if you don't situation", on one hand if you show the gameplay it could show something people really want until they play the game and realize "Why the hell does the gameplay not match up?". On the other hand if you show nothing some people get irritated by being in the dark or know what they plan on purchasing.
I wonder how far Bethesda could truly devolve and simplify their games before even their fanboys know something is up. I hear that new Minecraft game is just a bunch of quicktime events that go through eventually regardless of player input, essentially meaning the game plays itself. And there are still some fans of that series defending it.

But since the modern fanbase likes walking simulation and shooting things to 50s music, I bet they could strip out a perk system and copy/paste a single pre-war facility and a good chunk of the Bethdrones wouldn't be phased.
This trailer sucks, like others said it's just jerking off to how kewl the main character is. And I thought it would reveal more about the story.
I hear that new Minecraft game is just a bunch of quicktime events that go through eventually regardless of player input, essentially meaning the game plays itself.
Well, it's a Telltale "game", they're more like interactive cinematic experiences than they are games. I enjoy their stuff for the stories they produce, not because I find them to be good games, because they aren't. They're not even games.
I actually like that mostly everything about the game will be a surprise to us

I actually like to know if it their quests have choices and concequences or if skills change the dialogue or if there will be quality writing (this time).

To make it simple, what its qualities as RPG are. I mean than at least there would be a basis for some talk and speculation.

I mean imagine we would be talking about a racing game where they havn't shown us the cars, how they drive and what the driving mechanics are and just assume that it's awesome because of the cinematic trailer they have shown.
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I actually like that mostly everything about the game will be a surprise to us

I actually like to know if it their quests have choices and concequences or if skills change the dialogue or if there will be quality writing (this time).

Looking at how they gutted RPG mechanics, I don't think so. I mean, why would they make the game idiot proof and then actually bother with good writing? Choices and consequences are already out of the question if we look at the idiot-proof philosophy at work. Maybe they'll surprise us and deliver quality dialogue and story, but I won't hold my breath.



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I love how Bethesda failed to learn that not every post apocalyptic location has to be a desert. I kind of give DC a pass because of it being pulverized by bombs, but this is a location that His Holiness Howard said was only struck by one bomb, and it wasn't even a direct hit! It's been 200 years, shouldn't their be some green in that area other than a swamp? Maybe I'm wrong, is their evidence that desertification happens after nuclear exchange? I mean look at Pripyat, that shit is green man, and theirs radioactivity all over that place.
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So.... October and we still know absolutely NOTHING about the setting, all their marketing has shown is the KEWL GUNFIGHTSSSSS! By this point with New Vegas we already knew the two major factions, how they looked and what made them different. With 4 we only have more and more action oriented trailers.... Fallout has really turned into "That wacky game where you shoot things to the tune of old music".
Maybe I'm wrong, is their evidence that desertification happens after nuclear exchange? I mean look at Pripyat, that shit is green man, and theirs radioactivity all over that place.

Dude, apples to oranges. The radioactive Fallout in "the zone" was pretty much nothing compared to what a nuclear war would cause. Also, nuclear winter.
But the point itself is right, there should be more green. I mean, back in California they were growing stuff for a long time now.
Maybe I'm wrong, is their evidence that desertification happens after nuclear exchange? I mean look at Pripyat, that shit is green man, and theirs radioactivity all over that place.

Dude, apples to oranges. The radioactive Fallout in "the zone" was pretty much nothing compared to what a nuclear war would cause. Also, nuclear winter.
But the point itself is right, there should be more green. I mean, back in California they were growing stuff for a long time now.
Fair enough, yeah I mean come on, the fact that they don't care enough to get that right when they live on the friggin' east coast, but who knows. They haven't shown us any gameplay other than a "stroll" to boston so maybe only a small part of the map is desert. Don't hold much hope for that though.
I actually like that mostly everything about the game will be a surprise to us

They also like making lot of money off pre-orders. Yet they're showing practically zero RPG elements in all their marketing.

The only logical expalnation for not letting people know that you did something well is... that you didn't really do it so well.

That, or Bethesda is just retarded at marketing. Which we know they are not.